You've got to clue me in, what is a "floated" barrel?
floating, floated, float, are interchangeable depending upon the time frame reference intended.
NOTHING compares to the .45 Colt!
in terms of accuracy or reliability?
All you have to do is remember the design criteria for the M1911; In the Spanish American War, and the Philippine Insurrection, the soldiers were emptying their .38 revolvers into the enemy, only to have them keep coming. Here's what they wanted for the new sidearm;
That was the 38 so called long colt, underpowered compared to todays 38 spec.
If a man held his hand up at 50 yards, and was shot in the hand, he should be knocked down by the handshot! The .45ACP will do that! I have personally seen decapitations, and limb amputations with ONE SHOT!
See attachment
Now about reliability under fire; unless your ammunition is bad, or your weapon is broken, there is no way the wheel gun will not work (no jams, cook offs, magazine problems, etc).
I agree, I am strictly a wheel guy myself.
In carrying the .45 into combat in many different weather situations over 6 years, I have NEVER had one malfunction! They were so worn and used, when you shook them, they sounded like a metal bucket of bolts shaking. SEVEN safety features!*
So true, but accuracy suffers for it. But then they weren't designed for long range, but close in work, say 10 15 meters, under unbelievably dirty conditions, mud, rain, sand etc.etc.. My fav. wheel gun prob would not function reliably under the same conditions.
In reading the attachment pp2, pay attention to the Index regarding the Strasbourg test. This is how long it took goats to drop after being hit in the lung areas, equivalent to human reactions. I.E. how long he would be aggressive after being shot. The 45 acp gave him almost 14 secs to continue cutting or whatever on you before dropping. not nice, and this is for calm reactions, not bolstered by drugs or rage.
sorry if this doesn't jive with your fav tv or movie heros shooting the baddies hehehe.
Tropical Tramp Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha