Bad weather/few finds/frozen fingers


Gold Member
Jun 24, 2012
Detector(s) used
M-6, pro pointer, pistol probe
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
image.jpgI've been trying out new spots past few weeks, some are better than others. I was determined to hunt today despite the gale force winds, rain, ice, and snow, I should have worn an insulated wet suit! Even my pin pointer didn't want to be out there.
First target the pin pointer battery dies! With that fixed back out into the onslaught of early winter. Word of advice, wear gloves!:tongue3:
I got in all of 30 minutes before I was forced to go back to the truck to warm up my frozen fingers. Kinda hard to pick up the coin when you can't feel your fingers! I haven't felt pain like that since I was a kid. I had to thaw my fingers before I could drive.
Today's finds- a quarter and 7 cents, last week was better.:BangHead:
I want to try and get in some beach detecting, but it doesn't look like the weather is going to let up. We now have snow on the windshield and in patches on the ground.....I guess winter has arrived! The one good thing in today's hunt, no trash! First pic last week second was today. .:sadsmiley: image.jpg.

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26 degrees wind chill 21, this morning at the beach, at sunrise. Long johns hoodie, Carhart bibs and coat, and hat, and ..........gloves. sand froze on top, in spots:BangHead: Its coming, damn it.

I've been trying out new spots past few weeks, some are better than others. I was determined to hunt today despite the gale force winds, rain, ice, and snow, I should have worn an insulated wet suit! Even my pin pointer didn't want to be out there.

Funny you should mention a wet suit. Way back in another lifetime, when I first started this. I was using a wetsuit, gloves and shoes. I'd wade out in the water and people would laugh. But, ya know? It was like summer out there to me. :)

I let 'em laugh. I did my laughing on the way to the bank. And I don't mean the bank of the beach. LOL

WTG! Nice determination! I love it!

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I have one more spot I want to check before the ground freezes, saved the best for last! I still can't believe it's snowing!

Let them laugh WHADIFIND, the smile on your face tells the tale that only you knew! There's no giving up when you know what's out there!

Not bad for the weather were having. Should see it here. It's a dirty four letter word I will not say. Laughing

You're a lot tougher than I am! I may attempt a short woods hunt before the Pats game at 4 PM. No way am I doing any spot out in the open! Way too windy today.

Lol! Ya I hear ya! I knew we were in for it yesterday when I saw at lest 10 flocks of Canadian geese headed south.

My all time record for low finds is a handful, of pop tops and "half" a corroded zinc! So "ANY THING WHOLE" is good! Lol!

Wind, rain, ice, snow I can do. I did myself in by not wearing gloves! My bad! Lol!

Wind, rain, ice, snow I can do. I did myself in by not wearing gloves! My bad! Lol!

My Goodness Ms double beep! I do hope you're not digging in all that muck bare handed!!

It's just too dangerous! Let alone the cold. :nono:

I bought gloves, didn't wear them, my bad! As it gets colder I will wear the gloves and all the other winter wraps, guess I'm protesting winter!

I bought gloves, didn't wear them, my bad! As it gets colder I will wear the gloves and all the other winter wraps, guess I'm protesting winter!

Cold shmold! I'm concerned with the dangers in the ground! Yeah, they're not invincible. But, they DO help protect !
Also, if you're the type to absentmindedly scratch your nose, face, eyes etc! Dirt going directly from the dog's lavatory to one's face
just gives Murphy WAAAY too much fuel!! :nono:

Also, not setting a good example for our younger readers!

Ahhh, Murphy. I think he stayed home today, too cold! Winter was hard at work though.
You are right, gloves should be worn when detecting. I will tie them to my detector for my next hunt, and wear them wether I want to or not, Murphy needs no help! :laughing7:
There goes my free WiFi, DD truck is pulling up! Murphy!!!

Nice finds, your not kidding man was cold, but we just can't help ourselves we love this hobby that much...

I was bottle digging today, and my legs were numb, and snowflakes were falling all around me.

Wow, its freezing in your parts?

We had the coldest day here this past Saturday and it was 54 degrees. I hope to continue digging until December because I still haven't found my silver goal for the year.

Wow, its freezing in your parts?

We had the coldest day here this past Saturday and it was 54 degrees. I hope to continue digging until December because I still haven't found my silver goal for the year.

Today's HIGH temp was 36°, the low was 26°

Ahh yes, signs of our seasons coming to an end soon ! Sucks when that ground freezes!

Yeah, I guess it really wasn't such a bad day to least I was indoors, lol.

Ahh yes, signs of our seasons coming to an end soon ! Sucks when that ground freezes!

It was late February and I thought that I could maybe metal detect. I went to a colonial place, and you will never guess what I found... Absolutely nothing the ground was frozen! I got so desperate I detected in the sand of a new horse area, well I was asked to do it to remove the nails to make it safer for the horses

That was a lot of digging. How hard is the ground?

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