ATPro vs Xterra 705

Old Dude, I won't get into which machine is "better" in terms of depth because too many factors can affect the result.

They are both good machines.

The biggest plus to the AT is that its waterproof. The downside to that is that changing headphones or coils is a major pain due to those water proof adapters. Drove me nuts.

The biggest plus to the 705 is the weight. Can swing it all daw no problem. I never liked the weight distribution on the AT Gold I once owned, even with the 5x8 coil.

If yo have a problem swinging any detector get a minelab pro swing 45 i got one and it works. I have problems with both shoulders and disk problems in my back. The pro swing takes all the weight off those areas. Some say it is pricey but it works. If you consider i spent more on other devices i tried that didnt work, it is cheap.

I can't speak for the 705 since I never owned one, but I can say the ETrac is the most uncomfortable detector I've ever swung by far. Honestly, I ended hunts early because it's just awkward as hell. It wasn't the weight, it's the whole ergonomics of it. The performance is outstanding, I just hate the way it feels in my arm.

I have no problem admitting that minelab makes a few md's that are 'better' than my ATP.....but the 705 is not one of them. I have a buddy with the 705 and my ATP will read a dime several inches deeper, its waterproof, MADE IN USA, and its cheaper!!! I also have personal references, but they are my own and not the same as yours. I would love to have a 3030 or even a safari if they werent so expensive....

Totally agree.

It isnt that the 705 is uncomfortable for me. It is anything is uncomfortable. I have swung several detectors and its just my injuries. The pro swing 45 allows me to not only do it for a long time, i can do it for any amount of time without pain.

I have no problem admitting that minelab makes a few md's that are 'better' than my ATP.....but the 705 is not one of them. I have a buddy with the 705 and my ATP will read a dime several inches deeper, its waterproof, MADE IN USA, and its cheaper!!! I also have personal references, but they are my own and not the same as yours. I would love to have a 3030 or even a safari if they werent so expensive....

With the 3 dd khz coil mounted on the 705, I highly doubt the ATP will find deeper silver, and with the 18.75 coil I believe the 705 will be much better at finding gold or prospecting, especially since the ATP does NOT have a threshold based all metal mode. Different frequencies can be like turning the machine into an entirely new detector. You will never be able to do that with an ATP.

I can't speak for the 705 since I never owned one, but I can say the ETrac is the most uncomfortable detector I've ever swung by far. Honestly, I ended hunts early because it's just awkward as hell. It wasn't the weight, it's the whole ergonomics of it. The performance is outstanding, I just hate the way it feels in my arm.

I'll second that! The CTX and Sovereign are the most comfortable, best balanced machines I've used.

I can't speak for the 705 since I never owned one, but I can say the ETrac is the most uncomfortable detector I've ever swung by far. Honestly, I ended hunts early because it's just awkward as hell. It wasn't the weight, it's the whole ergonomics of it. The performance is outstanding, I just hate the way it feels in my arm.

How well does your buddy know how to use that 705? Real world, the only thing the at has over the 705 is that it is waterproof. If you really look at the two machines the 705 has so much more capabilities. Compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

I'm a Minelab guy. I owned an Etrac and spent a significant amount of time and money learning about Minelab machine and thier capabilities. They do have better machines than the AT Pro - CTX, Etrac, Safari (MAYBE), but that's where the list stops. The only Minelabs I'd say are definetly better are teh CTX/Etrac and the Etrac will make you cry like a baby because they spent zero dollars in designing it for comfort, so that leaves a $2500 machine vs a $600 machine. I sure hope one's an apple and the other is an orange for that level of price difference!

That is the tough part comparing the 705 to the AT Pro: it all depends on what coil you are using on 705. If you have the large 3 kHz coil on the 705 vs. the stock coil on the AT Pro, I cannot think of a situation where the 705 would lose to the AT on a pure depth contest on silver or copper coins.

On other targets, because of the higher frequency on the AT, it might do better.

I have no problem admitting that minelab makes a few md's that are 'better' than my ATP.....but the 705 is not one of them. I have a buddy with the 705 and my ATP will read a dime several inches deeper, its waterproof, MADE IN USA, and its cheaper!!!
With a stock MF concentric coil on the 705 and a DD on the ATP I could see it, but a properly set up 705 will trounce an ATP anywhere on land.

On other targets, because of the higher frequency on the AT, it might do better.
In the case of low conductors being the desired target, you put an 18.75kHz coil on the Xterra and beat the ATP like a red-headed stepchild......again.

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