As I understand your posts, there is both free milling gold and gold tied up with other minerals in the ore you are currently working. That said, is the other than free milling gold of significant value or are there other minerals of more value? In other words, it may be a better solution to concentrate the other minerals after separating the free milling gold. On a commercial scale, a smelter will process (use copper concentrates for example) and pay for silver and or gold credits, if they are at or above a minimum payable value (usually assayed in OPT in the concentrates), in the final settlement. That was what was in the smelting contract for copper concentrates produced by the mining company that I used to work for. On a side note; the gold and silver in the smelted cathodes is recovered at a copper refinery using an electrolytic process as best I can recall.
Good luck.

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We're getting outside the budget he has. Where Manuel is at is rather remote and has limited infrastructure such as transportation, think along the lines of the 49er days. I still think that a simple gravity separation system would be best for now until some capital is built up to expand into better machinery for better recovery.

Whatever is processed for free milling gold can be set aside for later further processing when better machinery is available.

Since Manuel posted up a photo of the location, I'll give you all a little more information on where he is at. Mexico's Guerrero Gold Belt, home of low-cost gold production and analyst Merrill McHenry's favorite miners |

If the Mexican Government decides to honor our security request I'll be down there with him.

Thank you Saltwater..really good informative link..

Thanks Arizau..I'll be honest with you.when I was In This Area some years ago I didn't know what to getting a professional assay done..all I knew was that if I could grind up some ore. I could just pan it down and use some mercury to catch any free gold..I used The oxidized ores since they are so soft and where easy to break down.these deposits are so huge that you can barely walk without seen mineralization all over the ground.I'll post a picture later of the area taken from satellite. thank you for your input..

Madmachinist..It'll be an honor for Me if you joint I told you before.this thing is Far richer than what you can Imagine..visit some day.You're always welcome..I'll send you a pic of the old mine structures from satellite.

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Madmachinist..It'll be an honor for Me if you joint I told you before.this thing is Far richer than what you can Imagine..visit some day.You're always welcome..I'll send you a pic of the old mine structures from satellite.

I've got 65% of what is needed in backing from some junior mining companies I know. If the Mexican Government will honor our request to bring a security team with some serious firepower, I'll put up the other 35% needed.

Our request is in the hands of the Mexican Consulate right now. The security team is all former military so that should help.

Awesome!!!.*of course We won't disclose the military background. it will be an added piece of mind..

Screenshot_2016-09-26-15-31-30.webpthis is just part of the huge Site.this is mainly the ore processing can see circles on upper left and a big rectangle on lower theory is that in the circle structures the ore was crushed down and sent down (the incline is really steep).trough canals (straight lines) down to the rectangle structure where the ore was milled with a huge metal wheel..the wheel is like nine feet across.. I have no Idea as to how those pieces of machinery was transported more than a hundred years ago.really a big achievement by itself..the wheel has a stamp from Saint Louis . it was made in the the lower right out of the pic is a small creek.across this creek are the structures where the Bullion was stored. I think a nice metal detector there will reveal nice things..

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I think It the Mexican Marines could provide security if Requested. they are the only ones still respected by people down there.the consulate might forbid you from taking arms into Mexico.there's a Canadian company close to this site called GOLD CORP.and they 're paying armed Men (federal policemen) to protect the installations and guard the administration's personnel's convoys going in and Out..

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S5031319.webpS5031316.webpthis is one of the structures on the Satellite picture. some canals run right through it .I have No Idea why they would do that.the second picture is from the Bullion storage Building. (To the right of satellite picture .not shown).notice the small windows at shoulder height suitable for long arms to protect the Bullion.

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every thing you need can be built and put inside a conex shipping container. floatation will collect free gold too
the first step is to crush the ore to 1/4 inch then add a small amount of copper sulfide and mill in a sag mill to 80% minus 200.
next add pax and run through a conditioner tank 50 gal should do also add a grams per ton of natural oils . pine oil also a few grams per ton of a frother or mibc.
then let your mixed slurry drain or over flow into a set of 3 to 6 50 gal floatation cells set up so the tails are removed at each cell and the cons move to the next cell and the water gets pumped back to the start. once you get this system dialed in you recovery rate can be in the 90% to 99% range and your out put grade can be in the in the 20 oz per ton range. I would suggest at this point you not try to concentrate any farther. you will probably have over 100 oz per ton silver in the same ton. also a lot of lead and zinc. and a few things that should be left to a smelter to remove . Im shur you want to be healthy and wealthy. and not sick. this should give you the biggest return for the least amount of digging.

a few of you are already rolling you eyes at my numbers. I claim any numbers I feel like using until a proper fire assay is done. when I see the results of a fire assay i will edit the numbers up or down as needed. Bryan In Denver Colorado 303 503 4799

Thank you more advantage here is that the ores are so oxidized that even with a shovel you can pick it up.. no hard chiseling or Hammering required for the top layer. and this layer extends for acres . of course there's hard material like granite and quartz too.

An alternative to MIBC would be polyethylene glycol. Fairly cheap and can be bought online. It's the same chemical used in fog machines.

I forgot to add if anyone doesn't know the abbreviations, MIBC is methyl isobutyl carbinol and PAX is amyl xanthate potassium. MIBC makes the froth more long lived like dish soap in a sink and the PAX collects the minerals onto the bubbles as they rise through the column of water.

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then you need to do a rough gravity separation. use any method you like that is suited to doing at least a ton or more per hr. (not panning) then take your samples of cons and tails get them both fire assayed for gold and silver. a big sluice can be made from wood just don't expect it to last long. get the black sands and the tails assayed and you will then know where you should be spending your time. a big pump and a generator to run it some plywood 2by 4s and 1 by 2s and expanded metal screen and carpet to go under it. a gold pan to test the black sand and tails for free gold and if you can afford it and only if there is a good supply of gold a shaker table and a gold wheel.
if the tails has gold in it you will want to set up a floatation circuit . latter. if warranted. Bryan in denver Colorado

Thank you Saltwater.. really helpful info..It might come in handy later on..

Thank you Solarsmith.The creeks here have gold but its too small..I want to concentrate the efforts on the ores themselves wich are in huge abundance.but I might hit some spots that might have some potential. like one place where a small creek levels out after half a mile of steep incline where the ground is heavily mineralized.

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I think It the Mexican Marines could provide security if Requested. they are the only ones still respected by people down there.the consulate might forbid you from taking arms into Mexico.there's a Canadian company close to this site called GOLD CORP.and they 're paying armed Men (federal policemen) to protect the installations and guard the administration's personnel's convoys going in and Out..

Taking arms INTO Mexico isn't forbidden. It just takes a lot of paperwork and a good reason.

every thing you need can be built and put inside a conex shipping container. floatation will collect free gold too
the first step is to crush the ore to 1/4 inch then add a small amount of copper sulfide and mill in a sag mill to 80% minus 200.
next add pax and run through a conditioner tank 50 gal should do also add a grams per ton of natural oils . pine oil also a few grams per ton of a frother or mibc.
then let your mixed slurry drain or over flow into a set of 3 to 6 50 gal floatation cells set up so the tails are removed at each cell and the cons move to the next cell and the water gets pumped back to the start. once you get this system dialed in you recovery rate can be in the 90% to 99% range and your out put grade can be in the in the 20 oz per ton range. I would suggest at this point you not try to concentrate any farther. you will probably have over 100 oz per ton silver in the same ton. also a lot of lead and zinc. and a few things that should be left to a smelter to remove . Im shur you want to be healthy and wealthy. and not sick. this should give you the biggest return for the least amount of digging.

a few of you are already rolling you eyes at my numbers. I claim any numbers I feel like using until a proper fire assay is done. when I see the results of a fire assay i will edit the numbers up or down as needed. Bryan In Denver Colorado 303 503 4799

Your thinking like I am. Lots can be done to "imitate" a high dollar set up. We rebuild our flotation cells in house so it can be done.

I see no reason why the output grade cannot be that high once the output system is dialed in.

IMAG1453.webp I got this picture of the Structures with a computer which has more detail than the image I got from my Phone..notice the canals running down from the rounded structures to the rectangle structure..

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