Buckram on Jeapordy!


Bronze Member
Aug 2, 2004
Buckram should go on Jeapordy. He would have kicked ass on that guy Jennings who won for 2-3 months in a row. I could see it now:

Alex Trebeck: Final Jeapordy question is...

Buckram interupts: "What is the 1715 Fleet."

Alex (incredulous): I haven't asked the question yet, how could you..."

Buckram: Know the answer?

Alex: Yes, how could you know the answer, and stop completing my sentences.

etc, etc...

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My favorite episode of Jeopardy was shown on the sit-com CHEERS

The boring, know it all, barfly, Cliff Clayborn(the postman) somehow managed a spot on Jeopardy. Well of course this idiot had no chance of winning until Alex unveiled the categories. Cliff's face glowed when the following categories were announced.

The US Postal Service Stamps of the World Bar Trivia Mixed Drinks Male Sexual Disorders

Cliff of course totally wiped out the competition and in true Cliff Clayborn style blew it all away on the final Jeopardy question.


Cool Cheers story. By the way, it's very hard to get on those shows, even if you pass the screening. My brother called in and aced the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" test and once he passed that they tell you it's a random selection over the next few days you might get a call, but he never did.

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