Best reasonably priced detector?



I have a desperate question. A year ago, I lost a diamond earring (VERY sentimental) on the grounds where my aunt's house stands (who passed away a year and a half ago). My cousin has not paid the taxes on the house and despite my offer of help, he refuses to pay the taxes. No one has occupied the premises since she passed away. The property is to be auctioned off VERY SOON by the city. I have gone back periodically to search for my earring but I had twins just after I lost it and have not had much time to search. Now, after rains, etc. I imagine I will need a detector. But which should I buy? The earring is a gold post stud like this one:

The square footage of the property is about 4000 square feet. It could have also fallen while my cousin walked me through two old sheds located on the property.
Is there any special detector that will specifically find only gold and diamond? Thanks for any guidance you can give me.

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Don't buy a detector just to find one earriing. It's not too likely you would find it anyway if you aren't familliar with the machine.

Try to find out if there is a metal detecting club in your area, I'll bet somebody from the club would be willing to look for it if you let them keep any coins etc. they find.

Good luck.

I think if I was going to buy right now I would go with the Ace 250 from Kellyco. Seems like a lot of people on here have them and speak highly of them.

We have members all over the US, I'm sure someone would be willing to help! Unfortunately, you can't buy experience I'm in Tampa Fla if you are close, I will try to find it at no charge! omnicognic 8)

That sounds like good advice. The property is located in central Texas. Anyone willing to try is welcome to keep what they find. I would imagine that there is quite a cache there since it was built by my great grandfather in the late 1800's. How would I go about finding such a club? Thanks.

My suggestion would be :
1. Give your location and I'm sure there's someone nearby on this forum that would be happy to look for it
2. Contact a club in your area and there would also be someone willing to help you. Here's a link

If your set on buying a detector you will be spending at least $200.00 and for a good one that is designed basically for gold around $500.00. There are no diamond detectors. I'm sure you could find someone who would be happy to help you.

Best of luck


Damsel in distress in central Texas!

help said:
That sounds like good advice. The property is located in central Texas. Anyone willing to try is welcome to keep what they find. I would imagine that there is quite a cache there since it was built by my great grandfather in the late 1800's. How would I go about finding such a club? Thanks.

We got lots of folks in central texas!

I'd do it for free if I lived in Texas... I'm sure you will find somebody...

Do you have the other earring still? If so it can be used to discriminate out other items so it will be easier to find.

Good Luck & Keep Us Posted! :)

I live in central Texas and would be glad to help although I haven't been MD very long. I'll send you a PM with some contact info. The link to the clubs at Lost Treasure will get you info on a club in Austin. To improve your chances to find it you should get experienced people and maybe more than one. Some people find what others miss.

You would need a really sensitive detector to small gold items. It takes alot of skill to find a target that small in the ground. Dfx mxt would handle the job if you have the skill. Best bet save your money. Contact the club and ask for a skilled detectorist with a high end machine to come and look for it. They will probably need to bring a few detectors and scan the one you have to learn the tone sum. Also they will need to check the disc on the machine and crank up the sensitivity on the machine. Even then it's a tuff task. You may need to go with a strictly a gold detector to find it.

That earing in the ground will read like a nail or foil on a detector. So if there's alot of trash and nails around it could be a real headache.

Wish you luck. Just some of what I know in the search and recovery.


Yesterday I found a Paper STAPLE with My Sovereign at about 1" deep,(just a Guess on depth.) with a 15" WOT COIL on.

? So, It Can be done.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?GOOD LUCK
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jeff

Buy the GARRETT ACE 250....... Since you have the other earring you can set the detector to look only for the lost one.....instruction on how to do it are pretty will mean less digging for you and a better chance to find the missing one..... 8) 8) 8)

youre going to need someone with a pretty nice detector and a lot of experience. something that small will be very hard to locate and take quite a bit of time unless they have a good detector possibly with a tiny coil for gold nugget hunting. For an estimate a bb will probably be easier to find then your diamond stud. I assume you have the other one and thats the picture. That will help a pro find it easier and all you need to give him is permission to hunt the area and I guarantee you will have people chomping at the bit to do it.... One important thing is how long ago you lost it. If it was somewhat recently you may just have a chance, if it is a trashy area then you absolutely will need professional or two and a nice Detector. If you are dead set on finding it yourself I know of one budget detector that comes with a bonus tiny coil for gold nuggets and the like. I saw it at walmart and it usually costs around $200-280 I think, then you could return it if you dont get addicted! OR you could get the ace250 and maybe even the extra small extra $ coil, you will still only be at about $240. But again I agree with the others on here you should surely contact a club and ask for a couple of guys with a detector that can find tiny gold objects (or give a closer estimate of where you are) and maybe you will get lucky on this forum. Dont hesitate to trust a metal detectorist, almost all the people with the drive and determination and back muscles to do a hobby/sport such as this are pretty cool honest people. Good luck, emc

to answer the question u r asking - i own an ace 250 - that is very sensitive and has a duplicate feature that is put on there for that reason finding the other half of a pair of something - most likely jewelry (sp) - however it seems time is of the essence - so i would take the advice of some of the peeps on this site and get some help - 4000 sq is allot - i am not saying its impossible - but with sentimental value involved - it may be worth it - hope u find it - LeftyBassPlayer

An inexperienced detectorist could spend a week searching 4000sq.ft. and still not find it.I would recommend the same as others on here,find a local or semi-local detectorist.Tell them all you want is the earring,let them keep anything else.I don't know of anyone that would turn down an older homesite to detect,if given the chance.Speaking for myself and i'm sure many others,you wouldn't even have to offer a reward.If you get ahold of anyone tell them to bring thier friends,the more help the better.I wish you were in Fl.,i'd be there.Good luck,I hope you find the earring,it is possible.Keep us posted.

I live in north central Texas, about 60 miles north of Dallas and would be glad to help if your not too far away. I have even recovered an earing almost identical to yours before. I use the earing you still have to set my detector to only find items with the same reading. I used a Whites Spectrum with the standard 9.5 inch coil and had no problem finding it. The only trash you will find is foil and small bits of aluminum when the detector is set properly. Also won't work if the grass is to high.

I would not recommend buying a detector from Wally World...

If you're set on buying one, get the ACE 250... you can buy it on ebay for $200 with free shipping, and right now they are selling for about $180-$190 used...
(don't ask me why anyone would pay that much for a used one when they could spend a few more dollars and get a new one with a warranty... not the sharpest knives in the drawer)

You'd never get that much back on an el-cheapo Wal-mart special...


What city is the ear ring lost in? I'm in the Dallas area and have 2 high end detectors and would be glad to help you at no charge if your not too far away...

Send me an email or PM if you don't want the info on the message boards...

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