AU in situ


Sr. Member
Sep 29, 2007
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So. Cali
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Well,.Sometimes ?
AU in situ

Hi all , this is my first post here on the Nugget Hunting Forum . I’m usually hang’n around the American Indian Artifact Forum . One of my favorite things on that forum are the “in situ” pic’s , where people take a pic of there points [ arrow-heads , etc ] before they pick them up . Now I’ve seen some fine gold here on this forum , but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any “AU in situ” pic’s ....? Well, here’s mine from last week .


Untouched by the hand of man...., true virgin gold??


This .82 gr. Nugget was found on the surface ..., I picked up this yeller rock , not thinking :tongue3: .....anyway I had to put this one back down for its in situ pic .


From 3 ½ days of nugget shooting in S. Calf. , mine are on the left and the dot on the dime , the 6 on the right are my buddy’s that came out from Va. , he uses a Eureka Minelab usually in 20 Hz / fine . I use a G.M. V-sat , gain 4-5 , sat [low] 25 -50%

So... there you go ,hope you enjoyed the “AU in Situ”.., and if you all have any , please throw them up here , I like to see them
Sincerely , Blindpig

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Re: AU in situ

Vini, the nasty muck is lake silt and runs a foot or two thick. Most of it doesnt stink till you disturb it. We have found some nice gold in that creek in years past, alot of good times down there.


Re: AU in situ

Gold in situ would be gold in place in a vein,undisturbed,the enclosing country,or host rock.In a placer I've never heard of it called being in situ,perhaps if it's a virgin deposit one could call it that....You chaps have done well at Lake M,nice stuff Cooter.......Dave

Re: AU in situ

Thank you Dave!


Re: AU in situ

.........And for those of you who've never seen gold in situ,that you've dug yourself....well your heart races wildly,a shortness of breath is common as you don't know if it's a nice pocket or a few species till you dig it out and clean it.....try that hand work some time and find of life's greatest thills......Yeah Cooter,Kuger gave good reports about you..........Dave

Re: AU in situ

Lets get the dredge in there one of these days maybe when that creek starts running with water again ?

I want you to see your old new dredge LOL hopefully i will have some new proline pontoons on that baby soon just gotta talk someone out of a set he has sitting in his garage.

I was dredging last winter and started finding a few little pickers in a gravel bar and got to watch a few get sucked up my nozzle it was so kewl, then finding them a few minutes later sitting on my black matting and clinking them down as I drop them on the crash box *TINK* :thumbsup:

Re: AU in situ

WOW , gone a few days , and look where this thread has gone ?? The most surprising , is the pic. Of Cooters patch... I mean ., I always figured you Mother-Lode boy’s all ways hunted some altra -secret gulch or mountain side ,.. And to hear Shep has even bothered to swing his coil there ?? Anyway , here’s a pic of my dredge just below your patch .


I love working /making my own tools/toy’s , I’ve never seen anyone else use boat-fuel tanks on there dredge’s , but I’m sure there is , makes re fueling clean and fast . I also like my stainless-steel keg air-tank, cheap and it looks cool, the only problem with it is all the locals think I’m throwing a “river kegger “ on my little pontoon boat!!


O.K. You mother-Loder’s does this pic “drum-up” any idea’s where I like to snip??


Re: AU in situ

The patch is pretty clean, no problem posting..Your sniping pic. looks like Jackass creek?

El Cooter

Re: AU in situ

I figured it must be cleaned out,I couldnt understand why else you were letting Vinny post all that!!!! :tard:

Re: AU in situ

Kewl setup blindpig is that in the creek below ? recently ?

I say the other sniping pic is coursegold creek

I bet if we could scrape that hill cooter you'd find a nugger patch agin ??? what i have read is there are gold layers and they play out but there might be another layer just a few feet down then again maybe not thats probably why they gave up hydrolicing that area maybe ? or that law regulations stopped that type of mining there?

Re: AU in situ

Flyspekau , The pic of my 5" dredge was taken 10-8-02 , the old fashion way,.. With film . I just [3 mo. ? ] bought a scanjet to convert some old pic’s ,these 2 pic’s are my fist ones I’ve posted , I think they look pretty good .
The creek I believe is about the prettiest one around , some nice deep rock-holes and all,... havn’t been able to drum-up much AU there,.. soooo , somtimes I feel like a Jackass not being able to liberate a bit of Au from such a fine creek .


Re: AU in situ

Blindpig I have a All in one machine and use the scanner often for my business forms, it sends them straight to email so I can sign documents and either email or even fax, copy them, yes scanners work really well Had some old fishing pics I wanted to post on another board and it enabled to do that pretty neat.

Did you get down deep enough in that creek , down to bedrock or is there a boulder situation there??

Re: AU in situ


Like river pirates , we start are gold-quest in are lit’ boat, arrrg that river is cooold in may!

Flyspekau , the “situation there is more like ,...time for us . If we go up for 5 days , spend perhaps a day looking for a good spot then a few days opening it up ? Now, I’ve chased small pickers down into the bed-rock for near 3 ft. to find nothing on the bottom . I’ve also have shoveled a small gravel bar right into my sluice for 1 ½ hr. for 12 gr. So , anyone can do O.K. with time on there side, but you must enjoy looking,.. And not just finding it .
I believe the way to do this creek ,is with my 5h.p. pump and the T-80 on it . I’ll do a post sometime , with my 2" “poop-tube” dredge... maybe a few other things as well .


The hobitt’s house , has a working fireplace ,good view of the creek , we have left a few buckets and some big iron [steel bars ,hammers etc. ] there , they don’t take reservation’s though???

Sincerely, Blindpig

Re: AU in situ

Well , over the T-day weekend I took my family out to that area where I took the pic of the 2-ton mouse trap. The kids like to explore around the huge boulders and such.


I believe this “panel” was rebuilt about a year ago , as before that there was a pile of stone at the base of the opening . I always figured the stones once filled the panel,... we’ll see how long it takes for it to be kicked out again... .. :(


It is believed the area was being mined by the Spanish / Mexicans by 1800 , which is very early , considering the earliest recorded mining in California is 1780 in the potholes and the Cargo Muchacho’s .


The area of these 4-5 walled in caves , you could call a compound . As with a few logs you could keep your livestock in ,.. Keeping your enemy out ,... well ??
Now, it’s not like I’ve discovered this place , as it seems to have some of the best beer can hunt’n [shooting] around !!
In the past , I’ve noticed a absents of your typical pile of depression era tin-cans ., which seems odd as I believe it would have been convenient to just move in to one of these “diggs” . As I kept one eye on the kids this last weekend , I kept one eye on the ground , looking for some evidence of the former occupants of these dwellings,... I found nutt’n !!


Well , Kuger asked to see some more of those 2-ton mouse traps , so here you go , a double for sure ,... but , a possible tripped trap triple?? Anyway ,with this pic this thread has gone full circle!!
FIN .., Blindpig

Re: AU in situ

Thanks for posting those,if only those rocks could talk!!

Re: AU in situ

NEAT place blindpig interesting bedrock

I just noticed the wet suit heater on your dredge :thumbsup: how do you like that setup ever gotten burned ?

i have the direction for one but heard storys of getting burned so i'm hesitant to make one.

Re: AU in situ

Fly,I run a heater on one of my dredges,and like it,although it has alot of hoses that get tangled a lot.I have only been burned once and it wasnt that bad,I was able to jerk the lines out of my suit(fortunately I was only running two lines at the time)It burned me because of a kink in the line and the water built up and blew by the cooler.It doesnt keep you warm enough to be dredging right now IMO

Re: AU in situ

I drink lots of water before I go when its cold :tongue3: plenty of warm water runs down my pant leg HEH HEH

I got a good idea given to me about how to take that initial plunge into cold water, bring a few bottles of warm water and dump them into the suit before plunging in that takes the sting away.

Re: AU in situ

Flyspekau , Next time I throw a river -kegger , I'll "hookah" you up .

A unburnt piece of pork ; Blindpig

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