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What do you have to say about the post that I have made?

That rock is probably a clue, that with some interpretation will point you to a place to dig another hole, where you will find another rock. Cause that's how people stash treasure. They bury a lot of rocks.

It is a clue! If you look closely, you see a hat wearing Thomas J Beale marker stone pointing to his fabulous treasure vault full of gold, silver, and jewels.
Is Beale pointing right, left, north, south, east , west ?
We'll never know, because the "TEAM" probably removed the stone from in situ so Icehouse could posts its photo here!
...and did not mark its location because Icehouse said they already found the vault! OPPS! :laughing7:

I don't understand the negative undertones of this post ? are you Playing the game?

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... Ken Bauman is one of most prolific posters on this site and is always willing to share what he has learned...
That's a good one! :laughing7:
After 10+ years it's still "wait", "soon", and the Icehouse was very quick to cut him from the "TEAM" after his soliciting for shares was confirmed. :thumbsup:

ECS I don't Know anything about that and Don't think that it is relevant to any Inquiry that I have posted.
.Carl What do you have to say about my inquiry in to the brotherhood. Do you Have anything to say?

Ecs Then if you have nothing to add the you should limit your input to the subject. Play the game or ridicule the Players . You are just muddying the water.

.Carl What do you have to say about my inquiry in to the brotherhood.

You'll have to post an actual inquiry for me to answer that. So far, you haven't made a whole lotta sense.

I want to know more about the Brotherhood? Who are you talking about? Mason? Confederates? Templar Knights?Ignore the man with sand on his KNEES


What Brotherhood are you referring to?

Masons, Confederates, Knights Templars are like franklin said...they can be found on other threads... Not Here On This One.

Nobody ran off New Members...look up legrand-81618, Icehouse-Eldo-Jean Laf in the Beale Sub Forum and you'll see all these same theories that are here and on their site.

KB-81618 started this thread and has posted on it several times.

That's what started the Issues on this thread...not using known names here. It's all explained if you start at the beginning of this thread.

After you read all of those posts here then go to their forum that Icehouse and 81618 have talked about... that's where they are giving their information more so than here.

Don't be upset...You aren't missing anything here matter what is said... it's over there and you can play the game... you don't win anything by playing if that's what you're thinking, but everyone's invited to play. It's a Virtual Clue Game. You go by the clues they give you.

I have no idea what you mean by the man with sand on his knees so I can't help ya there.

Good Luck,


Nice Connection. I have reviewed These pages and am looking for validation . so are you playing the game or not?

Go To Their Site... You Will Get One Opinion Only, So If That's Enough Validation For You...Its There. You Will Never Find Validation On This Topic Until There Is A Recovery.


The picture i posted was in the neighborhood of 1/4th mile from the actual vault site. When this, and other pictures were taken of this area, the area had been open for several days up to several weeks, as it became a very large excavation. Incoming groundwater, rain, etc account for the water for the most part. Is the vault below the water table ? Yes, but at the same time it isnt anything that has given us much problem, maybe a bit of mud. I am sorry you believed what you were told but coming from someone who has never been to the site, knows nothing of the problems we had or didnt have, and had absolutely no authority to offer percentages, nor book deals to you or anyone else, well, what can be said ? No comment about all i can think of. And didnt mean to ruffle your feathers. Feel free to interpret the code as you see fit. Yes we hit dead ends till we learned how to verify the information within the code. If it doesn't verify 3 times, take it with a grain of salt. The code relays info in a very straighforward manner. Really no interpretation is needed but hey, if it works for you or others go for it. You will have to point me to my post regarding my advanced age man being really close now, as i cant locate it and have no idea about what you are referring to. We are telling only part of the story, enough to show anyone interested the code can be broken. That they themselves can break the code. We are showing exactly how to break the code. And i have been throwing in a few other tidbits for your enjoyment. Not, as it may seem, to offend.

Ice...Everyone hits dead ends sometimes or they wouldn't be doing anything... I don't care about that.

As far as I'm concerned you don't need to try and diminish 816's role on your team anymore. It's obvious he was expendable to you and probably because he didn't have the operating capital or equipment that would benefit this project. Maybe that's why he was trying to raise funds so he wouldn't be kicked to the curb. Better now than later. It sure wasn't because of his lack of commitment or enthusiasm about it.

I do think it's weird that you're saying he basically was an insignificant member of the team that knew next to nothing when he was listed in the number 3 position on your site just under you on the 'About Us' page and before this all came about, your site raved about all 5 of you even including one being a soccer coach.

81's comments to me match yours posted here so yes I do tend to believe that as far as what was said to me...he did know more than what you'd like anyone to think. The only other option is the whole thing is a charade that you all have the same scripts to read from.

He was listed ahead of the Carpenter and Engraver which I get having a Carpenter on any construction or dig site to shore things up and check for structural soundness. I'm not sure what you need an Engraver for at what you said you considered an archeological site. Having a Professional Engraver as a Team Member at an Archeological Site where there are Relics could post some real issues if anything was recovered and submitted for review and authentication.

Before you say he does Laser, CNC or Operates a Plasma Cutter... He's still an Engraver that knows how it used to be done. All modern Engravers know that and many have old tools of the trade as collections.

81's services or role must of been somewhat important according to your home page. Normally companies or entities do not list apprentices or interns on their 'About Us' Page.

Your insults to me and the way you attacked my character did ruffle my feathers some but then I saw the one member who was liking your posts in the beginning and your wording of things was familiar so I got over that quickly.

I like reading all the theories regarding the BT...Reading each persons interpretation of ciphers over and over... Not so much and the reason Always causes arguments... just on this thread there is one member who has been MIA for quite awhile and they came on this thread and the very first post that they made was to insult a member that they don't like. Then every post but one that I've seen by them has been an insult to this one other member. What good does that do for you or anyone who seriously studies this? Unless he's on your team... well, then it still does no good. None.

Anyway, like I've said, it doesn't concern me except from an interested spectator point of view on the BT and it's none of my business how you folks do things. I gain or lose nothing from it.


...and you do?
Please list your qualifications and credentials- hopefully it is more than just an ACA membership card "officially" signed by Gamester that ELDO likes to flash on occasion. :laughing7:

I could tell you, but ..........

I am not the one begging to see someone’s secret works that I am not qualified or authorized to see!

I am not the one who rips apart every post on this forum that is positive to the Beale Papers plausibility!

I could tell you, but ...

...but you do not want Icehouse to tell Gamester who would bring you before the ACA TRIBUNAL which would chastise you by taking away your official membership card. Now that is really serious business! :laughing7:

I am not the one begging to see someone’s secret works that I am not qualified or authorized to see! ...

No one seems to be begging for this TEAM's "secret works" even with Icehouse's constantly begging TN members to go to their "incredible" Beale mystery site to play games; just going to their site is all the qualification and authorization required.

No one seems to be begging for this TEAM's "secret works" even with Icehouse's constantly begging TN members to go to their "incredible" Beale mystery site to play games; just going to their site is all the qualification and authorization required.

Crypto wants to ply the olde "I got the cookie (read secret) you don't" game again,as usual.
Go for it ECS!

I am not the one who rips apart every post on this forum that is positive to the Beale Papers plausibility!
You just target certain members who question and dispute the spurious information posted as fact and attempt to "rip apart" the poster, but never their presented facts...
...and, Cryptography, this has been obvious to all since your first post years ago.

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You just target certain members who question and dispute the spurious information posted as fact and attempt to "rip apart" the poster, but never their presented facts...
...and, Cryptography, this has been obvious to all since your first post years ago.

So, now you are looking for me to give you my secret information too!!

I could tell you, but ..........

I am not the one begging to see someone’s secret works that I am not qualified or authorized to see!

I am not the one who rips apart every post on this forum that is positive to the Beale Papers plausibility!

I have to ask...Why Would Anyone Go On A Public Discussion Forum and Not Expect Discussion?

I don't know you so I'm not sure if you are talking about your secret works that only you are qualified or authorized to see....or someone else's classified secret works....Either way if they are secret, why bring them on an Online Public Discussion Forum?

This particular forum IS for discussion... that means questions and answers....agreements and disagreements and if something is stated as factual, be ready to back it up. If it's a theory or belief just say that. I think that would stop most arguments... it doesn't matter if someone agrees with you or not. If nothing else on this topic...having others say where they think you've overlooked something could help by giving another perspective. With so many theories and interpretations on the BP, not everyone can be right.

There's a really easy way to stop having people question your thoughts or beliefs though and that's to journal, get a diary or start a blog whatever your thoughts are on the subject without being questioned.

Just An Idea.

Good Luck,

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