
Jan 1, 2015
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Orange Park, Fl
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
White's DFX 950/White's Bullseye pinpointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Howdy T-netters! Great day at the fort site today. No, awesome day at the fort site today! I did make videos with my phone while on site, but Bergie and I decided that a couple of the finds were so significant that the videos could give off grid coordinates and compromise our site. After all, Bergie got SPECIAL permission and people may come in by boat and steal our thunder or try to get our hunting put to a cease fire because of the GOLD.

So, the day got started on a bad note as my pin pointer fell out of my pouch. After a 50 yard backtrack I recovered it. Thank you Jesus! Here is the order of my damage today with the coins found, in order of recovery:



(1) 1786 2 reale, Mexico mint, M I assayer
(2) 1783 1 reale, Mexico mint, F F assayer
(3) 1807 8 escudo, Mexico mint, T H assayer
(4) 1793 2 escudo, Spain mint, M F assayer

Keep in mind, the last time I was there I found a 1783 1/2 escudo and folks told me there was probably more gold there. Now I am a believer. Probably still some more.
The other finds include some rusty thing which looks like a wrench, but did they have wrenches like that 200 years ago. Doubt it! I'd appreciate input on that item. Also some other shard of rusty metal, an old .45 caliber casing, a fishing sinker that has a number 2, and a piece of lead that could be a very fubar musket ball. I don't know what kicked my tail the worse today: the terrain or the adrenaline of the excitement of my best gold finds ever! Man I'm worn out. Wish I could flaunt the videos. Enjoy the pics! HH!

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Upvote 91
Wow, five gold coins since March...I'd say you're on a hot streak. Those are some mighty fine coins!

I wasn't really that surprise about the Spanish gold, except for the 8 escudo. Never seen one of those. I would assume an officer's pay might be gold, but gee wizz, who exactly gets that much at once. The small golds from my hunt a coupe months ago were really a surprise since I'm not expecting American gold. Life is just full of surprises. Liberty gold is more expected out West.

All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That is a day I can only dream about!!!!!:occasion14:

Good Lord, what great finds! Once you're done with that site, and every chirp dug, I wanna see a video! OR--take a camera next time that ISNT your phone lol. Congrats!


WE need better photo's.

Clearly a BANNER day.

That big 8 looks huge! Whats its size & weight?

Hey hey hey, glorious golden shekels you've got there! You're killing it man, absolutely awesome finds, hope you can dig some more!


AMAZING FINDS! Banner all day long!!!

Congrats on some spectacular finds from a very special site. I would love to see better photos of the coins and next time you go out and want to video your hunt you can turn off the locating feature on your phone and it won't record the GPS coordinates.

I hope that you didn't already give too much information about your site. Some treasure hunters are crazy and will go to some extreme measures to have the opportunity to find gold coins like that.

That was one heck of a day detecting for sure! Congrats on your big Silver and Gold! My vote is in too! :icon_thumleft:

Absolutely incredible Bill!! I can't recall seeing a 2 escudo posted before, much less an eight. Those are just a couple of mind-blowing finds. However, you need to take some hi-res pics with a better camera and in the proper light to give these coins the attention they deserve.

You've quite a site going there..my vote is in,who knows,you may dig another banner vote from me.:laughing7:

GOD Bless


That's amazing, (2) Spanish GOLD and (2) Spanish SILVER. They must have been shooting them out of their cannons at the that fort as many as you have plucked off that site so far. I'm a little surprised you're not finding more buttons and musketballs.

Military sites can be the best places to find gold, since the payrolls were often in gold.

That's amazing, (2) Spanish GOLD and (2) Spanish SILVER. They must have been shooting them out of their cannons at the that fort as many as you have plucked off that site so far. I'm a little surprised you're not finding more buttons and musketballs.

Military sites can be the best places to find gold, since the payrolls were often in gold.

With that site so close to water lots of things have seeped lower than usual. Because of the depth and angle of the 1 reale I almost went by it. The 2 escudo was in 3 feet of water. It was a very lucky day. Anything Bergie and I find is just gravy compared to what archeologists found.

Congratulations on the beautiful multi-coin finds. :notworthy:

Holy moly. Nice finds. Thats incredible.

Man, that 8 escudos is worth thousands of dollars, definitely worth putting in the time to determine accurate weight and size. Did your friend Bergie find anything out about the copper ring? I noticed in other threads you referred to another friend as "Bertie", wondering if it's the same friend. Also, I can see why you'd want to keep this site a secret, you might want to remove the name of this site from your profile page.

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