Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed Id dig something this rare!


Jr. Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Hey guys!
My friend and I were digging a Confederate camp that seems to be early war. My buddy managed a really awesome Va button. A couple hours later I got a sweet +74 on the MXT. Thinking it was a penny (it sounded like it was only about 2" down), I went to digging. There were no house sites in the area, and this was an isolated signal in the middle of some really old hardwoods. I'd dug a couple nails close by also. I got down to 4" and realized this was not the 2" Penny I thought it was gonna be. I kept on going, and at about 6" I turned over this plate. It's a Buchanan/Breckenridge Presidential Campaign stamp from 1856. I believe it is made of pewter...not positive, but I think so.
It measures 56mm X 45mm and is 4mm thick (about 2 1/8" X 1 3/4").
On the face is "The Constitution", and near the top it states "Buchanan" and "Breckenridge". Buchanan was our 15th President, and Breckenridge was his Vice President. So far no one has ever seen one before! I'm super excited to have dug this! You just never know do ya!!
Thanks for looking!
Tony "cumberlandgray" Hochstetler


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Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Congrats on the Banner find :icon_thumleft: not bad at all ,real history :thumbsup: Dd60

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

That is hands down the coolest find I have seen on this forum. There have been lot's of nice pieces of history, very valuable finds etc, but NOTHING as unique as that. Nice find.

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Amazing find. Congrats on banner.

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Amazing find! Congrat's on the banner. :icon_thumright:

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

I joined Cumberland on this dig and have reached out to the experts. None have come across one of these, which makes it one of a kind thus far. The curator at "President James Buchanan's Wheatland" in Lancaster has asked if we'd be willing to donate it.

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this ra

" Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!"

You never do, it just happens! :thumbsup:

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

I cant even imagine finding something that awesome !!!
Congrats on the banner !!

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Just and idea........

if you do end up donating this item, you should go to a hobby store and buy some of that molding compound that is rubbery, and make a mold of this piece. You could then replicate the item in resin so you would always have a replica.


Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this ra

Let's ink it and press it. Nice piece. Who would ever believe that would come out of the ground. Way to go. The reverse image helps see it.


Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this ra

ONE OF A KIND!! Gotta be banner!

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

:icon_thumright: I`m in tears :icon_thumleft:
Nice piece of history.
Just a guess but did you find it in Ohio?


Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Absolutely amazing. great find and congrats on making the banner. Dean

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

B|lker said:
:icon_thumright: I`m in tears :icon_thumleft:
Nice piece of history.
Just a guess but did you find it in Ohio?


It was found at a Confederate camp that sat along the railroad tracks near Richmond. Not sure if a train factors into this. We've found a few Union items out there but 98% Confederate. Can't begin to speculate what this dye plate was doing among all the bullets, I's, C's, A's, locals, etc., but interested in your theories. Congrats again to Cumberland for this fantastic find!

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

What an awesome and rare find...Please keep us posted with any updates with the who, when, what, and $$$.....

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

That is one amazing find, just incredible

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

Fantastic, congrats on a rare find. :thumbsup:

Re: Buchanan and Breckenridge Die Stamp! Never guessed I'd dig something this rare!

If it is "one of a kind" then you know it's the same exact die that made that campaign ribbon and not "one like it"...which is friggin cool.

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