This whole statement sounds contradictory. IMHO, if anybody should be able to say "lock the thread, we are finished discussion on the topic", I think it would be the starter of the thread, FK. Also IMHO, this subject is related to Oak Island because of the following, the story of Oak Island brought us to this point, the coconut fibres on Oak Island and their dating point to a Knights Templar connection as do the drilled stones and the stone triangle points to the trail that would have led to New Ross alongside the Gold River.
The coconut fibres have been argued to death on this forum, but the evidence is certainly with that identity and the dating has been confirmed to before the 14th century. I'm sure this last statement will draw detractors, but again, my point is, there is an Oak Island New Ross connection.
The Old Oak Island Forum went back and forth between the Island and New Ross for many years before being ended for lack of interest.
Cheers, Loki