The woman who ran Bigfoot Encounters(Bobbie Short)passed away last year. I never met her, but emailed with her. She told me she lived in Texas back in the day and would meet people who had experienced sightings, but never told anyone about it. She said many don't report sightings because they were afraid of being ridiculed. She also said that most sightings were accidents. I happened to live in the apt. above retired Sheriff Kenneth Kelly of Uvalde County, Texas. We talked about his career. I asked him once if anybody in the county had ever reported a 6-9 foot hairy creature. He said, "yes, many times".
Now, I don't know what we saw that night in 1973, but I must admit I really am not a believer. I have camped in the woods of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas and have never seen anything unusual. But I'm no expert and could easily be wrong. Quien sabe?