BountyHunter vs Ace 350

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for christmas this last december * after being elected to be the president of our local area metal detecting club -- I showed folks at the club all about the "AMAZING' machine that while it was basically a 3 tone machine -- one tone only in all metal -- mid and high tone in "tone mode (no iron) and up to 3 tones availble in disc mode (low, mid and high tone) depending upon how low or high you set its disc level up to -- (with a fairly useless meter on it why only god knows--its the only flawed part of it in my veiw) once properly adjusted the machine could in most cases tell the differance between a pulltab and a gold ring --something many high dollar detectors can not do * --this "AWESOME' MACHINES NAME --

none other than the "old school" two knob and 3 position toggle switch -- about $100 to $130 (depending upon where you get it at )--TRACKER IV -- i think many folks were deeply surprized once they found out what they thought of as a 'low end machine" could do in skilled hands .

its was all a matter of setting up the disc level to the proper setting in disc mode * -- depending on the type of tab it often did not detect it at all or it came in sort of "broken" or crackly sounding --where the gold ring "pinged' soundly and crisply -- while its not 100% fool proof (no machine is) a large % of tabs could be picked off this way -- cutting way down on useless digging of many pulltabs --thus increasing the good possible target % of targets dug.

as I often say -- just like buying a high dollar race car , will not make you a skilled race car driver --- buying a high dollar detector will not instantly turn you into a skilled detectorist. -- it takes both time and effort to aquire the skills to get good with and to fully understand your machine and what its trying to tell you. -- some folks want to "short cut' the learning curve , these folks tend to normally rapidly fall out of the hobby once they find out it actually requires a bit of effort to make good finds on a steady basis .

( haved used a lot of BH products in the past -- and with the buying out of fisher and with the teknetic line that FTP is putting out -- there is somehing for everyone at differant "price levels" the T2 and F 75 (fisher and teknetic lines are far from beginner level products and are not "cheap detectors" by any means ) -- frankly one of my favorite current detectors that i use is a teknetic's delta 4000 -- i also have a "time ranger' (got it when they closed out the model line at a deep discount) and a tracker IV -- i also have a ace 250 -- frankly speaking in my veiw the delta 4000 * at $279 is a better buy than the ace 250 at $212 --for the $67 dollar differance you get 99 numbers vs 12 blocks to help id your find --so a 8 numbers per 1 block ratio -- which do you think will sort 'finer' thus allowing you to a high % to figger out whats treasure (dig) and whats trash (don't dig) ?

I just though you were exsissive in your defence of the Bountyhunter 505 when you said "i don`t think many people (like you ) know detectors as well as i do as i`t been my hobby and full time job for decades" and "where did you work as a dealer and what was the name" and "sounds like you have an axe to grind and give poor advice" and "sandman sorry you don`t know any better"
Those kind of statements were exissive and demanding. Sandman bends over backwards to help the people here to understand thier metel detectors better and is a good man.
In your defence i know you don`t wear panties and are not a newbie. IN the Light of day im sorry and think you are a GOOD FRONT MAN for FTP and Apologize for saying you weren`t.
First Texas fixed, and retuned and, put a new coil on my Fisher CZ6a now i thought about sending to nasa Tom, but i sent it to FT and Wow what a great job they did ( i dont know the techs name that did the work on my CZ6a) but my CZ works better that it did new i think that tech (Super Tuned) it and for that thank you. Please tell the CZ tech that i said he maybe better than nasa Tom IMO.
I think TreasureNet is a great place to get the truth out and for that i thank them Now lets all try to get along.
Thanks Gary G.A.P.metal

What Ivan says is true about the Tracker. The skill is in the hands of the user.

Many Bounty Hunters are just sold in big box stores by clerks that have no idea what metal detecting is all about so the customer is left on his own to use improper techniques to get the coin out of the grass at the local park. This causes damage from holes left uncovered which gets many parks and other grounds off limits to detectors. In effect, First Texas is shooting itself in the foot with its marketing. Much better to sell them at detector dealers where customers get first hand knowledge on its use. Newbies should always try to buy from a local dealer if possible. This also saves UPS from tossing the box around and breaking it or leaving it at someone else's porch. New comers don't know if the new detector is working properly and could spend months swinging a POS. Having Mike @ FTP admit in a previous thread that FT had received compontants that weren't up to spec was also scary as one wonders then how many were shipped to newbies. But this stuff happens in manufacturing. Local dealers are able to assemble and test detectors for the customer, but not at big box stores like Wally World. There you buy it, take it to a park and destroy the grounds for a few cents and return the "defective detector."

Sandman :coffee2:

Sorry I started this post, :BangHead: Sandman I got my 505 from Kellyco not WalMart MIKE send me a F5 to test out LOL ;D ;D ;D

lost hunter said:
Sorry I started this post, :BangHead: Sandman I got my 505 from Kellyco not WalMart MIKE send me a F5 to test out LOL ;D ;D ;D
This is Oldsalty19, Lost Hunter is my best friend and I own a Garrett Ace 350...I love them all :BangHead:

lost hunter said:
Sorry I started this post, :BangHead: Sandman I got my 505 from Kellyco not WalMart MIKE send me a F5 to test out LOL ;D ;D ;D

Lost Hunter, I meant lots of customers buy BH's from big box stores like "Wally World" and get no help in its use. Glad you get to play with the F5 so you can compare them. Everyone should live near a place where they can handle the newer detectors to see what they like or don't like. For example the zero motion all metal is a plus on the 505. :thumbsup:
Myself I am playing with a F75 now and like it except the look of the fish bone coil. But hey, thats just how it looks to me and has no baring on how good it works.

the automatic ground balance feature on the 505 * hopefully should help out with the minerialized soil issues in your area I hope. -- some folks who buy "high dollar" machines with lots of extra bells and whistles tend to "under rate" the bounty hunter line --but for many folks there all they need * and if one takes ones time to really "learn" them the upper end machines of the bounty hunter line can be quite good -- heck even the old "TRACKER IV" in the right hands can preform well. (for its "class"-- of lower end price point type detectors )---just as in cars you would not expect a $10,000 car to be the same as a $50,000 car ---why would you expect a $100 detector to be the same as a $500 one? -- they are totally differant "classes" --but if you just need basic transportation "car" a $10, 000 one will do it , just like a $50,000 will.

Thank you Ivan for your reply, Also would like to thank Sandman & Mike. I only been at this for a short time, 61 years old and a newbee Lol, The first few times I used it seemed to work just fine, but I was laid up in the hospital for awhile and when I was able to get back out it started acting up, silver was iron 2'' was 6'' iron was silver and so on, so now I just have to wait for the factory to send it back. I don't know what the turn around time is for repairsI might be 62 when I get it back :icon_scratch:[size=11pt][/size]

Hey losthunter
It won`t take that long,i had to send in my Fisher CZ6a last summer to FT and had it back in 2 weeks so hang in there and it will come back as good as new
Gary G.A.P.metal

You can also get a good used unit at a very good price, a pawn shop close to me has a MXT for $375. Lots of people never get good enough with a detector to find enough good stuff for it to be fun and sell it, its going to be awhile to get the hang of any detector and if you think the first or second time out your going to score some nice finds, then your setting yourself up to be disappointed. That being said most detectorist that have used good quality detectors will see the bounty hunters as toy detectors, and if you don't end up liking the resell value of the bounty hunter is going to be next to nothing but on the other hand a used MXT at $375 that is taken care of can be sold without a loss and maybe even gain some. Not trying to knock your choice but if I had started out with a bounty hunter I'm not sure that I would have had enough good finds to have enough fun to still be in the hobby now. HH

When living on a fixed income you do what you got to do, :BangHead: Someday I may upgrade to a better unit. Mines on it's way back from the factory Had a bad coil. As far as resale I have lots of grandkids :headbang: that will injoy the hobby, I hope. I don't know of any pawn shops around here. I did see a Fisher CZ7a on craigslist for $200.00 but it's gone

mine is the best it gets 40 mpg (of iced tea )

I went to Kellyco and did the side by side comparison it seemed that the Bounty Hunter Pioneer had better specs and more settings. I ended up getting the Pioneer 505 Pro. I am quite please with it I found a 1964 dime and a 1964 half my first time out. It said silver 4" I made the plug put in my BH pin pointer and the dime was there. For the 1/2 it said again silver 6" and it was on point. I like it I use to detect when I was younger with an old MICRONTA 3001from Radio Shack and this is a major upgrade. For beginners I think it is a smart buy $349 with 2 coils the 8" and 4" and the metal detecting and treasure hunting accessory kit makes it a great buy.

About that cars metaphor, I had a Honda civic when I fist started driving. It was cheap but did the same job as my over priced 328i it got me to work and home, yeah the Honda didn't talk to me but that doesn't make a car better.

I love my Honda and my 505, because they work for what I needed and didn't cost me an arm or a leg.

Ok, I was comparing the two, and wanted some input in a different post. Being a realist with a family to take care of I have to be careful what I spend and was looking at the 350 and the 505 to replace my 12-14 year old BH Quick Draw II as an upgrade. The QD has been a work horse and still works fine but I really want some more bells and whistles. Maybe I should just stick with the Quick Draw till it finally breaks down beside the road like my vehicles....LOL. I am headed to Kellyco this weekend (I hope) as the Winter Garden store is only an hour away from the land of Mickey Mouse.

I had the 505 liked it Has 5 yr warranty cheaper to upgrade with different coils lighter than the 350 Since your going to Kellyco check out their scratch & dent

One of the first detectors i owned "many years ago" was a bounty hunter red barron, and i have owned a couple bounty hunter metal detectors since then, and let me share something with you that i learned along the way. I have owned a lot of the major brands since then such as fisher, whites, garrett, and let me tell you that i like them all. I like all metal detectors "it's my favorite hobby", the detector that i have been using most in the last few years is an f70, "I like it" " it suits my relic hunting pretty good",( i have swung it alot) With that said i want to get serious for just a minute, anybody who badmouths bounty hunter metal detectors do not know what they are talking about. "period",. the modern-day bounty hunters i have bought in the last few years do not go as deep as my f70, or my vaquero, and i am sure not as deep as the $2000 machines, but they do not miss by much, but you know what? the bounty hunters are the most honest detectors i have ever used, "meaning their disc. is the best i have ever used", i have never had a bounty hunter lie to me, "most detectors lie alot", even the more expensive ones. I realy like the bounty hunters for their disc. honesty

I hunt with a guy that uses a sharp shooter 2 and im not impressed with it at all...yes it does find coins but it also finds alot of junk and the pin point really stinks doesnt false near as much as my ace 350 but i check his so called good targets to find them iron or nails ....and i did snipe a barber dime from the same place he had just swung over ...i will stick with the ace 350 until i can swing a minelab

I hunt with a guy that uses a sharp shooter 2 and im not impressed with it at all...yes it does find coins but it also finds alot of junk and the pin point really stinks doesnt false near as much as my ace 350 but i check his so called good targets to find them iron or nails ....and i did snipe a barber dime from the same place he had just swung over ...i will stick with the ace 350 until i can swing a minelab

i don't have any experience with a sharpshooter 2 or an ace 350, so i can not speak to either, most of my experience is with older bounty hunters that were a lot better than what most modern day detectorist would like you to believe "for whatever reason". also i hope you the best of luck with the minelab of your choice, i understand they are quality detectors. For myself i will probably stick with first texas products and tesoro, my next purchase to go along with my f70 and vaquero will probably be a G2. i may one day experiment with a xterra 705.

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