Bedrock and Gold: The mysteries . . .

Lanny in AB

Gold Member
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Various Minelabs(5000, 2100, X-Terra 705, Equinox 800, Gold Monster), Falcon MD20, Tesoro Sand Shark, Gold Bug Pro, Makro Gold Racer.
Primary Interest:
Do you love to chase the gold? Please join me--lots of gold hunting tips, stories of finds (successful and not), and prospecting poetry.

Nugget in the bedrock tip:

I had a visit with a mining buddy this past weekend, and he told me of an epic battle to get a nugget out of the bedrock, and of what he learned from the experience. I thought some of you might like to learn from his mistake.

While out detecting one day, he came across a large sheet of bare bedrock. The bedrock was exposed because the area had been blasted off with a water cannon (a monitor), by the old-timers! It was not fractured bedrock, in fact it was totally smooth.

He was not optimistic at all of the prospects of a nugget. But, for some reason (we've all been there) he decided to swing his detector over that bedrock. After a long time, just as he was about to give up on his crazy hunch, he got a signal, right out of that smooth bedrock.

There was no crevice, no sign of a crevice, nada! So, he had to go all the way back to camp to get a small sledge and a chisel. The signal in the rock intrigued him, but he still wasn't overly optimistic. For those of you that have chased signals in a similar situation, sometimes there's a patch of hot mineralization in the bedrock that sounds off, but this spot, according to him, was sharp and clear right in the middle of the signal, not just a general increase of the threshold like you get when you pass over a hot spot in the bedrock.

Anyway, he made it back to the spot and started to chisel his way into the bedrock. If any of you have tried this, it's an awful job, and you usually wind up with cut knuckles--at the least! Regardless, he kept fighting his way down, busting out chunks of bedrock. He kept checking the hole, and the signal remained very strong.

This only puzzled him all the more as he could clearly see that it was solid bedrock with no sign of any crevice. He finally quit at the end of the day, at a depth of about a foot, but still, nothing in the hole.

An experienced nugget shooting friend dropped by the next morning to see him, and asked him how the hunt was going. My buddy related his tale of the mysterious hole in the bedrock, and told the friend to go over and check it out, and see if he could solve the riddle.

Later in the day, the other nugget hunter returned. In his hand was a fine, fat, sassy nugget. It weighed in at about an ounce and a quarter! After my friend returned his eyeballs to their sockets and zapped his heart to start it again, he asked where the nugget had come from.

Imagine his surprise when he heard it came from the mystery hole!! He asked how deep the other guy had gone into the bedrock to get it. "Well, no deeper" was his reply.

So, here's the rest of the story as to what happened. When the successful nugget hunter got to the bedrock, he scanned the surface got the same strong signal as my buddy. He widened out the hole and scanned again. Still a solid tone. He widened the hole some more so he could get his coil in, and here's the key and the lesson in this story, he got a strong signal off the side of the hole, about six inches down, but set back another inch into the side of the bedrock!!

My unlucky friend, the true discoverer of the gorgeous nugget's resting place had gone deep past the signal while digging his hole!!

Now, of course, a good pinpointer would easily solve this problem. The problem was, my buddy didn't have one, so why would he widen the hole, right? Well, the other guy was the one with more experience, and that's why he did. It was a lot more work, but what a payoff!

So, my buddy's butt is still black and blue from where he kicked himself for the next week or so for having lost such an incredible prize.

Some nugget hunting lessons are harder than others to learn. . . .

All the best,


P.S. When in gold country--check the bedrock, regardless of whether it looks likely or not! Mother Nature likes to play games sometimes.


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Hefty1 said:
Yea sometimes I am crazy, :icon_scratch: I think. :tongue3:
Came back Friday morning as had to deal with a couple of unplaned issues up there.
I will post pics and story later.

There you go Lanny!!

Everybodies crazy 'cept thee and me, and sometimes, I'm not so sure about thee. :laughing9: :laughing9:

No problem though, being crazy just keeps us from going insane. :headbang: :o :tongue3:

Halito Hefty1!! I've been following all of your posts here in Lanny's thread, anxiously awaiting
to read the "climax" of your dig into that major gold trap. Also have enjoyed all of the great
photos. Let us know/see more as soon as you have the time.


Hi there Lanny & every body. Has been a while since I made a post. Not even sure now when my last one was ??? I think it may have been just after a detecting trip down to the south island of New Zealand back in february. I live up in the north island where the gold isnt all that crash hot. Not like down south. I spent 4 days detecting back in feb & got just on 1.5 ounces of the good stuff. I may have shown this pic before of the results. If not then here it is.


I was down again just a couple of weeks ago & got in another 4 days of swinging the coil. Didnt do so well this time. Only managed 12.5 grams. The grass was quite long & I couldnt get the coils close to the ground. Spring time, as we are coming into our summer where as you guys will be coming into your winter. Funny how I pulled most of the gold off ground I have been over more than once before with different size & configureation coils. All monos as the ground is pretty quiet. You will see in the photos in the background how lush, green & long the grass is. I stuck mostly to detecting in the arid rocky & thyme bush areas where I was able to poke & prod the little joey coil in to the nooks & crannies. I dont have a pic of the total gold found but my wife enjoyed coming with me carrying a camp chair where she would set up & read a book in the sun while I settled down to an area detecting. She took a few shots of some detecting activity that i can share with you. that a signal? :dontknow: Could be another .22 shell or bullet head.


Lets have a look any way.


You bloody beauty..... :laughing7: :icon_thumright:



What?...another signal


Out with the pick....


Complete with suspicious look as I wave the hands of divided dirt over the coil to seperate & isolate the target. Is it gold, .22 shell, bullet head or any other multitude of crap targets that it could be?? :icon_scratch:


Well bugger me....



That was a few weeks ago now & I am back up home in the Coromandel area of the North Island.
I went for a fossick up a local creek on friday using just a pan & my home made crevice sucker pump & crevice scraper to clean up some bed rock cracks & crevices.
This was the reult.


Pretty rough & shotty gold. Here is a close up.


Nice little specimen piece too. 3.5 grams Close up of both sides of it.



Happy hunting all.

JW :) :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Hefty--can't wait for the update. It will be great to see what you were up to.

All the best,


Eagle--I think you're crazy in a whole different category--"crazy like a fox" maybe. :sign13: :wink: The more of your posts I read over on your thread, the more I realize what a great depth of knowledge you've amassed over the years. I fully enjoyed reading one of your latest posts about that old Spanish mine, and the possibility that there might be a cache there--that's the stuff of legend for sure. That sure sounded like an incredible find. It must have been quite the rush to find those old workings.

***** For those of you that haven't done yourself the favor yet--head over to Eagle's thread and have a read. He's a master story teller, and he's collected some incredible gold stories and tales of adventures over the years.,325842.500.html

All the best my friend,


JW--what a blast to hear from you again! Thanks for posting those incredible pictures. Your wife is a first-class photographer--give her my congratulations.

Nice finds you've dug, and wonderful specimen gold--very interesting composition.

We're heading in to freeze-up and you're heading in to another season of nugget hunting--I'm very envious.

I went and got a 5000 and I love it--I think I've only learned a tiny fraction of what that machine can do, but what I've found (gold) so far, and what I've been able to learn about it, and to do with it has really impressed me.

Keep us updated on your exploits--you're most welcome to post here and share!

All the best,


Well wed, morning finally got hear as my brother and I headed for the hills to see what kind of gold we could get out of that crack.

As we arrived at the trail head the weather was clear and sunny and we thought this was going to be a great trip.

We packed are backpacks light, YEA RIGHT!!! ( food, drink, clothing and such ) as we thought we would come back and get the rest of the tools we might try on that crack.

The trail was damp and cool, and still as tough as always with those light backpacks. LOL
As we got closer to the end, looking down off the trail I could see that Sushidogs camp was a little weathered. And as we turned and up over a little hill to to go down to my camp I could see down and knew that not all was well with my camp. I knew immediately that we had been visited.

At first I thought, oh no, not again. ROBBED!!!
But as we got down off the trail, and closer to camp, it was obvious we were robbed again. Only it was the four legged kind of robber. YOGI had come to visit, and maybe brought Boo Boo with him this time. I have never seen so many piles of scat in that area before, and they have such bad table manners, they never clean up after themselves.

Well after a complete inspection of both camps, yea Yogi and Boo Boo visited Sushis camp and had a bite to eat there also. Such little piggys.
My brother and I decided that the tent was rebuildable and usable for a couple of nights, maybe??? Had an awful lot of extra air conditioning in it. LOL Well, after a little duct tape here and there, and a clamp here and there, the tent was usable again, I think, maybe, hope no big winds at night. No rain either, I hope. A lot of praying going on here.

Time to start gathering up some firewood, maybe a lot of firewood. NO!!! a lot of firewood as it gets dark mighty early this time of year and stays dark for a mighty long time, and it gets mighty cold and stays mighty cold for a long time, and, and, and, oh alright and yes YOGI and BOO BOO might still be around. Keep the fire going as long as possible!!!

Well, after a couple of beers, a great dinner of a lot of spaggetti the wife had made for us, and a lot of firewood burning and chit chat with the brother, time for bed. OH SH_T forgot to tell ya that Yogi or Boo Boo had taken a nap. On my air mattress!!! And they never take their claws off before going to bed. This old body is not use to sleeping on the hard ground, but what was a human to do? Put everything I had on the floor. Still was not enough. HARD!!!

After a great night of sleep with the 30-30 inches from me, one eye open, and that nice soft ground. Time for a whole pot of coffee.

Well after the sun warmed things up, time to get after that crack. I did pack in that light backpack, one device that I had made. Remember, we were going to get the rest of the tools on the second trip……NOT!!!
The device I made was a reverse type of power jet on a dredge. Well guess what? It doesn’t work.
We took everything back to camp. As sunlight was so short we decided to start packing things as we also had to pack Sushis camp, he is not feeling well, so I told him we would take care of it for him.
We decided to leave fri morning instead of sat morning. One more night, more fire wood. Hard ground, one eye sleep, cant wait to get home!

One thing I did find out about that crack, the one area I could get my hand down into opens up into an area as far as I could feel, even more.



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Sushis Camp.


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All cleaned up.


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Guess who ?


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Gosh Hefty,
Looks like a bunch of teenage boys lived there for a couple of days. I've had my camps hit many times by bears so the pictures you posted are an all too familiar scene to me. Also, it is why I carry a 454 with me. Good thing you already have a new tent for the coming season!!

The fact that one end of the crack has an undercut is an exciting additional possibility to your crack, maybe I should phrase that differently, oh what the heck you know what I mean, the crack in the bedrock. Next summer could prove to be interesting for you!

We worked again today from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM, long hours but not physically demanding as the past week has been. Working again tomorrow and then likely heading for WC on Monday. It will be good to be back "home" though likely that will not be for long as I should have a long term handyman job in Santa Cruz.

Enjoy, 63bkpkr

Hi Lanny, Hefty, Eagle, 63BP, JW, Sushi and all.

Some good tips there Lanny, seems like you are getting that new detector working well for you. Great photos as well thanks.

Looks like you and your brother had a bit of tidying up to do Hefty - glad we don't have any bears (or snakes ) over here. Looks like you had a busy summer on the claim.
Those big cracks are often disappointing unless they have had the river running over them in flood for many years. Looks like if you loosen up the rocks closest to the river, the winter - spring flood waters might unpick some of it for you. Good luck

You have had a couple of successful trips JW, great photo's and nice gold too. Any progress towards making the move south?

As we are doing show and tell of what we have been doing recently, I will include a photo of my new pump, that I have been building - not finished yet, still got to finish lifting frame / roof and fit it, along with radiator,battery, fuel tank and filters etc.


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:hello: Nuggy
Yea was a big mess to clean up. That crack was covered and close to water as long as i have been going there, never found it till this year. Was always dredgeing, now have to do it the hard way.

Nice looking pump....what the heck you going to be sucking??? The bottom of the ocean?



Man, you and your brother really had a mess to clean up. Those playful bruins really tore the place up. I'm glad you didn't have any close encounters with them--I've had far too many over the years, and it's always disturbing when they show up, uninvited as they always do, is close proximity.

Nice photo essay of what you found when you got to camp! I really enjoyed all of the pictures. As well, it was very nice of you to clean up Sushi's camp for him while he's unable to do so--most unselfish. It looks like he really cut some brush and cleared himself a spot in the wilderness there in those gorgeous mountains of yours.

I like your determination to get to the bottom of that crack--it seems like it has some promise of turning out some gold--I hope it rewards you accordingly.

Keep the stories and pictures coming.

All the best,



Great to hear from you again, and to hear from the land of the Kiwis. You live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, from what everyone tells me that's visited your country says, and you've got gold to boot! How can you beat those two combinations?

I'm wondering what you're going to be pumping with that beauty as well (like Hefty wonders). Are you setting up a sluicing operation with a wash-plant and a shaker deck? It looks like you might be going mining on a slightly bigger scale from what you've been up to in the past.

The new detector is quite the machine--they did a great job on it, and I'm still on a steep learning curve as to all its possibilities. I'll be reading and rereading the manual many, many times over the winter. And, when cabin fever has just about driven me crazy, the snows will melt and I'll be out there in the mountains trying to get my coil over some nuggets again.

All the best,


Lanny in AB said:
Eagle--I think you're crazy in a whole different category--"crazy like a fox" maybe. :sign13: :wink: The more of your posts I read over on your thread, the more I realize what a great depth of knowledge you've amassed over the years. I fully enjoyed reading one of your latest posts about that old Spanish mine, and the possibility that there might be a cache there--that's the stuff of legend for sure. That sure sounded like an incredible find. It must have been quite the rush to find those old workings.

***** For those of you that haven't done yourself the favor yet--head over to Eagle's thread and have a read. He's a master story teller, and he's collected some incredible gold stories and tales of adventures over the years.,325842.500.html

All the best my friend,

Halito Lanny,

In all honesty, I didn't get all that excited the first time I found the mine. But then, after chewing on the memory for a few years, and finally realising what I had found, it was quite a disappointment when I returned and found that the BLM had destroyed the entrance. So, perhaps you can appreciate my elation when I found this new way into the mine. Not so much because of the possibility of great riches, but more because of the feeling of "putting one over" on the petty tyrants of the BLM. :laughing7: :laughing7:

Is there anything in there?? Your guess is as good as mine. But from all the reading I've done on the Jesuits and their exodus from the "New World", (And what was found in the mine, years ago), I get a really good feeling about it. :headbang:

AND now that I have found this accidental entrance, I now know the direction the tunnel took. From that, I think that by digging straight down about 10 to 15 ft., if necessary, I could bisect the tunnel at either of two different points. :laughing7:

Incidently, I don't deny that I'm crazy, but I'm not so sure about that "fox" bit. :dontknow: If I had been this interested in the mine back in 1983/84, all my questions would have been resolved long ago. And I could possible be sitting on my yacht in the caribbean, smoking "the kind" and waiting for that big grouper to take my bait. :laughing7: :laughing7:

Anyway, thanks for posting my thread here. Maybe now I might start getting some questions or comments.

Love and Respect to All,


Eagle--thanks for the update. I hope you find something incredible when you dig down and hopefully get in to one of those tunnels. It's the stuff dreams are made of . . . .

I've been where you are on certain things. There's gold-producing areas that I've left in the past, that if I knew then what I know now, I'd have retrieved far more gold than I did then--a lot more. So, we've all missed chances in the past. But, maybe this one will work out for you now--it's lucky you found another way in.

(Seriously, if you haven't read Eagle's thread--head over--you won't be disappointed:,325842.500.html )

All the best,


Quote from Lanny;

I'm wondering what you're going to be pumping with that beauty as well (like Hefty wonders). Are you setting up a sluicing operation with a wash-plant and a shaker deck? It looks like you might be going mining on a slightly bigger scale from what you've been up to in the past.

* * *

Hi Lanny, I have run at different times, 2 wash plants of my own build in years gone by, (thought I mentioned this) and have worked, and still sometimes work on plants that belong to others.

I just thought I would build some nice mining gear in my spare time, using good 2nd hand parts. Set things up how I like it, and either use or sell it. Will show the odd photo as I go along. Hope to finish pump by Christmas.

Winter is over but the weather here has been bad, our town was nearly flooded yesterday and flood warnings again for tomorrow. If you google "Greymouth floods" you will find news video to show what I'm talking about. (If I knew how to put links in I would.)

Hope you get a little more good weather yourself, Nuggy

Halito Nuggy,

Sorry about the weather "downunder". (Or actually, perhaps that should be: Up Above). I mean; after all, I've been told that if I wanted to call Heaven from here, the toll charges are in the thousands of dollars. But it's only pennies from where you are, since it's a local call. :laughing7:

But, all levity aside, you can be sure that our prayers are with all of you during this time of crisis.

Here's a link for the ones who are not aware of what's going on in your beautiful land:

Incidently, try not to accept any aid from our government, there are always "strings attached"!!

Love and Respect,


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