Beale Cipher, Keeping it REAL !

kool, maybe bign aka bigscoop will join us?


n Jeff of pa???


3 have sent me a message w intent of going, title of our team 'tjb Project' every1 agree? what do we need?


:D Sounds like the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT! :wink: You will need LOTS of FIRE-WATER & FIRE POWER! :laughing9: :laughing7: AND!
Stay away from NO BUSINESS MOUNTAIN in Bedford County, southeast of Big Island, Va. Legends has it that ppl go up there and NEVER come back. The saying is... "YOU have NO BUSINESS, being on THAT mountain!" HA! It is southwest of Rt. 501 N (Lee/Jackson Highway) & James River [from Lynchburg, Va.]; the RR Tracks also go "by it"... :o :wink: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D NOW! Would be the time to do "on the ground" work... leaves are down, MILD temperature (40's & 50's), OLD roads seen more clearly, critters are "asleep" (NOT the "two-legs" :laughing7:); GOOD LUCK! HH! :coffee2: :read2:

hey reb,
true that, but its going 2 take alot of planning n coordinating 2 get this all put 2getr since its not just me bc ill b fling in n airfare is way 2 high 2 jump on a plane. but any additional info u got from my list will b most appreciated, sincerely thx 4 the info u did give...


Sounds interesting & fun, but until you know exactly what you're looking for, and exactly where to look...........:dontknow:

hey bign,
just 'poi' n scoutn, dont knw till u look rite? but theres also a moto out there that i heard somewhere hmm where was that? anyway it goes somethg like this 'most of the fun in metal detecting comes from the adventure itself'


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: kg, based on the terrain & weather in Bedford County, VIRGINIA... I would plan for "on the ground" work in late Fall, Winter, & EARLY Spring; leaves are down, OLD roads can be seen MORE clearly in these mountains, and critters (NOT the "Two-Legs"), are in hiding... or "asleep". "Locals" DO read these posts & WILL know when y'all are coming. Be careful... be VERY careful! :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

kgunn said:
hey bign,
just 'poi' n scoutn, dont knw till u look rite? but theres also a moto out there that i heard somewhere hmm where was that? anyway it goes somethg like this 'most of the fun in metal detecting comes from the adventure itself'


:laughing9: True! I do love a good adventure, but personally,.........I think I'd like a little more purpose and scope on this one. Pile on the terrain, the ground cover, etc., and even a small area can become an entire territory. :laughing9:

:D AND! Bedford County, VIRGINIA is HUGE! BIG! LOTS of miles to go in THIS "Beale Quest"! :o :wink: :read2:

lol u caught that huh? lol
but u do make a solid point... im just thinkn simply a 4 mile radius n peaks of otter 2 the river... hopefully a good ole boy might have some additional info 4 me/us b4 then...


if only benjamin ((((( Frankn ))))) were here...?


:D LOL! It's "FRANKLIN", from Franklin County, Va. :wink: Out on a "dig" PROBABLY... HE has WESTERN Bedford County, Va. (Montavle, Va. "area" up to Peaks of Otter), and I have Lynchburg, Va., EASTERN Bedford County, Va. (No Business Mountain "area" up to the Peaks of Otter)... just "grub-staking claims" is all. :wink: ANYWAY, met "Franklin" years ago in Montvale, Va., went to Bedford City to see Peter Viemeister at Hamilton's; showed him ("Franklin") carvings on a tree, south of Bedford city... FUN DAY! :wink: Franklin is a VERY knowledgeable person, who can "speak" for himself, when he has time to do so. :wink: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

oooo ok i just made an j-a_s out of myself, my bad...

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D LOL! NAW, u didn't make a JA outta yerself; continue to do yer "planning"; the "division" was for RESEARCH purposes only... makes it easier to "cover all bases" when 2 ppl do it. :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

Hey Reb

I'd be up for some r & i in the area. A friday and Saturday would be best for me. Send me a PM if you want to arrange something.

Hey Kgunn where in pa are ya???

HH Jay

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D LOL! NO need to arrange anything; save yer gas, as MOST of my R & I can be read here on TN, and ROCKHOUND NEW TREASURE HUNTER'S FORUMS - BEALE CIPHERS @ :wink: LOTS of stuff on Lynchburg, Va.; SOME stuff on WEST Bedford County, Va. by MANY ppl. SOME "junk" in the MANY "threads" for your R & I "delight". :icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee for ALL! :wink:

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