Been busted detecting? What penalty?

Great story FISHEYE,you gotta love it!BTW-I used to canoe in the wekiva river when I lived in Orlando.I used to hear stories about divers goin down into the aquafer,and not coming back.I think they put a gate or something down there to prevent drownings.You know where i'm talking about?Oh yeah,that was my wallet you found,brown leather right? ;D ;)Good story,good luck and H.H.

blue springs has a grate on it,many stoopid divers have died there trying to go down in the outlet,wekiva sping the outlet is too small to get into,they may have some bars to keep small kids out,rock springs now has a grate,several people have died there too.all the other springs where they allow cave diving,you have to be cavern certified to go in them,an even the ones that know what they are doing die too.cave diving is just something stoopid to do,too many things can go wrong with your equipment,same goes for your buddy,if his equipment breaks,he has to depend on you to get not much to see in a cave,nothing lives in the dark.the wallet was black leather.

Yeah I hear you,I don't dive but I do snorkel,I don't like bottled air.Oh yeah,my wallet only had 2 dollars in it, ;) not 200.

Im sure its still there,i havent been to a clean up there since that story,i should go back,im sure theres alot more loot on the bottom by now,they just had a clean up at cape canaveral beach but i think it was just for disney workers,i would have loved to go for that,since its a federal park no detecting is allowed,i did go once with my detector when i first moved here,i found so much stuff that my pockets were full an had to go back to my car about 10 times to empty them,then a ranger showed up an asked me what i was doing on the beach with the md,i told him that my wife had lost her $20,000 rolex that i gave her for her birthday.(im not married)i guess he didnt believe me an told me to put the md away an that i could sift the sand all i wanted with my scoop,i put the md away an sifted till i saw him drive away,then i left after that.recently a friend wanted to md there,but he had been busted several times,got $500 fines an his md taken away 3 times,i told him to go buy one of those cloth coolers at walmart with the plastic liner an a six pack of gator aid in plastic bottles.i took apart his whites md put the coil in the bottom of the cooler,a towel on top of it an the gatoraid on top of that,the control box goes in a side pocket i removed his speaker an hooked up a vibrater that came out of a pager an ran the wire up to the cloth carry works great an is very stealthy,when ever he saw the rangers on the 4 wheelers he would sit down open up the cooler an take a drink when they got out of site hed go back to work,just make sure the carry handle is long enough so the cooler just skims the ground when carrying it,when you get a hit,kneel down an fake like you are digging up does work,he hasnt been caught yet.

jeff of pa said:
bergie said:
? you have to have some big balls to go on a site that's posted without permission knowing you could get arrested. I'd have a hard time enjoying the day looking over my shoulder the whole time. I could see the twisted thrill in getting away with it if you have a certain type of personality, but it's not for me.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? You said it all right there BERGIE ; Thanks

I feel the same way you do. although I've hunted many Churches without permision per se...
These are not posted no tresspassing private property. and I still feel skittish and look over my shoulder
when I do this because even though it has been rare, I have been run off with violent histeria
by some of those God fearing pasters... ha ha ha

Years ago, when I first started Detecting , I hit alot of churches, and NEVER ASKED. never had a problem. the last 10 years, I'v been asking permission, and 9 out 10? Preachers say no , but every one in the Congrigations say "I don't see a problem with it" . One Preacher's exact words to me were " I DON'T THINK THE CONGRIGATION WANTS ANYTHING THEY LOST IN THERE FOUND".? ????? . I think some of these preachers need to Listen to themselves. <><> And unless I'm Mistaken, The Congrigation Owns the Church & Retains the Preacher. SO Actually maby we should ONLY LISTEN to the Congrigation. If Givin Permission by a member, and the preacher comes around complaining, say one of your BOSSES told me I could. ... RIGHT ?

O-Kayyyy thats one weird congregation i've asked preachers and none of em have said no, HH CoinS

I asked the preacher at the church down the street from me if i could detect there,he said ok,if i find this lost buried electrical cable and outlet box .now i just need to find the time to go an do it in between working on my RV,and my 3 boats and jet ski.

Hi All, A friend and I were hunting in an old residental street that had just been completly torn up, all the blacktop removed. A person was setting on her porch watching us come down the street, as we approached her area (all rentals) she came over and demanded to know what we were doing. I said " Sub surface surveys mame" jokingly. She went back to her porch and continued to watch us closely. As we were leaving her area she started to yell for us to go away. "You is making me nervous" " You get ata here" Realizing that she was really getting upset I went back up to her side walk and said that I was very sorry that something that I enjoyed doing was such a upsetting problem for her. Her response as she ran into the house was "I'm callin the police",, well, I continued on down the street finding some neat old finds knowing I was probably ok with the law. I had thought that I could reason with this person, maybe calm her down but not to be, I very shortly realized that I was in a loseing battle. In fact her battle had been long lost, I could see that in her eyes.
There are some people who are never really happy,, heck you could go over and kiss their butt every morning and then,, well, they would complain about your chapped lips. Even if you asked permission. 95% good people,, 5% chapped lips.. H.H. Catn66

I've never been busted or ran off from any property and always ask permission. Most times being denied is because the landowner has a MD and says they been meaning to check the property themselves. Churches are mostly governed by Elders or Deacons and they would be the ones to ask but expect it may have to go before the building and grounds comittee to be voted on sometime next month!!! Alot of preachers are treasure hunters too and want to keep it all to themselves. HEE-HEE. Giterdone (TH'er Preacher)

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