Button or old coin found in europe!!


Jr. Member
Jul 2, 2008
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Golden Thread
Take a look Ive posted once with not much of a responce however this and 2 other items were found metal detecting in Italy a month ago in a lost city. I was only lucky enough to search for 45 Min's and got 3 nice hits when everyone wanted 2 leave crazy huh?With best intentions to return 2 the site before leaving Italy got tied up searching an old castle and finding 8 old coppers JACKPOT all I could think was holy crap what a vacation best ever!Don't get me wrong been on some great hunts me and my girl friend have found large cents,old coppers, gold rings not 2 mention relics and more change then I can remember but this was our best yet.Anyway this button or coin was found outside the wall of a famous lost city and appears to be solid gold underneath the crust does have some lettering in the crown but hard 2 make out looks Italian not knowing is killing me so help out also have gold medal and some type musket shot from this site I'll post later this is a tuff ID good luck!


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Firstly its not solid Gold. It may have been gilt at one point.

Its a mid-Victorian (1850s)ish Livery Button used on the servants coats of a wealthy family.

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actually ive testest it with an acid test it is gold as far as the date who knows but this was found at a lost city might not be as old but finding it there sure makes it sweet.

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Teeenbean said:
actually ive testest it with an acid test it is gold as far as the date who knows but this was found at a lost city might not be as old but finding it there sure makes it sweet.

With the greatest respect, if that is a solid Gold livery button then it needs publishing as it would be the first of its kind. You therefore would have an extremely rare (or some like to say Unique-to-date) button.

I would like to see a picture of the back & is there any details on it?

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Here are some close ups could any tips on cleaning this up electrolosis maybe currently ive been soaking it in water and as u can see its flaking off and looks to be in good shape under neath its gonna take a while at this rate.Im gonna have a better quality test performed on this before I get 2 excited.


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Teeenbean said:
Here are some close ups could any tips on cleaning this up electrolosis maybe currently ive been soaking it in water and as u can see its flaking off and looks to be in good shape under neath its gonna take a while at this rate.Im gonna have a better quality test performed on this before I get 2 excited.

LEAVE IT AS-IS - It looks great.

There's your answer. Solid gold doesn't need cleaning, its inert & doesn't oxidize over time (see my 2000 gold coin which I rinsed under the tap).

The gold colour is from where the shank recently broke off showing the true metal colour (most likely brass).

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Ya might be right about it being brass well see however gold doesn't always come out the ground clean and ready 2 go most older stuff thats been in the ground a while will form a crust that requires eletrolosis kinda like what we have here mostly hear about it from coins salvaged from ocean they dont just come up all clean most require attention also I look up the livery buttons from 1800s they are irish and most of them seem to be nothing like this and are smaller with more lettering just a whole differnent style of button anyway it is what it is im happy and thanks for ya help.

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Teeenbean said:
Ya might be right about it being brass well see however gold doesn't always come out the ground clean and ready 2 go most older stuff thats been in the ground a while will form a crust that requires eletrolosis kinda like what we have here mostly hear about it from coins salvaged from ocean they dont just come up all clean most require attention also I look up the livery buttons from 1800s they are irish and most of them seem to be nothing like this and are smaller with more lettering just a whole differnent style of button anyway it is what it is im happy and thanks for ya help.

Livery Buttons are found all across Europe. Lots in the UK, see below just some:

I have about 200.

Yours is slightly different from most, but not enough for it to be ruled out.

Because it has a crown on the top it probably belonged to a family which had blood ties with a Royal family. (like a duke or such)

Also now looking at the back I think it is late 18th century (1780-90s.)


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Teeenbean said:
detecting in Italy a month ago in a lost city.

If not the city, what region, and what is the biggest city nearest to the spot you were detecting.
Different parts of Italy belong to different governments and kings/rulers/dukes at different times in it history.
So a good basic location is a must if you want any more help.

Also About when did the city get lost? Why?
I have a feeling you were up around Venice, Milan, or Turin am I right?

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Since you don't want to help. I give you or somebody a head start. The coat of Arms has a French or English design, (Mainly French) and France ruled Italy I would say it is a French Family not Italian family coat of arms.

Time period: Napoleonic Wars (1796–1815)

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Italy had lots of different kings and seeing the history every where was just so tempting if your a detectorist hard to decide where your gonna search next really its paridise for the digger!Location was southern italy 30 mins 2 Pompe and after going to Pompe and seeing what was there and how close they had built the existing city of today right next to Pompe, it was then I realized they had much more city left 2 uncover and the whole region actually had potential for finding artifacts even older than Pompe and I couldn't sit still! heres some photos of the crown has some lettering looks Italian maybe a cresent moon on left.Some nice buttons Crusader where u find those europe great stuff.


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Okay, Kingdom of Naples still probity Napoleonic Wars (1796–1815) due to construction etc. I look for the family now I have a location.

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I'll find out the name of the city my father in law took me there with a few Friends and they all said that maybe the Romans defeated them that they we rent sure civitas maybe was the name but I'm sure there was fighting due 2 this 50 plus cal Black powder shot I found not far from the entrance but i was thinking maybe 1860 for this type shot not sure but its my first real bullet.


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Teeenbean said:
I'll find out the name of the city my father in law took me there with a few Friends and they all said that maybe the Romans defeated them that they we rent sure civitas maybe was the name but I'm sure there was fighting due 2 this 50 plus cal Black powder shot I found not far from the entrance but i was thinking maybe 1860 for this type shot not sure but its my first real bullet.
measure it, I will bet it 69 cal. French musket

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I found one old town outside of Naples:

Founded in 1752 round the monumental Palace, the old village of Caserta Vecchia of Lombard origin, built on a hill some ten kilometers from the present town, was gradually abandoned.

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CRUSADER - did that gold coin you found from 10 AD come out of the ground ready to go? :tongue3:

I think it's a ole' blazer button lost by another visitor to the lost city that's not very lost like 40 - 50 years ago.

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Yes it was great to have a chance 2 search a city that dates back 800 ad or more just sad I only was there for an hour at best with every intention of returning I ran outta time but in the short time I was there I was lucky enough 2 find the button,musket shot and medallion heres a pick of the medal its gonna be hard to put a date on it the city is so old it could be from any century care too guess? Just a hint of gold shows on overse where some of the crust flaked off it doesn't look like brass if you know what I mean might turn out 2 be the best of the litter!


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Chances are its from a kings blazer or Royalty for sure not likely its anyless than 150 years old your guess from 1790 was closer 40 50 years ago I dont think any kings were left anyway take the link 2 the city and you'll see it actually dates to 800 BC and might hold older treasure than my finds and might ease some of your scepticism.

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