Not sure if you've read this whole thread, but I did buy an ACE, the 300i (Canada). So far, I've got about 5 hours of stick time with it in my city lot back yard and along with the carrot, I've located a boat load of nails, bits of foil and aluminum (eves trough trimmings), misc. junk and lead sinkers (go figure, I guess somebody was practicing their casting in my back yard at some point). No treasure yet, but I'm learning the machine and beginning to hone my technique of identifying, pinpointing, digging and restoring the site. I'm quite pleased with the ACE 300i. If I continue with this hobby, I'm pretty sure I'll upgrade to a more serious detector, but I'm enjoying my current kit in the mean time and expect to get a lot of mileage out of this basic rig.
I replied before you pulled the trigger.
I have multiple detectors including a $1,500 Deus, but I still use my 400 most of all, and the 250 for years before that.
Thats because I always have it with me in my truck and can detect any time on impulse, whereas I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a $1K detector in my truck full time.
When I find a spot with it that is producing, then I can come back with a more capable machine and hammer it.
I also detect kiddy lots alot, you'd be surprised how much jewelry some of these kids lose. Not much worry about depth there, the Aces suck up any metal in sight. Once you get tuned in these can tell you more that meets the eye [or ear] about a target.
If you care to read, here is my technique for finding coins at maximum depth with this machine [around 6" for a quarter].
Basically, look for ratty, broken signals [a small metal target at depth will not give a proper ding, will be broken and often non repeating]. Confirm its size and location with pinpoint [can tell an awful lot with this feature besides location. If its screaming, its either not very deep or larger than a coin ,, Of course, still can be a good target, just not a deep coin. If the pinpoint is weak but there, its almost always a deep coin].
Hard for a beginner to grasp this maybe, you are looking for good, repeatable and strong signals. But after a while you will wonder why you never seen to find anything deeper than 3", and this is why. A coin over 3" deep will simply never not give you a good, repeatable or strong signal with this machine, and if you don't tune yourself to the broken signals, you won't find them. Obviously, not every location has deep coins to find either and not every broken signal is a deep coin, so its a matter of patience and persistence.
Of course alot of guys will say "6" is deep ? haha" But you work with what you got, an old coin doesn't have to be buried 10", I have found dozens and dozens of old coins under 6"