Axelrod Says Talk of Impeachment “Dangerous and Disloyal” - A little humor too


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn's suggestion that President Obama may be “perilously close to impeachment” elicited a harsh rebuke from Obama adviser David Axelrod.

“Senator Coburn calls himself a friend of the President, but then stabs him in the back like some sort of latter day Brutus,” Axelrod complained. “His remarks are way out of bounds. They are dangerous and disloyal.”

Axelrod mocked Coburn's credentials for criticizing the President. “What does an obstetrician know about the law?” he sarcastically wondered. “Every move the President has made has the full support of the nation's top lawyer, Attorney General Eric Holder. The Senator would be wise to back off to a safe distance. The President will make full use of all the powers at his disposal to sterilize the 'virus' infecting our politics and undermining his authority. It would be a shame if any of his 'friends' became collateral damage.”

Axelrod cited news that the First Family bought a new puppy in furtherance of his argument. The puppy, like their other pet, is a Portuguese Water Dog. “Is the purchase of a puppy the kind of thing a tyrant would do?” Axelrod asked. “We think that the American people will agree that a man who lays out $2,000 to give an animal a home evinces the type of benevolence and good will they want in a leader. We are confident that this rebuts the negative impressions the President's detractors are trying to foist on the general public.”

“We think that the American people will agree that a man who lays out $2,000 to give an animal a home evinces the type of benevolence and good will they want in a leader.
$2000.00 for a DOG! This guy is so seriously out of touch........ but hey, I guess his reality is a wonderful world..........
look at where he lives and vacations..........America, ever thought you'd see yourself paying for someone else to have $2000.00 dogs and million dollar vacations! :BangHead:


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