DiggerDave in Pa.
Sr. Member
I recently received permisson to hunt the attic of an old building in town. This brick building was built as a church in 1828 and used until 1845 when a new building was built. It was turned into a duplex pretty early on. The upstairs bedrooms have a curve in the ceiling on one side. This curve area in the attic was a natural collecting spot for wood, dirt broken glass, letters and bottles. I found a couple labeled local bottles and a painted iron match safe with an eagle on the two pockets. I was happy with what I had found and this bottle came out. It is my first attic found historical flask and it has a cool looking label to top it off. It is a pint bottle that is not pontiled but has a wierd circle spot in the center. There are more spots to hunt in the attic so i will hope for the best. I will post pics of the other stuff I found later. I am just so happy and I wanted to show you all. Thanks for looking! DDinPA.