So the subject appears to be a "T" back type of blade, smiliar to WWI, before and after. But the question is, could it be CW? I am not familiar enough with CW, and clearly there seems to be some "overlap". From a quick look at the bayonette site, socket types and these blade types were both made in the 1880's. So is there something on the subject blade that makes it definitive for one way or the other? A photo of the top of the blade would show if it is a T back or not for sure. Perhaps after it is cleaned up more we can see better.
Interestingly, the bottom bayonette was made in Soligen, Germany, the Sheffield of Germany. This was made for the Mauser and my particular one was made for the Argentinian army. Watching WWII IN COLOR, it appears that the soliders occasionally are carrying 1898 Mausers with that blade, or similar. Technology does come slow sometimes. You military guys: Would you prefer to carry an M-16 or a Garrand? I think that is perhaps nearly the same time difference. Maybe a Springfield and M-16 would be closer.