BEST OF 2014: Starting with my Coins


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Eastern Shore of Maryland
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro w/DD coil.
also, still have a Fisher F2
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hey all,
Since I'm NEW here, I'm not quite sure if this is the best place to post this. I've tried looking around and reading the helps and ended up here.
Hope I'm in the right place.
I used to detect about 30 years ago, since I lived at the beach, but found only the normal stuff. Got sidetracked-
In 2010, I broke my back in a motorcycle accident, then had to have my rotator cuff operated a year and a half or so ago.(I'm recovered, mostly, thanks!) But while doing the PT, I thought Metal detecting would be a good way to get outside, and keep myself limbered up until I went back to work- which I am now.
The thing is, once I restarted searching, now I can't stop!

I searched on the beach and old vanished farms the first 6 months, found enough to keep me interested. But beginning in 2014, I began searching the town I live in with a vengeance. Permissions have been easily obtained so far. I am blessed. And since this town was founded in the 1600's, I knew, if it hasn't been searched out, I should do well.
I did my research - found the old maps and laid the groundwork. It's taken me awhile to learn my machines, and get the most out of them and the properties so that I have been finding better and more artifacts.

I can't show you all that I've found in the past year in one post (or ten) . It's been good.
I can only go out about 2 or three hours at a time, (Oh, my back!) and I can go around two or three days a week - every chance I get.

Saying that, I have gotten so much pleasure seeing all your finds, I thought I would share some of the coins I've found this past year. A Reader's Digest version anyway. I hope you enjoy them.

1875 Shield Nickle.webp1909 Liberty V Nickle.webp1937 Buffalo Nickle.webp1943 War Nickle.webp

I'll start with the nickles: I have found around 6 War nickles, 6 Buffalo's, 2 Liberty V's and just found my first Shield last week.

1884 Indian Head Cent.webp1925 Standing Liberty Quarter.webp1940 Mercury Dime.webp1937 Walking Liberty Half Dollar.webp

Some other fun stuff and then the Silver !
I went ten months before I found an Indian Head, and that first one seemed to open the floodgates and it got better right away. Silver is still rare.. I have found about 30 Indians since then, plus my first 1862 fatty last week. Well over a hundred wheaties (almost one for each date they were made, plus the extra's) . Then... you have a day like the one where I found this Mercury and the Walking Liberty 50 cents in the same hole with a danish coin ! Go figure! My eyes were as big as that half dollar when I saw it in the hole. I have about 14 silver dimes, mostly Merc's. 4 Standing Liberty Quarters and 9 Washington Silvers.

1806 Half Cent..webp1842 Braided Hair LC.webp1807 Draped Bust LC.webp1864 2 Cents.webp

I didn't even know there was a U.S. half cent until I found it! (I am obviously not a numismatist) lol
I know these older coins are not in the best condition but I was just as excited to find them than if they were solid gold. I just love the history that goes with them. The 1842 Large Cent looked like it came from the bank. And I was VERY excited to find the 2 cents pc. because it was on my list of wants, since it is the first U.S. coin to have "In God We Trust" on it. I just found the Draped Bust LC last week as well.

1775 King George III..webp1700's KG II Obv..webp1787 Connecticut Copper.webp

I have found 5 English Coppers, this KG II was memorable because it was my first colonial coin. Wow! I think I got a tear in my eye.. I can't help but wonder why someone drove a square nail through it.. To carry it? to nail it to a tree? Maybe they just didn't like the Crown? You've gotta wonder..
I know the Connecticut coin is toasted, but it too is my first, You can see the date, and it came through the Northern colonies to rest here in Maryland, between the time it was made after the Rev. War and the Federal Govt. started Issuing coins in 1793. The King George III is actually better than appears here and very clear for being buried so long. I have four KG II and only one KG III. I think because they didn't ship any or many KG III during the hostilities. So, I was surprised, and quite frankly blown away to find it and by what has turned up around here.

I have many artifacts as well, I'll share the best of, when I get a chance. I have appreciated this website and all you guys who share the same excitement and love of history and the rare, the hidden treasures, as much as I do. You're a great bunch.

Upvote 17
Great post and fantastic finds. We have very similar stories. I too broke my back and have had a major shoulder surgery. I took up detecting about 15 months ago and have completely fallen in love with it. I am a research nut and have been lucky to get myself into some great spots. It looks like you have done the same. With history as old as you have you should really try to get yourself on some of those 17th century sites. I got on a good one awhile back and found my dream coin and a cob 4' away. I truly hope one day you get to experience the euphoria that comes with that. It looks like you're certainly headed in the right direction. I'd love to see the rest of your finds. I'm really happy for you finding this great hobby again and the therapy that comes with it, both mentally and physically. Great post my friend. Thanks for sharing that

Great post and fantastic finds. We have very similar stories. I too broke my back and have had a major shoulder surgery. I took up detecting about 15 months ago and have completely fallen in love with it. I am a research nut and have been lucky to get myself into some great spots. It looks like you have done the same. With history as old as you have you should really try to get yourself on some of those 17th century sites. I got on a good one awhile back and found my dream coin and a cob 4' away. I truly hope one day you get to experience the euphoria that comes with that. It looks like you're certainly headed in the right direction. I'd love to see the rest of your finds. I'm really happy for you finding this great hobby again and the therapy that comes with it, both mentally and physically. Great post my friend. Thanks for sharing that

Wow, we do have a lot in common.. that's funny. I am hitting the 17th century sites in my hometown as hard as I can. I know the unusual is just laying there waiting for me to pass that coil right over it. I got three new permissions just this week, so that's good and I hit one yesterday to see and it's full of good signals! The last test hole I dug got me a nice large colonial flat button still with the loop! Love it. Found several large brass things too and some older wheaties, so I think this will be a good one.
I'm ready to post some relics today, if I can find the right place to post it. (I see no "add new post" on the 2014 forum yet) All teh relics I'm posting today came from one property, I think you'll get a kick out of it.. I did! So I may post it back here. Please check back later today.
Thanks so much for the kind words.. Maine looks pretty fruitful too, judging from your finds. A cob would be unreal! I know they have to be here. Can't find everything all at once though right? what else then would we do? lol

A Great post IMO.
Those coins are great ,esp that IH & the LC (Great Dug Condition) also love the SLQ , I never have dug one , heck I only dug 1 Buff & no older Nickels . No 2 centers or LC either :BangHead:

Your doing GREAT. & Really like the way you did your photos ( I know it can be a pain).
Look Forward to seeing the rest of your year end Pic's.

P.s Glad You & Abe8 are feeling better , I need to quit Worrying/Complaining about the Small Stuff.
Been Blessed to never have Broken anything more than a Cracked Rib & Heel Bone.

Good Job

A Great post IMO.
Those coins are great ,esp that IH & the LC (Great Dug Condition) also love the SLQ , I never have dug one , heck I only dug 1 Buff & no older Nickels . No 2 centers or LC either :BangHead:
Your doing GREAT. & Really like the way you did your photos ( I know it can be a pain).
Look Forward to seeing the rest of your year end Pic's.
P.s Glad You & Abe8 are feeling better , I need to quit Worrying/Complaining about the Small Stuff.
Been Blessed to never have Broken anything more than a Cracked Rib & Heel Bone.
Good Job

Thanks! Remember, these are the BEST of the coins I found, have my share of toasties too. And I am always amazed at what I have found. I remember watching the Digger's on TV and Ringy found a colonial coin. He said it was his first or his oldest, I can't remember which, and I knew he had been looking a LOT longer than I, but I had older coins already in a short time, So I try to remember that when I complain about not finding old silver and such, there are plenty of folks on TN who have been looking many, many years, for what I have found already.. So, I can't complain. I really am appreciative of what I have found. I know, some of them could be - once in a lifetime finds - so, I am a blessed guy.
I appreciate your taking the time to post and for the encouragement! HH

Good attitude & some nice coin.:thumbsup:Your in a good state to find many more.All the best to ya!
Take Care,

Good attitude & some nice coin.:thumbsup:Your in a good state to find many more.All the best to ya!
Take Care,

Thanks Pete!
I agree, funny factoid too: I was told that Eastern Shore Watermen, esp. those from the islands in the Bay, Smith Is. etc. have a very thick local accent- It has been proven that their "accents" are the closest thing left in the United States to the Olde English they came from. Almost unchanged. So, it's an old culture around here. My job is to dig that up! lol

Thanks Pete!
I agree, funny factoid too: I was told that Eastern Shore Watermen, esp. those from the islands in the Bay, Smith Is. etc. have a very thick local accent- It has been proven that their "accents" are the closest thing left in the United States to the Olde English they came from. Almost unchanged. So, it's an old culture around here. My job is to dig that up! lol
I heard that my job is to dig anything older then 1800's,or at least have some value of some kind if not.:laughing7: We have some old talk around here as well from the water ways they are called onion eaters Or high tiders.:laughing7: Overview and History, Overview and History, Overview and History - Overview of Area in Beaufort, NC#
Here you go here's how we talk....

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I heard that my job is to dig anything older then 1800's,or at least have some value of some kind if not.:laughing7: We have some old talk around here as well from the water ways they are called onion eaters Or high tiders.:laughing7:
Here you go here's how we talk....

Hey Pete! That was great... Actually, to my ear, they are very close - mainly yours have more of a southern twang added, as do all locals to their locales.. develop some of their own local nuances.
Listen to Mr. Art Daniels, and if you have time, listen to the whole thing, he does a great old poem on it.

I think you'll hear what I mean. Personally, I have a lot of Shore in my accent, but not as strong as most of the "watermen." (been on the water all my life, but don't make my living from it) and it's mainly from these folks who have been kinda left to themselves on the Bay's Islands and the mainland just off them where they moved for expansion.
Neat post! Thanks for that.

Yep one in the same for the most part.I know them well as I growed up on the water & have been a commercial fisherman all my life.He's right when he talks about being married to the water.It get's in your blood & becomes part of your everyday life.I always miss it & can't wait to get back to it if I go inland anywhere.
Take Care,
Been a pleasure chatting with you

Nice coins and photos are great, thank you for sharing.

Very, very nice finds!!

Looks like you had a great year! You found some nice coins would like to see all your relics too. I'm in snow hill you should get up with me. HH!

My Best find for 2014 was this....IMG_0125.webpIMG_0126.webp
1717 Spanish 2 reale...

Looks like you had a great year! You found some nice coins would like to see all your relics too. I'm in snow hill you should get up with me. HH!

Thanks for the comment. I'm still working on the relics. Snow Hill! You have to be kidding! PM me for contact info! Maybe we can try a joint hunt ?

My Best find for 2014 was this....
1717 Spanish 2 reale...

OH my Gosh! I haven't found any colonial silver, or any silver older than 1900's yet. Great Shape! What a sweet find Congrats!
BTW, what area of the country to you detect? Also, you need to post this as it's own post. Lots of TNer's would love to see that.

You really have found some amazing coins! I like your quote about the 2 cent coin being the first with "in God we Trust" It came after the United States Coinage Act of 1864 (I think that's the right name of the legislation" because of so many merchants stamping their own coinage during the Civil War (Civil War Store Cards). The history of the coinage is so cool to me. Before I started detecting, I didn't know there was 1/2 cent, Large Cents, 2 cents, 3 cents (2 types) and 20 cent denomination coins made. I learned the history of the 2 center after I found my first one, what a cool story!
I'm jelly of you guys on the East coast with the long history you have and the potential for finds you have also! I can't imagine finding some of the variety of coins here in Ohio...... But you just never know what will be in the next hole!!
Great bunch and assortment of finds Chris, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the relics.

You really have found some amazing coins! I like your quote about the 2 cent coin being the first with "in God we Trust" It came after the United States Coinage Act of 1864 (I think that's the right name of the legislation" because of so many merchants stamping their own coinage during the Civil War (Civil War Store Cards). The history of the coinage is so cool to me. Before I started detecting, I didn't know there was 1/2 cent, Large Cents, 2 cents, 3 cents (2 types) and 20 cent denomination coins made. I learned the history of the 2 center after I found my first one, what a cool story!
I'm jelly of you guys on the East coast with the long history you have and the potential for finds you have also! I can't imagine finding some of the variety of coins here in Ohio...... But you just never know what will be in the next hole!!
Great bunch and assortment of finds Chris, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the relics.

Thanks for the kind words Bill;
I read that Lincoln wanted that put on the coins to help bind and heal the country.. what a thought.
I understand about the East having that older history, so we have a leg up there. But there are also LOTS of dudes who are aware of this, and you wouldn't believe how many promising sites I go to only to find that someone has obviously beaten me there! MDing was very popular here about 30 years ago, it seems like someone went around and sucked up all the silvers! lol!
But really, a lot of places have been had here. I just keep poking along looking for the places that are virgin ground. They are still here, and every now and again I get blessed.

I wonder, if out where you are, the only coins that were really popular, I read, were the gold and silver! They didn't much like anything else. What do you think? That would have been pre- 1900's I guess, but that's even better. I really do enjoy the research we have to do. I love history, and the very ideas of what was happening when these things we find were used.
I wrote in my record book of my finds, that the early 1700's half penny could have been used to buy tobacco, pay for one of those clay pipes, even been used in the slave trade! What have these artifacts seen? I like to think about the last person who touched the artifact before I touch it, so many years later. I really got a kick out of that with Indian artifacts. What different worlds, now touching each other, time melting in that momentary contact.. I don't know, it's just a wonder.
Anyway, Have a GREAT Year hunting in 2015! Looking forward to your finds.

Hello EasternShoreMetal,

Congratulations on your coin finds! Happy Hunting in 2015


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