What I said was the Beale was used for a second layer and operation, relating to the "unfinished cipher" of the ERE FENN DUE RED KNEE text strand that was found by running the Beale Cipher 2 through backwards....the KGC were not bound by a single thought of corruption, and the Beale held numerous ciphers and laid out their plan.
So here the Beale was used as a template that other ciphers were crafted around.
My "preposterous" theory, is sitting on the photo in plain sight, deriving a location " N 10 Miles, Otay Rd., Montvale, Luv Beverly "
There is that strange hint about the evidence showing this very "LUV BEVERLY" statement related to "James Beverly Ward"....and is the clue to show the book codes are used from the DOI in the Beale, to crack this cipher card, as well as hinting at similar treasure maps to locations that are coded.
The Beale was finished in layer one, leaving a single area, but it talked about their being another message passed on, at a later time.....this card I believe is that message...
So it all is finally being seen as the pieces are matched to their corresponding identities.
1) Beale was crafted as a Template with one translated cipher and two unfinished ones. No evidence could be found to translate them as of this date, to lead to a supposed trove.
2) Beale leads to the mining operations out west and correlates to the maps of the Peralta Stones, and the KGC operations in Arizona, and the Apache/Dine/Hopi Removal Plans. Reavis arrested and the 30 men murdered to cover their trail.
3) Beale was created with the talk of a second location, as well as a second correspondence to be arriving at a later time for the use of the "Red Knee", or Wounded Knee Mining Operations in the South Dakota Black Hills
4) Beale C2 was solved, but when run backwards, it revealed a single phrase, and a strand of an Alphabet, which master cryptographers say was intentional but had no value in the codes at that time, as no variables would produce clear plaintext
5) Beale then was later used as a template, as instructed, to create a use for the Black Hills deposits in the hills a few dozen miles from Bedford
N 10 Miles,
Otay Rd.,
Luv Beverly
Leads right to a place called the "Acadia" Forrest in Virginia