After finding out what cable was used for the coils, and giving some thought to the situation, I understand why there was some detection of that coil cable's rapid movement, especially by the TDI SL. First, as I mentioned before, the SL is slightly more sensitive to small gold than the other TDI's. This is the result of a small mod added to the SL that isn't in the other units.
So, the SL will show more sensitivity to any detection of coil lead than the previous models produced.
Now, the cable used was most likely selected for its core size and potential durability. As such, it would have the potential to be detected easier than other cables that could be used. In simple terms, the selection of the cable was most likely the result of trying to do the right thing for reliability and durability.
I heard it was recommended that the cable be tied down to the lower shaft so movement would be minimized. This makes sense and would most likely take care of any casual movement. Thus, the problem most likely would be solved, especially if there was tension on the cable. Such tension would have a tendency to not allow the vibration that could occur with a free cable.
Now, with all that above said, I wouldn't call the ability to detect the cable a design flaw of the coil, especially when using the SL. I am sure the cable was selected well before the SL was initially produced. What I don't know is if the other TDI's ignored the cable movement that was displayed in the video. I suspect it wasn't detected or if it was the signal was minimal.
So, again, I wouldn't describe the cable use a design flaw but the signal heard on the SL was mainly the result in the design change in the SL. I also think any rapid vibration which is what would produce the greatest response could be minimized by reducing the potential motion of the coil pigtail coming out of the coil housing. This could be done with some type of sealant similar to silicone sealant but electronically safe and then adding some heatshrink to further stiffen the pigtail. My guess is this would eliminate or almost eliminate the problem as displayed.
Relic hunters who advanced the delay would never even know this condition existed since a small delay change would most likely eliminate any signal. Thus, gold hunters would be most likely the ones to run into this condition.