Box of coins from the town dump?


Bronze Member
Aug 13, 2008
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This is a strange one... in my town we have what you call a "town dump". Mostly just a place to throw out your trash but they also have a place where people leave stuff that you just pick up if you want it. Can be interesting place to find old electronics and books. But yesterday I grabbed a box and it had that distinctive sound all CRH know, loose coins. I open it up and to my surprise look what I saw - sadly no silver but still worth quite a few bucks!

Maine Jim

box of coins from dump.jpg

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This is a strange one... in my town we have what you call a "town dump". Mostly just a place to throw out your trash but they also have a place where people put leave stuff that you just pick up if you want it. Can be interesting place to find old electronics and books. But yesterday I grabbed a box and it had that distinctive sound all CRH know, loose coins. I open it up and to my surprise look what I saw - sadly no silver but still worth quite a few bucks!

Maine Jim

View attachment 1300479

Looks like more then a few bucks

You are living in a rich town!

Wow M-J, that is awesome!
My town in ME. used to have what they called the "Reuse pile" or Pick Pile" My best score was a plastic baggy with a gold class ring , from my town school, 2 silver rings and a pair of silver necklaces. I could not believe anyone would throw that away. Now the "pile" is gone and everything goes into the hoper to get compacted then sent away, who knows how many finds like yours or mine end up burnt or buried.

That's astounding!

As for the compactors, they're having to go that route to keep people from digging and potentially getting injured...and then suing! It's a sad, sad world in which we live! If the people that scam and sue would just try, they'd probably get more out of digging than through making lawyers richer with the lawsuits!

I've had a few other coin finds there. Once I scored an Indian Cent collection that was nice. It had most the coins but the true key dates. They were in a box with a "coin board" for Indian Cents. All were pulled from circulation and most the coins were in the bottom of the box along with a bunch of kids books from the 1930's and some old fashioned New Year's Eve sound makers. Another find was a modern silver commemorative dollar in the original government packaging. And yes the town is a bit rich though there are a lot of old "townies" still holding on. The taxes are ridiculous...

Maine Jim

Since we as a nation & globally have become recycle people, think about all the recycle items (glass, metals, PM's, etc) that have filled & covered over within the past 100-200 years. Years from now there will be a reality show about tunnel diggers finding all sorts of GOOD STUFF and becoming rich doing it.

Final count on the box. I gave the coins a quick rinse then down to the bank to run through the sorter. Got $7 in Canadian dollars -($5.42) and $36.51 from the sorter. About another 25 miscellaneous foreign coins, nothing exciting there so $41.93 for ten minutes at the sorter. Never know where the treasure will appear.


Hey Jim nice to see you, must be nice to have enough money to throw out dirty money huh, who does that?:icon_scratch: Nice score! HH, Maverick.

Hey Maverick, I'm still around just not as much as I used to be. The halves have become elusive with mostly empty boxes. Maybe when silver goes over $25 again things will pickup here. To many searchers though in my area to sustain the hobby at the level I used to be at!


Wow, why would someone just throw that out? Doesn't take much effort to run it through the coin counter at the grovery store...

Wow, why would someone just throw that out? Doesn't take much effort to run it through the coin counter at the grovery store...

For the same reason some people throw out items that are so new they still have their price tag hanging from the item -- -- -- they're too lazy to, and/or they simply don't care.

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