Nice coin Jim, you get some good buys -
Thanks FFD!
I have spent the last 9 years or so developing good relationships with some of the local coin dealers. The main few that I deal with regularly treat me like a fellow coin dealer with respect to selling me stuff at prices close to (and sometimes) below wholesale, because then they don't have to ship it and I pay in cash so they get their $$$ right away.
After I gave up CRHing a few years ago I put the extra time and addiction into learning the markets with respect to the stuff I was interested in. I am not meaning to brag, but I feel I know more than all the guys I deal with (on the coins I am in to) when it comes to the various spreads, what is trending now and what might be trending in the future, what ebay is paying, etc. Also, I know which type of metals each dealer is "weak" on and which ones they aren't. Although I don't do this often, I have sometimes discovered arbitrage scenarios where I could buy from one local dealer on an item and go sell it to another for a profit. This really only applied to gold (old US gold) or platinum coins due to the higher values. I could do it on silver coins and have, but for a $10 or $20 profit it is not worth running all over town.
Also, some don't do ebay (which is really dumb for a major coin shop) so they either retail the coins in their shop or wholesale them. Right now the wholesale and ebay prices for some coins are quite far apart (like those 2oz Lunars I mentioned below), that is how I can get them fairly cheap because they charge me what another dealer will pay them for the same thing. That John Lennon coin sat in a display case for a while with a $65 price tag. I told the guy "hey I'll give you $50 for it, halfway BS'ing, and he said OK it's yours. I don't know what he paid for it, but as much as I like they guy I would not sell him a thing because he pays crap for stuff, that is how he can make money flipping it instead of having to get retail. I can also get good foreign silver coins from him because he focuses on the popular stuff for his shop, like ASEs, Maples, etc. Really cool Canadian, UK and such (often sterling silver coins) must bring crap on wholesale because I can sometimes get those close to melt, even though on ebay some sell for 2 to 4 times their silver content.
But all the good things I just mentioned work in reverse for selling the semi numismatic stuff at the local stores. For example, the few 2 oz type 1 Australian silver Lunars I have (Rooster, Pig, Goat, Tiger, etc) that I got fairly cheap a while ago won't bring much locally. The tiger (2007) sells for over 300 recently on ebay, my local guys offered around 100 to 125 when I inquired recently to see what they would pay, so I will have to sell to a private person or ebay to really do well on that, even though I paid less than they offered me. So my places are great for buying but I need a different outlet to sell to make some $$$.