Better coin find from my first area using an Etrac.


Bronze Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bloomington Indiana
Detector(s) used
E-TRAC & TESORO GOLDEN SABRE II---ETRAC COILS :SEF 10x12, SEF 6x8, X-5, Detech 8" concentric, ,--- TESORO COILS- 12x10 TOOLS: Lesche, Profind 25, Garrett Propointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Better coin finds from yard I've been hunting with my Minelab Etrac. I put the nicer coins together for a pic, not shown are the several wheat cents I found. I've decided this is the best yard I've ever hunted for the amount of time spent searching it. This is the first area I have ever used the Etrac on!


I have no regrets with the Etrac, that's for sure!

After a few hours with your E, I would like to hear your impressions of the strengths/weaknesses of both E and Sovy, seeing that you run both. Tell us what kinds of hunts/terrain/targets you would used each for and why. I have been running my E for 2 years now, love it, but miss the finer quality tones of a "tones-only" machine.
Just recieved my Excal for water and have a Sovy coming in a couple of weeks to round out the stable. I find the E very capable, able to punch through most anything but sheet metal, but I am de-generating into a "meter-watcher" to determine whether to dig...a slippery slope of reliance on target ID, not a good state to find one's self in if seeking the deeper goodies. thanks

I dig anything repeatable that has a good "ring' to it...besides I have a UK 180 meter on my Sov.
After a few hours with your E, I would like to hear your impressions of the strengths/weaknesses of both E and Sovy, seeing that you run both. Tell us what kinds of hunts/terrain/targets you would used each for and why. I have been running my E for 2 years now, love it, but miss the finer quality tones of a "tones-only" machine.
Just recieved my Excal for water and have a Sovy coming in a couple of weeks to round out the stable. I find the E very capable, able to punch through most anything but sheet metal, but I am de-generating into a "meter-watcher" to determine whether to dig...a slippery slope of reliance on target ID, not a good state to find one's self in if seeking the deeper goodies. thanks

T:icon_thumright:HANKS FOR THE LIKES!

Thanks! I'm going to a park that I hunted with a White's 4900 (my first detector) back in 1993. The park dates to 1923. It's loaded with minerals cinders hot rocks etc. I put several days in at that park with that Whites and found: one wheat cent, one Indian Head and a Barber dime. The Barber dime would barely pick up at 2 inches in the ground! I'm hoping that the Etrac with the 6x8 coil will be able to eek out a couple old coins. Just going for a short bit today, but plan on hunting the park longer on Saturday....not getting my hopes up, but if there have been no Minelabs in that park maybe there is something left missed by the other detectorists(there usually is). Thanks for the "likes"everyone, I think I have started off with a bang with the Etrac. This park will only be the second place I've searched with this detector. If it's productive at all I may try out the Sovereign GT there as well. Might try to get a pic of the place today to post...
wow you are kicking butt with that! congrats

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Well ....have spent 7+ hours in that park and the only old coin I have found is a 1928 Wheat. LOTS of deep rusty-rusty nails. I am amazed that there are virtually no coins with all the deep junk I've found. This was about the same result i had 20 years ago in that park. Time to get back to door knocking at old houses!

There is no better sound then that of the Flute the Minelabs make when they hit SILVER.....these machines really hit on silver coins

Nice finds Sov.......gotta love private properties that were never hit.

There is no better sound then that of the Flute the Minelabs make when they hit SILVER.....these machines really hit on silver coins

Nice finds Sov.......gotta love private properties that were never hit.

U just know when u got silver in an undug hole when that minelab sings.

Unless it's a nail :laughing7: Still looking for some more un-hunted property. Have permission from a landlord to hunt 15 of his yards. Some are really old 19th century houses. The first property has yielded an 1891, 1899 IH's and 3 wheats. Hoping some of the others have not been hunted ...bad thing about prominent old houses: someone may have been there before and gotten the easy targets.
U just know when u got silver in an undug hole when that minelab sings.

Thanks! haven't done so well lately have hit 3 virtually dead yards. Got spoiled by the finds from this one!

Awesome spot man. Id love it if u checked out some of my finds from my favorite spots. tons of silver coin finds. If u like it, plz subscribe

I'll check it out!
Awesome spot man. Id love it if u checked out some of my finds from my favorite spots. tons of silver coin finds. If u like it, plz subscribe

So ...not much luck in the last month or so. A few old finds here and there but sparse. Hit several old yards mostly with the 6x8. If there are coins left they've got to be deep so gonna try to make myself stay with the 10x12 to check for deep stuff...we shall see.

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