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Jr. Member
Jun 20, 2015
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All Treasure Hunting
I found this metal detecting and I'm not sure what it is. I looked it up online but there isn't anything usefull.any ideas? ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1434992297.650325.webp

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Minieball with a very white patina, photographed against a sheet of brilliant-white inkjet paper?

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It won't let me post a pic so I'm not sure what to do.

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What want let you, what are you trying to post from, PC, tablet, smartphone?

If your using a phone what ap are you using?

Ere is tutorial for posting from PC..

how to post pictures with your Story

If from phone would need to know what platform (IPhone or Android) and what ap you use to accecc TreasureNet or are you using no ap?

I'm useing an iPad mini and I'm on safari on the webpage for TNET

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Where did you find this item ?
What type of area/ground ?
Beach ?
Field ?
Mountain ?

IF this was from a beach... I would guess that is a piece of iron that is in its last phase of deteriation...
Which is now way too far gone for identification...
I also may be some form of mineral deposit... of which the rock guys will I.d.

type of area where you found this will help this I.D.

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I found it near a pond in a small field where there used to be an old building

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It has specks of shiny silver along with the solid looking silver

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That's why I didn't think it was iron

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I have no clue what it is.
I have found things that resemble this before...
And I still haven't the foggiest idea what they were.

Mine were iron I presumed.
And many broke apart easily.

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I have no clue what it is.
I have found things that resemble this before...
And I still haven't the foggiest idea what they were.

Mine were iron I presumed.
And many broke apart easily.

This doesn't brake easily I broke it with a hammer but anyone else have any ideas

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Is it magnetic? Looks like a chunk of aluminum that's been in a fire. Although last time a friend brought me a chunk that looked like that it turned out to be a beautiful couple ounce Silver specimen.

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