Take a look Ive posted once with not much of a responce however this and 2 other items were found metal detecting in Italy a month ago in a lost city. I was only lucky enough to search for 45 Min's and got 3 nice hits when everyone wanted 2 leave crazy huh?With best intentions to return 2 the site before leaving Italy got tied up searching an old castle and finding 8 old coppers JACKPOT all I could think was holy crap what a vacation best ever!Don't get me wrong been on some great hunts me and my girl friend have found large cents,old coppers, gold rings not 2 mention relics and more change then I can remember but this was our best yet.Anyway this button or coin was found outside the wall of a famous lost city and appears to be solid gold underneath the crust does have some lettering in the crown but hard 2 make out looks Italian not knowing is killing me so help out also have gold medal and some type musket shot from this site I'll post later this is a tuff ID good luck!