🥇 BANNER Best Long Weekend Ever! Some great Colonial finds, silver, buttons and more!


May 25, 2011
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🥇 Banner finds
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*Update*Best Long Weekend Ever! Revolutionary Rattlesnake Button

After my car accident a couple weeks back, I haven’t been able to detect as much as I’d like. My left arm, which is usually my digging arm, is continually dislocating at the shoulder, however (with the OK from the Orthopedist and orders to stay active and limber) I can at least drag the shovel without it bothering me too much.
All told, the long Thanksgiving weekend was very good to me. I was able to get out and swing the Deus each day for at least a few hours between Friday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday I hunted in the blistering wind and cold with Worldtalker. I think we are both still shaking out the dust from Saturday. We went back to the 1654 massive farmland that we have been hunting for the past few weeks (same place I pulled 2 Spanish silvers out of not too long ago). This site has been producing like crazy, and there is so much more area we haven’t even explored yet. I’m sure Chris will post his sweet finds. I had a few nice ones myself. I was even able to scratch off quite a few items from my wish list, including a couple pesky Barbers, which have somehow been eluding my coil. Together with the half I got a couple weeks back, this site has now given me a Barber hat-trick. Anyways, here are a few of the highlights: (the best is saved for last)

-My first Barber Dime (1906)
-My first Barber Quarter (1908)
-My first Walking Liberty Half (1943)
-1918 Buffalo Nickel (only my 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Buff)
-1903 and 1899 Indian Heads Cents (brings the total for this site to 13)
-My most complete Colonial barrel tap
-4 Ox Knobs
-8 Musket Balls, including the biggest one I have ever seen
-Half of a brass bullet casting mold, I think mid 1800’s, but not sure.
-a Copper ring (must be the 10[SUP]th[/SUP] copper or brass ring I have found at this site, 2 od which are gold plated)
-a decorated Sterling pen clip.
-a whole galaxy of buttons, some good, some bad, and some ugly….

And my best finds for the weekend>>>>

Two absolutely incredible buttons.

The first one I found on Friday in a cut cornfield. It’s an 1840’s era United States Revenue Service Cutter Button (The precursor to the Coast Guard). Its quite rare and in awesome condition. Much of the gilt was left and a little naval jelly made it shine up nice! I am not sure of the value, but the couple I could find listed are priced between $125 and $400. I think mine falls somewhere in between. The back mark reads U. States/Revenue Service

The second is something that I hope is authentic, although I don’t see why it wouldn’t be based on the other finds that have come out of these fields. If it is, I feel it is definitely my best find of the weekend, and maybe one of my best ever. It’s a button with a Rattlesnake intertwined around 13 eggs. I think it is either Revolutionary War era, or just post Revolution. I have only been able to find one picture online. The site is listed below, it describes the button as “American snake and eggs motif silvered brass button imported from France.”

RWb57ds-American snake and eggs motif silvered brass button imported from France.

When I found it, I didn’t have a clue what it was, I though maybe a token, a button, perhaps a piece of broken jewelry, I just had not idea. I asked Worldtalker, he wasn’t sure either. So in the keeper case it went until I got home. When I got home I gave it a little rinse and realized it was a Rattlesnake. I looked at the back and can feel where the shank broke off. There is no back mark as far as I can see. I haven’t tried naval jelly on it to see if the any silver gilt it left, but mine appears to have much better detail than the one on the website.

If anyone has any info on either button, or has any clues to value, I would greatly appreciate it.

This Thanksgiving weekend was amazing. I have a lot to be thankful for besides the great finds. I am happy to have gotten to spend time with my family, my friend and treasure hunting partner Chris (Worldtalker), and even enjoying the little things like my 10[SUP]th[/SUP] high school reunion. And of course, thank you in advance for your comments and I hope you all had a great weekend too!

The person who purchased the Rattlesnake Button did an amazing job cleaning it using peroxide and lemon juice. This button is now likely one of the finest examples of its kind. The picture speaks for its self.


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Upvote 24
great hunt......nice silver

Thank you Iron Patch. Should I send details to the link Casper posted. You mentioned that you had contributed to that site, anything I can do to make research for others easier would be great. What info would the want? Date and place found, size, material, etc...? I would love to keep it, but I will likely sell it. I will always have the memory of finding it. But Christmas is coming, and I have two nephews who want metal detectors. Now I may be able to help :unhappysmiley:

If people are interested in either of the buttons, PM me. I will be renewing my charter membership soon.


What do you think? :laughing9:

Well since you quoted what you did it sounds like it's asking me whether he should contact that site... and my answer was (sent private message)... not really any point. What's written in the books is what's known about those buttons, and is where they too get their info..

Here are some pictures I took in a little better light. I wanted to get a few more before I shipped it out to it's new home!
f1.webpb1.webpJudging by the second shot, I am not entire sure that there isn't a shank hiding behind some of the dirt. I left it in as-is condition for the buyer.

My first Banner nomination on TNet. Good Luck!

Looks like you really did have the best weekend ever. Great finds and great post! I learned a lot of new things from the many responses that you got. I am new to TNet and have read many posts that were already Banners. I am convinced this should be one, based on your Snake and Eggs button find, and it will be a first time nomination for me. Good Luck!

Looks like you really did have the best weekend ever. Great finds and great post! I learned a lot of new things from the many responses that you got. I am new to TNet and have read many posts that were already Banners. I am convinced this should be one, based on your Snake and Eggs button find, and it will be a first time nomination for me. Good Luck!

Thank you for your support! I appreciate it and though you're almost a hundred posts in, Welcome to T-Net!

Thank you for your support! I appreciate it and though you're almost a hundred posts in, Welcome to T-Net!
Thank you and you're welcome. I just hit 101 with this one. :icon_thumright:

Spill?.... Never!!! :laughing7:

Update on the Rattlesnake Button:

I sold it today for a very nice sum (approaching, but not quite as high some have suggested) that I am very happy with to a buyer who I hope will either enjoy it or make a profit from it. Though it didn't make me a millionaire, it will buy some nice Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephews, and maybe a new ProPointer for me.
My congrats on your sale! Definitely a "Banner" button. 2 years ago, I sold coins and relics, that not only paid bills, but helped me take a trip to Disney with my family. Good for you! Hogge

My congrats on your sale! Definitely a "Banner" button. 2 years ago, I sold coins and relics, that not only paid bills, but helped me take a trip to Disney with my family. Good for you! Hogge

Thank you hogge. The button came at the perfect time of year. I see you're not too far from me. Perhaps we should meet up for a hunt sometime? I used to work at Jiminy Peak back in my ski instructing days.

What a great day for you! Lots of variety makes it even better. Great job!

Amazing pieces of history. I would give my left arm (as long as im getting it back :) ) to get those great pieces of history just one time in my life

Amazing pieces of history. I would give my left arm (as long as im getting it back :) ) to get those great pieces of history just one time in my life
I've been huntin them fields with Jason for quite a spell now,pulled some cool stuff myself,hunting is prime till it freezes or snow,I'll be there at day break!!!

13 dots on that button - for the 13 original colonies perhaps?

The snake eating its tail is awesome - thanks for making this banner, otherwise, I might have missed it!

13 dots on that button - for the 13 original colonies perhaps?

The snake eating its tail is awesome - thanks for making this banner, otherwise, I might have missed it!

13 rattles on the tail as well. Def. related to the 13 colonies. Thanks for commenting!

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