Sr. Member
AU in situ
Hi all , this is my first post here on the Nugget Hunting Forum . I’m usually hang’n around the American Indian Artifact Forum . One of my favorite things on that forum are the “in situ” pic’s , where people take a pic of there points [ arrow-heads , etc ] before they pick them up . Now I’ve seen some fine gold here on this forum , but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any “AU in situ” pic’s ....? Well, here’s mine from last week .

Untouched by the hand of man...., true virgin gold??

This .82 gr. Nugget was found on the surface ..., I picked up this yeller rock , not thinking
.....anyway I had to put this one back down for its in situ pic .

From 3 ½ days of nugget shooting in S. Calf. , mine are on the left and the dot on the dime , the 6 on the right are my buddy’s that came out from Va. , he uses a Eureka Minelab usually in 20 Hz / fine . I use a G.M. V-sat , gain 4-5 , sat [low] 25 -50%
So... there you go ,hope you enjoyed the “AU in Situ”.., and if you all have any , please throw them up here , I like to see them
Sincerely , Blindpig
Hi all , this is my first post here on the Nugget Hunting Forum . I’m usually hang’n around the American Indian Artifact Forum . One of my favorite things on that forum are the “in situ” pic’s , where people take a pic of there points [ arrow-heads , etc ] before they pick them up . Now I’ve seen some fine gold here on this forum , but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any “AU in situ” pic’s ....? Well, here’s mine from last week .

Untouched by the hand of man...., true virgin gold??

This .82 gr. Nugget was found on the surface ..., I picked up this yeller rock , not thinking

From 3 ½ days of nugget shooting in S. Calf. , mine are on the left and the dot on the dime , the 6 on the right are my buddy’s that came out from Va. , he uses a Eureka Minelab usually in 20 Hz / fine . I use a G.M. V-sat , gain 4-5 , sat [low] 25 -50%
So... there you go ,hope you enjoyed the “AU in Situ”.., and if you all have any , please throw them up here , I like to see them
Sincerely , Blindpig