🥇 BANNER Best find of the year, Viking age grave

Bard Gauden

Jr. Member
Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX3030, Minelab Pro-Find 25
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi to you all. :hello:

On the 1. of January I did an amazing find, :headbang:
A find most detectorists will never get.

I found an early viking age sword! As soon as i realized what it was i carefully put it back in the hole and covered it back up.
Then I called my "state Archeologist" and told him about my find. He was very thrilled.

Today he came to excavate my find. (Third of January)
(You see, In Norway, all finds dating from before 1537 is automaticly protected by law)
And as he dug we found a complete sword (broken in 5 pices), 1 battle-ax and a scythe.
Even thou the person that was buried there is dissolved and not to be found, It is still most definetly a grave.

After he had removed the Items I checked the grave with my detector and there was still two pices left.
But they will be staying in the ground untill the summer. Then it will be a bigger excavation, as it might be more than one grave there.

Hope you like what I show you, and tell me if you want more pictures. EDIT; Check out page 5 for a lot more pics from the excavation
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Upvote 77
Your finds just keeps amazing me, congrats!:icon_thumleft:

Congratulations on your find! And kudos for doing the right thing. I hope spring comes quickly for you!

Thanks for all the replys, The find was not deep at all. The tip of the sword was only 2 Inches from the surface, and the deepest point about 10 Inches.

The CTX3030 gave me a massive signal, Allmost going into "overload".

By reporting the find and dont mess around with it have given me lots of creds from my comunity and from archaologists.

Thanks for the banner votes, Cheers :hello:

Amazing finds :notworthy: As there is no signs of a body, this could also be a smelters hoard, even though this dates back to 7th-11thC I think there still would have been some evidence of bones, but a fantastic find none the less :icon_thumleft:


I commend you on on your responsible actions. This is what our hobby needs! You have set a great example of how we should all act when faced with the find of a lifetime like this. If more detectorists would act accordingly, we would gain a huge amount of respect with the professionals. Being one that works with the professionals, I see the importance of your actions more than just a hobbist. Just your decision to do the right thing deserves the banner label!

What were the settings of your detector. Your lucky that you got that ancient Viking frequency setting. Your actions alone deserve a banner. Awesome find.

What were the settings of your detector. Your lucky that you got that ancient Viking frequency setting. Your actions alone deserve a banner. Awesome find.

I used the standard Coin program of the CTX. But I think any detector would pick up this massive target. But most people tend to not dig iron.
I'm gonna dig a lot more iron from here on! :thumb_up:

Banner find! Thanks for shining a good light on our hobby! I'm sure this good deed will come back around for you. Thanks for sharing! DDinPA.

That's an amazing find!

What an amazing find and the foresight of handling it in the proper manner. Congrats on the discovery and the Banner vote.

Congrats on a stunning find! Everybody is dreaming to make such a recovery. Well done with the archies, some day it will pay back! :icon_thumright:

WOW, what a historical find!!! Congrats to you on your find, and for making a well deserved banner. :thumbsup:
Outstanding post.

Kudos to you for doing the proper thing by contacting the "state Archeologist" regarding your discovery! :occasion14:

I hope you will be handsomely rewarded for your detecting ethics!


Congrats on your exceptional find of a lifetime! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: And thank you for being a responsible MDer and contacting the proper authorities. Good luck on any return hunts.


Btw, where on my gps was this sword? ;)

Now that is saving history! :notworthy:

Thanks for the great response :hello2:

I really hope I will be alowed to take part in the bigger excavation when the summer comes. :icon_thumleft:

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