Bronze Member
lol... The whole discussion on about KT going to Oak Island was as pirates.. They even claimed the KT "may have" originated the skull and crossbones. Pirates were not nice guys..
Where did the treasure come from? It was not there's was it? They stole it. No one just handed them the artifacts to take home...
They we armed church mercenaries fighting an invasion on foreign lands... What do you think they were doing there?
I will look for a source when I get a chance but was reading it a while ago (few seasons) when they first started with their whacko theories.
What do you think they were doing. Protecting caravans with prayers?
The most that can be said is that were not as bad as some of the other Knights that were there....
So you have less evidence for your statement then us "wacko's" who think the Knight Templars visited Oak Island!
Cheers, loki