Beale Treasure Code: A Fraud

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Being a Virginian, I have heard about the Beale treasure since I was a boy. I've not thoroughly researched it, but know the general story well enough. I guess after reading this thread I have a couple questions.

1. Has anyone proven the existance of Beale and the innkeeper Morris (i.e. verifiable records)?

2. What is the story about the Declaration of Independence being used to decipher letter #2? After reading this thread, I am made to understand that it was not a 100% match and that a "special" DOI was used? Can someone explain that?

I guess for me, I need to know the persons involved in the story actually existed before I am convinced of the treasure itself. I want to believe like anyone else, but I just need more proof, short of someone digging it up. My questions are not meant with any disrespect either. Just curious. Thanks.

Thanks's just hard to get all the info sometimes by reading these posts because they are all about various aspects of the story. Keep us updated on your search.

Dear group;
Let's read between the lines, shall we? The original text of *what they state* will be written in black and *what it really means* will be written in red. OK, let's begin:

I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Thomas Jefferson Beall actually existed.
Please believe me even though I cannot prove anything with any degree of certainty

You may notice that I spell TJB's name differently ------- because that is the correct way that he spelled it.
There is nobody on record with the name Thomas Jefferson Beale, therefore it's convienent to overlook the spelling differences and attribute it to a simple spelling error and conclude that it was actually THOMAS JEFFERSON BEALL, whose name can be verified, even though the names BEALE and BEALL have very different pronounciations

All of this is in my CD Book, "Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall
Send me money
Your friend;

seriously now... :D :D :D Is there any proof that Beall did NOT exist? Nope.

lamar said:
You may notice that I spell TJB's name differently ------- because that is the correct way that he spelled it.
It was quite common in earlier years for people to misspell even their own names. Most people were uneducated and often could not spell the same word the same way in the same document. Example: My genealogy has been traced back over 700 years. I often saw documents, especially that of early American writings, where English spellings changed often, even of people's names. One of my ancestors is named Bealman, but he was of German origins, and sometimes spelled it Beuhlman. Different documents had different spellings.

It could be that this person, if he exists, was name Beall or Beale or something like it, but even official documents may be misspelled.

Just my 2/3 of three cent coin.

Dear mrhinman;
Yes sir, I concur, however if one were to assume that Thomas J Beale ( or Beall, or whomever) were smart enough to encrypt a document then he SHOULD be at least intelligent enough to know how to spell his own name!

Also, Beale is pronounced phonically as BEE-L and Beall as Bay-ll. That is a significant difference my friend.
Your friend;

lamar said:
Dear mrhinman;
Yes sir, I concur, however if one were to assume that Thomas J Beale ( or Beall, or whomever) were smart enough to encrypt a document then he SHOULD be at least intelligent enough to know how to spell his own name!

Also, Beale is pronounced phonically as BEE-L and Beall as Bay-ll. That is a significant difference my friend.
Your friend;
But you can only get the only truth if you buy my cd 'books' ;D ;D :tard:

:D Actually, various "dialects/accents" make it different... EVERYWHERE. Around here in Bedford County, Va.
BOTH "spellings" are pronounced the same... as BILL! BEE ALL sounds like a Northern soda drink from the 1880's... OR... BEE ALE, a BITTER "BRIT" Ale... HIC! DUNNO. :wink:

beale said:
I have in the prefix of my book, the name of Beall and it's different spellings back 6200 to 6500 years. I also have the name of the first Beall or Beale that came to the Colonies and his name was Thomas Beale. Pronounciation and sometimes handwriting itself causes names to misspelled. If you don't cross a "t" it becomes an "l" if you don't dot an "i" it becomes an "e" or if you write on a hotel registar as Beall did and if he writes the last "l" smaller than the other "l" it becomes and "e" I don't see where this is too difficult to understand.
Surely you don't mean 6200 years.... I'm fairly certain that most people did not carry multiple names that far back. Perhaps 200-500 years instead? But, if you're serious about researching this more, I recommend retrieving birth and death certs, cemetery records, and reunion books if they exist. I've been fortunate enough to trace the main trunk of my family tree back 400 years and a big branch of it 700 years back with reliability. Tracing histories is difficult and time-consuming and often takes many years to complete. Not to mention all the travel involved in getting records.

beale said:
Beale and it's many different spellings is possibly the oldest name in existence. But you are correct on the first and last names or both names together goes back maybe 900 to 1200 years?

14th century according to Wikipedia...

Rebel - KGC said:
:D Actually, various "dialects/accents" make it different... EVERYWHERE. Around here in Bedford County, Va.
BOTH "spellings" are pronounced the same... as BILL! BEE ALL sounds like a Northern soda drink from the 1880's... OR... BEE ALE, a BITTER "BRIT" Ale... HIC! DUNNO. :wink:

What is this guys fascination with the Caps Lock key???

:coffee2: :tongue3: :thumbsup: Caps NOT locked... EMPHASIS is "placed" on things "of importance"... ::)

NEWN said:

The last link also has a devasting analysis of the Oak Island affair.

A direct link to it is:

This is to the portion entitled The Top Ten Myths about the Money Pit.

Read enough and will you find a mind-blowing statement about a gentleman who founded his own religion, and was at one time involved in the common Kidd treasure scams.

:D Beale Treasure story has NOTHING to do with OAK ISLAND story; ALL the guy said was it was a "legend", possibly/probably a hoax. THAT guy PROBABLY has NEVER been to Lynchburg, Va. NOR Bedford County, Va., and is basing HIS OPINION on the "Job Print". Such "in-the-box" thinking has trapped many TH'ERS, and HE is PROBABLY, just a "ARM-CHAIR TREASURE HUNTER"! HA! :D :wink:

What a really entertaining thread - most of which misses the point ............

Congrats to those defending the legitimacy of the Ciphers.

in all likelihood the papers were written between 1882 and 1885 by one - or possibly two people - one wrote the Santa Fe fantasy, and one created the three ciphers. Either could have written the rest.

There exists undeniable evidence contained within the original Beale Pamphlet that the person(s) who wrote the papers knew how to decipher the codes - therefore he had either solved them, or had created them. That evidence is in plain sight, once the mathematic concepts upon which the ciphers were constructed is recognized.

That evidence was published in the final installment on Roy Dallas website - thebealekey. The evidence, and the logic leading up to its disclosure, was so compelling that someone contacted Roy almost immediately with an offer he could not refuse and the installments were removed.

Circumstantial arguments never satisfy - or prove anything. An empty or full vault - does it really matter so long it exists where the codes tell us to look?

Time will tell................. TJB.

:icon_thumleft: THANKS, Z! Roy is STILL linking this to A. E. Poe, according to his 34 page(s), THE BEALE KEY; 125521 152251 215512 251152 512215 521125. :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

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