May 10, 2014
Canyon Lake, Texas
Detector(s) used
Garrett Treasure Ace 350; Garrett AT Pro,
Garrett Pro Pointer x3
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I really haven't got a clue as to what this could be. The outer part with the two rivets are brass and the other parts are metal, but Im not sure what kind, and they appear to have been painted. On the underside there is a strip of metal that looks like it was attached to the two "rivots" at each end..Maybe something electrical? or Maybe a "reed" or part of a musical instrument?? I am clueless.... Thank YOU all again for your help..
photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 4 (1).JPG

In the last photo, it looks as though there is some lettering on the center strip ..Is that the case?

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Maybe a early pick up on a electric or steel guitar :dontknow: I'm only going by what the shape looks like. Is that a coil of light gauge wire looped around the center piece?

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That sure is a stumper. Looks like it could be an accent light housing, but I see nothing that would indicate it ever had any means of hooking up to electricity. What is the material in the center of it that is being held in by the strap and the two rivets? Also, since there are no screw holes on the front of the piece, it had to have clipped onto something from the back perhaps. its rather ornate, which indicates to me that it was meant to be seen as part of something. I'm going to guess: Could it be a bumper to a case or trunk, or chest? Maybe there was rubber molded around that center steel piece, and the whole thing was held in place by the rivets and metal strip. the rubber would have protruded through the openings in the shell. The rivets most-likely attached it onto the shell of the bag, or trunk. If it was natural rubber, and from early 1900's, it definitely could have rotted away, leaving what we see now.


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ALL of the comments and ideas are wonderful! I am going to break out my 40x loupe and give it a much closer look, in an attempt to answer the good questions asked. I will agree that there does appear to be some writing on the strip of metal on the underside and IT DOES look like the oval piece inside the case has a definite "striated" appearance. It just might be wound small wire?? Could this maybe be some sort of an early coil?? You guys have GREAT EYES!! I am going to try and take some much more detailed and close up pics. If I am successful, I will post them with what I find out. Thank Ya'll so much for the help!..........stay tuned......!

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ALL of the comments and ideas are wonderful! I am going to break out my 40x loupe and give it a much closer look, in an attempt to answer the good questions asked. I will agree that there does appear to be some writing on the strip of metal on the underside and IT DOES look like the oval piece inside the case has a definite "striated" appearance. It just might be wound small wire?? Could this maybe be some sort of an early coil?? You guys have GREAT EYES!! I am going to try and take some much more detailed and close up pics. If I am successful, I will post them with what I find out. Thank Ya'll so much for the help!..........stay tuned......!

That "striated" material could be wrought iron, Dave. Depending on how it was forged, wrought iron pieces will decay like that.

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