Bigfoot anyone encounter the creature when detecting?

To the person that keeps talking about everyone having a camera and taking pics. They’re thousands of pics and videos if u look for them and some are pretty dang clear like that one you can see scars and ticks on it thru the hair. Again I’ve never seen one I live in the boondocks 42 mile round trip to nearest gallon of milk for sale. I’m out here with nature not living in some subdivision where u can’t even see the stars at night. I’d imagine if u did see something like that the shot of adrenaline and fear u would feel getting a camera out would be last thing on your mind.

I live in the sticks in south east Kentucky when u step out my door it’s 20 miles in each direction of mountains and timber. I’ve lived here all my life I know all the animals and the sounds they can make but some nights when sitting on the porch after dark I’ve heard sounds that no shit sounded like Tarzan. I’ve personally never seen a BF but how hard would it be to hide from a human that’s coming thru the woods? 90% of us is on an atv or walking,coughing,sneezing making all kinds of racket all u would have to do is hide behind a tree or lay down till we pass by and then go on about your business. One time I was ginseng digging and I had something yell at me that was so loud you could feel the sound hit u but that’s a long story but idk anything around here that could do that. Every black bear I’ve encountered turn and get out of dodge quickly. So all I know is high strangeness does happen.
Set up a decent HD game camera, and dump a gal of apple juice in front of it's view.

Set up a decent HD game camera, and dump a gal of apple juice in front of it's view.
Sure. But if Bigfoot is good at hiding. he would laugh at your feeble attempts!
Apple juice? shi.... brah... He likes Makers mark!!

Catching Bigfoot on camera would be easy if you trick the Sasquatch.
Get a buddy to come over and walk out in the woods with a jar of sardines and peanut butter.
Have a prescripted conversation about how you love and respect nature and would never consider spying on the animals with cameras.
The Sasquatch will hear and see you.
Leave the jar behind with the lid off.
Park your octocopter up at 1500ft with a decent DSLR attached.
You'll get all sorts of things on camera then, even the hairy Sasquatch.
It works.
I haven't seen one, but I've smelled one and you'll know when they are near, because an unnatural silence will fall over the forest.
Try it!

Sure. But if Bigfoot is good at hiding. he would laugh at your feeble attempts!
Apple juice? shi.... brah... He likes Makers mark!!
If BF exists then they are so good at hiding that people have to hoax them into existence.

If BF exists, and likes Makers Mark then they have great taste. But how the heck do they get their hands on it other than raiding a well stocked summer cabin.

If BF exists then they are so good at hiding that people have to hoax them into existence.

If BF exists, and likes Makers Mark then they have great taste. But how the heck do they get their hands on it other than raiding a well stocked summer cabin.
Good point on how the squatch would get the booze.
If they were real, there would be one stuffed and standing in some dudes game room. 😂
I don't drink, but if I did, that would be a capital offense based off what I know about most drunks. 😂

To the person that keeps talking about everyone having a camera and taking pics. They’re thousands of pics and videos if u look for them and some are pretty dang clear like that one you can see scars and ticks on it thru the hair. Again I’ve never seen one I live in the boondocks 42 mile round trip to nearest gallon of milk for sale. I’m out here with nature not living in some subdivision where u can’t even see the stars at night. I’d imagine if u did see something like that the shot of adrenaline and fear u would feel getting a camera out would be last thing on your mind.
post some for us

Just google Melissa Hovey’s pic and Bigfoot throws tree at loggers, don’t look at nothing with finding Bigfoot or discovery channel associated stuff
I remember seeing that video of the big guy tossing that tree!
Very impressive!
And, VERY believable!

When it comes to the USA I'm going to say there is no such creature. Far too many people out and about, hunters, hikers, campers all kinds of people. Yet there are no bones found, never one killed or captured. It's said to be a huge creature and it would most definitely leave remains behind. Now you can say there's lots of land for it to hide in that's all great and dandy but people claim to see it so you'd expect it is around where humans are therefore remains should be found. They find the remains of the much smaller human many many many years later but you can't find any of this larger creature? Yes we do discover new creatures but it often small critters and insects or small isolated medium sized mammals. It's all fun stories but yeah this creature doesn't exist here in the USA at least. Believe what you want though it doesn't hurt me or affect me lol.

When it comes to the USA I'm going to say there is no such creature. Far too many people out and about, hunters, hikers, campers all kinds of people. Yet there are no bones found, never one killed or captured. It's said to be a huge creature and it would most definitely leave remains behind. Now you can say there's lots of land for it to hide in that's all great and dandy but people claim to see it so you'd expect it is around where humans are therefore remains should be found. They find the remains of the much smaller human many many many years later but you can't find any of this larger creature? Yes we do discover new creatures but it often small critters and insects or small isolated medium sized mammals. It's all fun stories but yeah this creature doesn't exist here in the USA at least. Believe what you want though it doesn't hurt me or affect me lol.
You just need to hear the BF Samurai chant, or Japanese gibberish audio evidence.

Then this making sense will be knocked out of you.

When it comes to the USA I'm going to say there is no such creature. Far too many people out and about, hunters, hikers, campers all kinds of people. Yet there are no bones found, never one killed or captured. It's said to be a huge creature and it would most definitely leave remains behind. Now you can say there's lots of land for it to hide in that's all great and dandy but people claim to see it so you'd expect it is around where humans are therefore remains should be found. They find the remains of the much smaller human many many many years later but you can't find any of this larger creature? Yes we do discover new creatures but it often small critters and insects or small isolated medium sized mammals. It's all fun stories but yeah this creature doesn't exist here in the USA at least. Believe what you want though it doesn't hurt me or affect me lol.
add to that, there is no fossil record either.

I remember seeing that video of the big guy tossing that tree!
Very impressive!
And, VERY believable!
I believe Thinker Thunker did a good review of the short video
You just need to hear the BF Samurai chant, or Japanese gibberish audio evidence.

Then this making sense will be knocked out of you.
The audio that I've heard over many videos - is that there are many ways they talk, and yes, gibberish..., but,there's a commonality of each "language" ....a time and place to use it, I guess.
The conditions of when and where it was recorded too,- ideally. All would add validity.
And THEN the sounds will become...,
analyzable !

Photographic proof that big foot exist.

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