But it appears the Lost Dutchman Mine never existed....


You wrote " BUT (and I've told it before) when I was young a very old man told me of his sheelite mine in those mtns., drew me a map and told me where the LDM was. Found his mine and the canyon where the LDM was supposed to be. "

Can you upload this map ? Maybe I can help you in some details .


I told this story on here before, but here goes. Jerry drew a map on a piece of paper, a friend and I(both hippies) went looking in a $200, 1961 Chevrolet sedan, I was about 19-20, we found Jerry's old mine(he was in his 70's then), found the other canyon where the LDM was supposed to be, could see a slide area I thought, didn't investigate it, never believed it, was heading for my 3rd year of geology and knew better, plus there were other places we wanted to go. Fast forward about 15 years, I went back to college, changed my major to history and graduated and became a teacher(science and history). Really nice young lady in my science class had a project to do for history and she picked LDM. Asked me for help. I had filed the map away with a couple of clippings, a fake tourist map I bought in Phoenix and I gave the file to her and told her to keep it. She did her report, got an A, I got a hug and I forgot about it. Now fast forward to this. The map is gone, and all I can remember is that their were three canyons, I think NE about a mile or so from Weaver's Needle and the sheelite mine was in the far right (3rd) canyon and the LDM was in the second one. They are not big, more like little draws, I went hiking with a lady friend I met on a trip to Europe who invited me to Chandler(she taught in Mesa or vice-versa)we hiked a bit out there, it is/was a government wilderness and she and I never gave a thought to looking for either mine. I never believed Jerry's stories of Apache guards working for the U.S. govt. wearing badges and watching over the gold. I was just a hill country Texas kid that lived for arrowheads, collected old colt pistols, quit killing animals and always had several jobs, good money in the bank and a big inheritance. I tried that gold mining stuff for 6 months once, nearly starved, froze to death and I think today's aches and pains are from that. Is there gold there? I doubt it, but I'm not the expert. Go there, ask a ranger for a map or sketch to the sheelite mine and go left one canyon. Those mines are shown today on topo maps and it isn't hard to find. We were stoked on Coors tall boys(we couldn't get it here in San Antonio then, had to drive 90 miles to Uvalde) and we found the mine. If you live near me, I'll meet you at the Broken Spoke in Austin and do my best to re-draw the map. Only thing I don't remember is what direction from the Needle. Sorry, but I think all of you guys are wasting your time. I won't argue about it and everyone can do as they wish. I am sort of retired, a tad crippled up and extremely lazy. Good luck on your hunt...


From your description of the map and from my investigation , I can to say how you had the key . But never mind . Maybe it was better if you had give more importance to this map . We must not reject any map , if don't investigate it first . In the most cases , we don't give much interest if something show very easy in the quest of a very important target , and this is the mistake .And this happen because many of us have a lot of suspiciousness about the maps authors . We believe how the authors have made the maps so as we not ever find the target . Is not truth . The maps have made to find the target . The only two things which must to do is to believe the clues who give us the authors , and to find the correct interpretation of the clues .

Have a nice day


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So in other words you did not have a map.

I'd like to see the proof that Waltz was ever at the Vulture mine. I'm sure there are some others that would be interested in seeing that evidence also. Thanks Travis

Proof? Who in the world believes any mathematician can produce proof that "Waltz" even existed, let alone prove where his gold ore came from?

So, no "thank you" from Roadrunner. Well, by the gods I will never waste another second answering any of his questions, nor read anything he has to say.


Exist many maps which have relation with LDM , and exist too , many evidences how Waltz existed . Enough to search in TN for relative threads .
And , for the prove where his gold came from , we continue the search .
Instead of " mathematician " , would be better if you wrote " magician " .


So, no "thank you" from Roadrunner. Well, by the gods I will never waste another second answering any of his questions, nor read anything he has to say.

I did say thank you.Read the posts before you talk.
Post number 18. I hope you find some gold so you can by some glasses.
If you need a ride to the optometrist. Ill drive.

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Gold in the Superior Area? I have been around Central Az for 70 Years. I have been succesful mining placer gold in several areas South of Hwy. 60 near Superior. In very wet years I have dredged placer gold, up to dwt. sized nuggets. Panned several ounces of small gold, 10 mesh and smaller over the years by working crevices and even found small nuggets with metal detectors. Gold can be found in a lot of areas south of Hwy. 60. No, it's not everywhere, however, it can be found in localized areas. While I have found a small amount of placer North of Hwy.60, I never found enough to get excited about until you get 10-12 miles north-east of Superior.

I am sending you a PM.
Maybe if your around this area we can meet up and go out.
I will do all the shoveling.

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