Attention Old Timers!!! I need your help!!!


Gold Member
Nov 22, 2013
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Mountain Maryland
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Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, AT Max, Minelab
Equinox 800
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I met a guy in my local coin club, he's like 70.. and we started talking about tectin...

He tells me about the 4 machines that he has, but his favorite, best ever detector needs to be either overhauled, or repaired. He tells me that the name of the machine is a "Jersey Skeeter" He has had the unit 30 or 40 years, swears its the best detector ever invented. So there I go, telling him that I would prolly find something online that would point him in the right direction...NOT! I cant find anything other than a baseball team.

The $64,000 question....Has anyone ever heard of this Jersey Skeeter? I got his number, but I don't yet want to tell him that I need to see it to get more specific info.

Anyone able to help?

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good sleuthing work St.-barbara.

Big-wave-Dave: A machine from the early 1970s is going to be a "dinasour" compared to machines today. The guy may happen to like it for personal reasons, but no, it's not going to beat today's machines, not the "best ever invented" etc...


AHHhhhhh the good ole days.

"when we were young we dint hav no dectors.... we had a magnet tied to a stick... and it was heavy"
"ehhh kids these days".



AHHhhhhh the good ole days.

"when we were young we dint hav no dectors.... we had a magnet tied to a stick... and it was heavy"
"ehhh kids these days".


Yeah! And we had to walk 10 miles to and from school, uphill both directions and in the snow all year long!! :laughing7:


I'm thinking more nostalgia than anything else those old analog machines would only get you maybe 3 or 4" of depth....but considering a lot of the sites back then were virgin is was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Regards + HH


Like everyone knows if you know what your detector is telling you it can easily be the best detector there ever was in your mind... I am a sound hunter and the only time I even look at the vdi is when I get a mixed signal and trying to sort out all the different sounds and what they might be. Most often there is a target worth digging masked by other sounds. But just the one high note tells me to go for it. I hit a pocket find yesterday that sounded like a circus calliope and when I dug I found tabs, screws and some iron and then the find was 3 dimes, 2 quarters and 4 pennies.

I talked old man 90 yrs old that was selling detectors made back in the early 90's and I told him they were old technology and the new one were far superior.. He said well mine can find anything yours can and the trouble with guys now days is they don't know their detectors.. He said I doubt which you could find enough with my detectors to keep you interested in detecting because you don't know them but I bet I can find just as much or more with mine than you can with yours... He said I began detecting in 1955 and found more rings and valuable coins than you ever will...

Its all relative... in a way.

In those days... you did not need a detector to go deeper than 4 inches or so.

Because the rings and such were only 2-3 inches down :P

And that is why this guy with the "skeeter Beater" thought it was the best detector ever made....


My first detector was a ww11 job with backpack for mine detection. Think I recall having to shovel coal into it to get up a head of steam ;)

Sent by carrier pigeon

Thanks #4 has the same link, but thanks for looking into it.
FWIW, I never saw that guy again.:dontknow:


AHHhhhhh the good ole days.

"when we were young we dint hav no dectors.... we had a magnet tied to a stick... and it was heavy"
"ehhh kids these days".


AND... our scoops were just coffee cans on a branch :P
AND.... you had to pick tree bark from your eyes....

We licked our finds to clean them... no wussy puss water ... did not even have any to drink. :P


Next thing you'll be telling us you walked to school 2 miles or more uphill both ways barefoot in the

Regards + HH



Next thing you'll be telling us you walked to school 2 miles or more uphill both ways barefoot in the

Regards + HH


BACKWARDS ! ! ! as to not be eaten by buzzards who attacked from behind ya.

Would beat em off ... ehhhh... ummm.... would defend my eyes from their claws with a toothpick...

Because THAT was all we had for a pinpointer. :P

Hi BWD; The Jersey Skeeter was made by a guy who produced them in his house literally. They all date to the early 70's. I absolutely doubt you can find any info on it because it was not a Main Line Company like White's, Garrett etc. I had a friend who had one. He sold it about 2 months after buying it because I kept skunking him on each hunt. I even found stuff he had missed by walking over the spot he just walked over in a test we did.
Recommendation: Take it to a TV Repair Shop. They can fix it because they have the right equipment. That's about the best info I can give you ok. Good Luck. PEACE:RONB

Hey Barker, Thankyou for the info! (You must be an old timer.:laughing7:)
I still have the guys phone #, I suspect he is up north, he is a snowbird. If I See the guy in season, I will forward this thread to him.
Hope he ain't dead.

Hi BWD; I sure am and Proud of it. !!! I have 48 YEARS of SOLID In Field Detecting under my belt. Working towards the 50 Year Mark. I can hardly wait. I am also the Senior In Field Treasure Hunter here in Mass. There is NO ONE with as much "continuous" In Field Digging Time as me. I started with a Radio Shack BFO in 1968. I never looked back. I've used almost every Type of detector ever made since then. God has blessed me with many incredible finds and stories I have passed on to my kid and relatives. Maybe someday I'll write my story. Should make for some good reading. Anyways, Glad to help. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:
See that, the Geritol did work.!!! :laughing7: You know you have a problem when you start getting high --- on prunes.!!! :icon_scratch: :tongue3:

Your experience is well documented and appreciated... I lurk on the Mass forums, and you always know your stuff. If I was still up there, you would have a hunting buddy for sure.... Go Sox!

Hi BWD; Thanks. Just say the word. Be glad to dig with you anytime. PEACE:RONB

Oh, I didn't even notice that.:laughing7:

Hi BWD; The Jersey Skeeter was made by a guy who produced them in his house literally. They all date to the early 70's. I absolutely doubt you can find any info on it because it was not a Main Line Company like White's, Garrett etc. I had a friend who had one. He sold it about 2 months after buying it because I kept skunking him on each hunt. I even found stuff he had missed by walking over the spot he just walked over in a test we did.
Recommendation: Take it to a TV Repair Shop. They can fix it because they have the right equipment. That's about the best info I can give you ok. Good Luck. PEACE:RONB
Are there still TV repair shops in this throw-away world?

Used to be one in every town. When I was a kid, my Dad had a friend who had a TV repair shop, probably long gone by now.

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