AZ Claim

I about fell out of my chair when I clicked on this link at Arizona Desert Gold.

AZ Desert Gold

This is nothing more than a computer case cooling fan maybe a 92mm or 120mm fan with the power lead removed. This is what Arizona Desert Gold uses to vibrate their recovery box. The more I dig into the quality of Arizona Desert Gold dry washer the more frustrated I get that Terry Soloman recommends their products. This is a far cry to what the standard fan is used in many dry washers currently on the market. Surprise Surprise Surprise, I am shocked.

In the discussion about which dry washer is best believe me its a matter of personal preference. I have used a Arizona desert gold dry washer for 2 years now and I am very very satisfied. I have worked along side of people with Keene, Pack washer and Gold buddy and they all find gold but none of them found as much gold as I did. I must say that I love the fact that it is light and very easy to pack a distance. I'm sure the Royals will do a good job but I can assure you that the Desert gold takes a back seat to no dry washer out there.

In the discussion about which dry washer is best believe me its a matter of personal preference. I have used a Arizona desert gold dry washer for 2 years now and I am very very satisfied. I have worked along side of people with Keene, Pack washer and Gold buddy and they all find gold but none of them found as much gold as I did. I must say that I love the fact that it is light and very easy to pack a distance. I'm sure the Royals will do a good job but I can assure you that the Desert gold takes a back seat to no dry washer out there.

This sounds like someone real close to ADG making this post or a BIG sponsor of ADG. Hmmm I bet I can guess who. I think its rather obvious who makes the better DW.

Seems like there was an issue with the paperwork at the blm with the claim I purchased. They told me that the person who sold it to me has to many claims and couldn't file for the small miners waiver. I ended up getting my money back from them. I did look on the lr2000 and the claim still shows active. I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for it to become closed in order for me to re stake it or if I could pay the fees to take over the claim.

This sounds like someone real close to ADG making this post or a BIG sponsor of ADG. Hmmm I bet I can guess who. I think its rather obvious who makes the better DW.

Bret Chilcott builds equipment for some of the biggest names in gold prospecting. People in the know run his system because its fast, lightweight and it catches the most gold - period. Yes, I'm close to Bret Chilcott. He is a friend, and supplies all of the drywashers for Arizona Gold Adventures.

If you are going to compare Royal Drywasher’s to AZ Desert Gold Drywasher’s then let’s be fair in the comparison of the drywashers not just on $$$. Royal now has a smaller version and priced $46.00 below AZ Desert Drywashers. The larger Royal is more expensive but a large hopper, Zinc plated steel, made of 0.63 aluminum instead of 0.50. The smaller version is also made of 0.63 aluminum, has a larger hopper, but a smaller recovery box. All mounting hardware is Stainless Steel.

I believe this image says it all in the quality of workmanship.

View attachment 729968

Royal Drywasher (Gold Washer): $479.00
Size of Hopper: 21” x 24”
Size of Recovery Box: 10” x 24”
Aluminum Gauge Size: .063
Hardware: Stainless Steel
Legs, Riffles, Classifier are all made of steel and Zinc plated
Weight: 28 Pounds

Royal Drywasher (Explorer) $349 .00
Size of Hopper: 15” x 18”
Size of Recovery Box: 7” x 18”
Aluminum Gauge Size: .063
Hardware: Stainless Steel
Legs, Riffles, Classifier are all made of steel and Zinc plated
Weight: 20 Pounds

Arizona Desert Gold: $395.00
Size of Hopper: 10.5” x 24”
Size of Recovery Box: 9” x24”
Aluminum Gauge Size: .050
Hardware: Steel
Legs are steel and painted, Riffles look to be made of Aluminum, Classifier made from steel.
Weight: 15 pounds

The AZ Desert Gold Drywasher is lighter, will run material faster, and will catch more gold. I have used home-built, Royal, Keene, Sunwise, Gold Buddy - you name it over the years. I know what they do and don't do. I use AZ Desert Gold drywashers at our school because in my opinion, they are the fastest, easiest to use and most efficient drywasher on the market today.

Well I am new to posting in these forums but not new in reading the threads of these forums or prospecting. I have to agree with Viper that the comparison shown I would purchase the Royal dry washer over Az Desert Gold dry washer. After browsing Royal Manufacturing website I am very impressed of the products that are offered and the quality of their products. When viewing Az Desert Gold website the buyer has very little information to build on to compare Az Desert Gold products to other products of the same design. No widths, lengths, heights, or weights of their dry washer are posted on their website. No up close photos showing any of the details of their dry washer. I suppose the end user has to buy and try.

Terry, for me the dry washer you are recommending (Az Desert Gold) from watching your videos airs on the cheapo side. I have no problem spending the $$$ to get a product that’s truly a better value, but Royal now has a dry washer that’s very competitively priced and priced below the dry washer Az Desert Gold offers. Here are two images showing photos of each of the dry washers. Anytime a piece of metal is rolled or folded strength is added to the metal. Look at the hopper of the Az Desert Gold dry washer, the hoppers top edge is flared out without any strength built into this edge, this edge will bend over time. Now look at the second photo, Royal double rolls their edge and builds strength in their hopper by using a double roll. resize 500pix for web_large.jpg

As for local support what good is that going to do that a phone call will not? If I am 500 miles from Phoenix I am sure not driving to Phoenix from Cali for support.

Bottom line, comparing Az Desert Gold dry washer to Royals dry washers is like trying to compare apples and oranges. Yes the two brands of dry washers may be of the same design and may look like each other but that’s where the comparison stops. The buyer needs to look under the hood to see the difference as the differences are many, but what would I know I have worked in the sheet metal fabrication business for over 25 years and have not learned a dang thing.

It is very obvious you have never even touched a AZ Desert Gold drywasher Udigit. I have run a Royal Machine. In my opinion it is a clunker compared to the AZ Desert Gold machine. It is nowhere near as efficient. Your “virtual” assessment is moot unless you plan on drywashing the Internet. After you RUN the machines for a few weeks side-by-side like I have, get back to me.

Seems like there was an issue with the paperwork at the blm with the claim I purchased. They told me that the person who sold it to me has to many claims and couldn't file for the small miners waiver. I ended up getting my money back from them. I did look on the lr2000 and the claim still shows active. I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for it to become closed in order for me to re stake it or if I could pay the fees to take over the claim.

Thank goodness you got your money back! You need to go to the BLM office and check the status. The LR2000 is never up to date!


You are correct I put a value on quality and never would throw my hard earned money on a cheap dry washer as the one you are promoting.

You have made it very apparent that you push Tesoro and Az Desert Gold products as these companies are based in Arizona as well as Arizona Gold Adventures that you’re the CEO. It is as though no other products match up to what “you” recommend or believe in. This then leads “us” the readers of these forums that you have an invested interest with the two companies or these two companies have given their products to you for you to showcase and to promote at AGA, this helping sales for these two companies. Many of your post you are promoting these two companies to the newbies of gold recovery and prospecting. Sorry but I am from the old school, I do not to put much conviction in others that do not have an unbiased approach to helping others in offering ideas and allowing the user to make a sound choice instead of, “You can save yourself some money, get a better drywasher - and local support” There is no truth in this quote regarding the two dry washers in question when you look at the facts. What the hell is local support when I am 500 mile away?

Newbies to these forums are better served by joining local prospecting clubs and seeing what others are using in regards to the areas they plan to use their equipment.

What AzViper offered was a simple approach in comparing two brands of dry washers. Showing sizes, weights, widths, length, hardware used, material size, finish, and a link to Royals website, not some guy standing in his backyard showcasing his items while someone from the rooftop snaps a photo. No product details, no up close photos, just a basic dry washer using a computer case fan. Where is the quality in this design Terry?

What, every forum member is to take your word it’s the best? Learn to pick your fights. The other product you push is Tesoro and you’re losing that battle to Steve Herschbach over in the Metal Detecting forums.

Terry it must be tuff waking up each day thinking you’re the prince of prospecting.

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You are correct I put a value on quality and never would throw my hard earned money on a cheap dry washer as the one you are promoting.

You have made it very apparent that you push Tesoro and Az Desert Gold products as these companies are based in Arizona as well as Arizona Gold Adventures that you’re the CEO. It is as though no other products match up to what “you” recommend or believe in. This then leads “us” the readers of these forums that you have an invested interest with the two companies or these two companies have given their products to you for you to showcase and to promote at AGA, this helping sales for these two companies. Many of your post you are promoting these two companies to the newbies of gold recovery and prospecting. Sorry but I am from the old school, I do not to put much conviction in others that do not have an unbiased approach to helping others in offering ideas and allowing the user to make a sound choice instead of, “You can save yourself some money, get a better drywasher - and local support” There is no truth in this quote regarding the two dry washers in question when you look at the facts. What the hell is local support when I am 500 mile away?

Newbies to these forums are better served by joining local prospecting clubs and seeing what others are using in regards to the areas they plan to use their equipment.

What AzViper offered was a simple approach in comparing two brands of dry washers. Showing sizes, weights, widths, length, hardware used, material size, finish, and a link to Royals website, not some guy standing in his backyard showcasing his items while someone from the rooftop snaps a photo. No product details, no up close photos, just a basic dry washer using a computer case fan. Where is the quality in this design Terry?

What, every forum member is to take your word it’s the best? Learn to pick your fights. The other product you push is Tesoro and you’re losing that battle to Steve Herschbach over in the Metal Detecting forums.

Terry it must be tuff waking up each day thinking you’re the prince of prospecting.

Once again, if you have never used the machine you have no idea what you are talking about. Stating your "opinion" is fine, I do it every day, but I base my opinion on Experience, not emotion. I have taught over 1,000 new prospectors how to drywash, on four different brands of puffer and blower machines. I know what works, and how well it works. As far as my difference of opinion with Steve, we are talking about two very specific PI machines, niether of which are Tesoro machines. I also use and suggest Minelab machines Udigit. I hope those are OK with you. At six posts, you pretend to know a lot about me. Have we met?

Hey Terry... Any recommendations for a puffer dry washer?

Once again, if you have never used the machine you have no idea what you are talking about. Stating your "opinion" is fine, I do it every day, but I base my opinion on Experience, not emotion. I have taught over 1,000 new prospectors how to drywash, on four different brands of puffer and blower machines. I know what works, and how well it works. As far as my difference of opinion with Steve, we are talking about two very specific PI machines, niether of which are Tesoro machines. I also use and suggest Minelab machines Udigit. I hope those are OK with you. At six posts, you pretend to know a lot about me. Have we met?


Let’s make it clear I am not the one pretending or gloating and why would having only posted 6 times have any merit on the topic. Again you’re popping off for no apparent reason other than to say, “I am Terry Soloman you need to believe what I say”.

I have seen your buddies DW firsthand, what I did not see was the fan / counterbalance that’s installed as the DW was in use. Also I never said that the DW you represent did not catch gold. Again if you’re going to draw a comparison then everything needs to be equal when testing. Comparing the DW side by side is a joke as no bucket or shovel full of dirt will contain the same amount of gold. Hopefully I do not need to explain how an equal comparison is achieved but for you I may because you live in a glass house with your crystal ball. Furthermore you did toss in the Tesoro Sand Shark in the mix of your argument with Steve. I doubt that anyone in these forums cares how many people you taught to dry wash or how many dry washers you have at your disposal, I know that it means nothing to me as talk is cheap.

What AzViper has shown is a comparison and Royal backs up their dry washer with quality through and through. The current dry washers on the market today are of a very basic design and there is not much that one can do to improve on the design other than offering quality. Quality begins in how the dry washer is constructed, material used, hardware, etc. If someone wants a DW for backpacking then that person must listen to your campaign. Don’t say that the DW’s that you obviously back are better when you do not have the facts to back it up other than to say you ran these dry washers side by side. That statement holds no weight.

Terry I think in your mind you believe everything you say but when someone steps up to the plate and challenge your authority you keep piling on the BS with no facts. To answer your other question our paths have crossed a few times.

Mark Marble


Let’s make it clear I am not the one pretending or gloating and why would having only posted 6 times have any merit on the topic. Again you’re popping off for no apparent reason other than to say, “I am Terry Soloman you need to believe what I say”.

I have seen your buddies DW firsthand, what I did not see was the fan / counterbalance that’s installed as the DW was in use. Also I never said that the DW you represent did not catch gold. Again if you’re going to draw a comparison then everything needs to be equal when testing. Comparing the DW side by side is a joke as no bucket or shovel full of dirt will contain the same amount of gold. Hopefully I do not need to explain how an equal comparison is achieved but for you I may because you live in a glass house with your crystal ball. Furthermore you did toss in the Tesoro Sand Shark in the mix of your argument with Steve. I doubt that anyone in these forums cares how many people you taught to dry wash or how many dry washers you have at your disposal, I know that it means nothing to me as talk is cheap.

What AzViper has shown is a comparison and Royal backs up their dry washer with quality through and through. The current dry washers on the market today are of a very basic design and there is not much that one can do to improve on the design other than offering quality. Quality begins in how the dry washer is constructed, material used, hardware, etc. If someone wants a DW for backpacking then that person must listen to your campaign. Don’t say that the DW’s that you obviously back are better when you do not have the facts to back it up other than to say you ran these dry washers side by side. That statement holds no weight.

Terry I think in your mind you believe everything you say but when someone steps up to the plate and challenge your authority you keep piling on the BS with no facts. To answer your other question our paths have crossed a few times.

Mark Marble

Mark, you can believe anything you want, this is a free country. Unfortunately for you, so can I. You don't have to like or agree with my opinion, and vice-versa. Go spend your money the way you want to, but remember I have just as much right to type my opinion here as you do.

Now if we have crossed paths "a few times," they must have been pretty wide because I do not place your name. Anyway, you’re probably a big boy so make up your own mind and stop telling me what I believe.

Terry nobody is telling you what you should believe but obviously your offended by the truth, the numbers, and photos do not lie. All I ask from you if you’re going to compare your buddies DW to Royals DW then make a fair and honest NON BIASED comparison, what’s wrong with that Terry? Don’t write that you did a side by side comparison when each shovel full of dirt is not equal to the next shovel full of dirt. Remember your first reply to AzViper after he posted a photo of Royals DW was your buddies DW was cheaper and a better DW but your offered no proof other than the $$$ but you failed to mention that the Royal was a much bigger DW. I don’t need to say anymore, the readers of these forums if they choose to make a sound decision based what I and AzViper have pointed out will arrive with the same conclusion that the Royal’s two different sized DW are far better choice in purchasing a dry washer.

Terry in your case and you received these dry washers for next to nothing to use and to promote, I suppose I would use them as well but were talking about those that will purchase a dry washer from their own pocket and want the dry washer to last and made with quality. You cannot dispute that the Royal is of higher quality when you look at the big picture. Our path was not wide but I do not walk around with my name plastered on my forehead. You appear to want to get the last word in on this issue so take your best shot. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

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Terry nobody is telling you what you should believe but obviously your offended by the truth, the numbers, and photos do not lie. All I ask from you if you’re going to compare your buddies DW to Royals DW then make a fair and honest NON BIASED comparison, what’s wrong with that Terry? Don’t write that you did a side by side comparison when each shovel full of dirt is not equal to the next shovel full of dirt. Remember your first reply to AzViper after he posted a photo of Royals DW was your buddies DW was cheaper and a better DW but your offered no proof other than the $$$ but you failed to mention that the Royal was a much bigger DW. I don’t need to say anymore, the readers of these forums if they choose to make a sound decision based what I and AzViper have pointed out will arrive with the same conclusion that the Royal’s two different sized DW are far better choice in purchasing a dry washer.

Terry in your case and you received these dry washers for next to nothing to use and to promote, I suppose I would use them as well but were talking about those that will purchase a dry washer from their own pocket and want the dry washer to last and made with quality. You cannot dispute that the Royal is of higher quality when you look at the big picture. Our path was not wide but I do not walk around with my name plastered on my forehead. You appear to want to get the last word in on this issue so take your best shot. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

In My Opinion, There is NO drywasher on the market today that is a BETTER value, catches more small gold, is lighter or easier to set up, than Bret Chilcott's AZ Desert Gold machines.

How is that Udig? Does that make my opinion in more clear to you? That is my BIASED opinion, after actually USING the machines. I don't base my opinions on forum posts or photographs Udig, I base them on my personal experience. While I feel you are wrong, I will not attack your intelligence or honesty, or try and tell you what is right or wrong, I just accept that this is your opinion. I won't speculate that you work for Royal, or that you get special discounts from Jobe. I won't pretend to know you, or accuse you of living in a glass house or looking through a crystal ball.

Try and get over yourself. I have. 8-)

Yes I have seen his web site before. In fact when I do get one I will probably get it from him. I don't know much about dry washers so I am just kinda shopping around figuring it all out.

I got a Thompson puffer drywasher last October, and they are good machines. Only thing I would probably change on it is the expanded metal being used for the hopper. (probably just use hardware cloth to classify material smaller)

You can also check out the olyeller drywasher. Heard good things about those as well.

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