
Cactusjumper wrote

Can you name three pieces of circumstantial evidence that, combined, make a solid piece of "best evidence"

In other words, what do you consider the strongest evidence?

Do we have to limit it to three? I pointed out, that it is the mass of circumstantial evidence, taken together, which make the strongest evidence in my opinion, not three points or aspects picked out of it. But I will try.

First the near-universal flood myths, which parallel Plato's "earthquakes and floods"; coupled with the now known fact that there were fast rises in the ocean levels due to massive meltwater "pulses" as the eggheads term them. " In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones;" <Timaeus, Plato>

Second the fact that some peoples were at the beginnings of what we consider a "civilization" right around the time of Atlantis, including livestock herding as agriculture, and even horse domestication has now been pushed back to 9000 years ago; a turn of the spade tomorrow, may find even earlier proof. The fact that such places as Jericho, Catal Huyuk, Damascus <well close by at Tell Ramad > and even in the Aegean (discoveries proving that agriculture and sailing for obsidian was already happening circa 13,000 BC!) and keeping in mind that most civilizations arise near the rivers and seas, thus being prone to loss by flooding or rising sea levels, I would say is fair proof that a currently un-discovered civilization (Atlantis) could exist, and probably does. Whom would have predicted that human habitations would be found on the bottom of the Black Sea, or in the English Channel, even thirty years ago? I am convinced that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, of the state of humanity circa the time of Atlantis or before.

Third the "surviving" Atlantians, as recorded by several ancient historians and geographers, including Diodorus. If there were no Atlantis and Titans, how could there be a people known in the time of Diodorus and Herodotus as the descendants? Even the chronicles of Tyre record an expedition to punish Tityans whom had rebelled against Tyre, so we can not simply dismiss the stories of Titans as a Greek invention.

A considerable area of land was lost to rising seas due to the end of the last Ice Age; one estimate put it at one fourth of the total land area. A number of islands were lost, some quite sizable and land bridges submerged as well. We know today that volcanic islands like the Canary isles and Hawaiian islands have suffered catastrophic collapses when masses of land simply fell off into the oceans, causing massive tsunamis that carried destruction clear across the oceans, even shaping some of our Bahama islands in the process. Earthquakes in modern times have resulted in massive areas of land suddenly sinking below sea level as happened in Chile <the Valdivia earthquake of 1960> which parallels just what Plato describes. Considering that humanity was already living on the planet when the Ice Age ended, and the geology is now showing that it ended rather violently, it would be strange if some kind of human record of the event were not recorded.

Joe you have a penchant for asking questions that I can not answer in a few words.

I would like to hear what others consider the best evidence.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

just a note lost lands aren't that uncommon,

Although the existence of lost continents is mythical, there are some places on earth that were once dry land but are now submerged under the sea. Approximately listed by size, these are:
Sundaland, the now submerged Sunda Shelf.
Zealandia, a continent that is now 93% submerged under the Pacific Ocean.
Kerguelen Plateau, a submerged micro-continent which is now 1–2 km below sea level.
Beringia, connecting Asia and North America.
Doggerland, the bed of the North Sea, inundated by rising sea level during the Holocene.
The bed of the Persian Gulf.
A large island in the Mediterranean Sea, of which the Maltese Islands are the only parts not now submerged.
Maui Nui, once a large island of the Hawaii archipelago; several major islands represent residual high ground of Maui Nui.
Verdronken Land van Reimerswaal, most of this region in The Netherlands vanished in a storm in 1532; the town of Reimerswaal survived as an island into the 17th century; the last bits of land vanished in the early 19th century.
Strand, an island off the German coast with the town Rungholt, eroded away by storm surges before being washed away by a final flood in 1634.
Jordsand, once an island off the Danish coast, eroded away by storm surges before being washed away by a final flood between 1998 and 1999.
Ferdinandea, submerged volcanic island which has appeared at least four times in the past.
Sarah Ann Island, now submerged guano island, located just north of the equator. Vanished between 1917 and 1932.
Ravenser Odd, a large 13th century town on the old sandbank promontory in East Yorkshire, which became an island and then vanished in January 1392.


That's as good an answer as I have seen. I assume it's going into your book. Sorry to say, I remain unconvinced. There are counter arguments for every point, and they make good me.

Happy New Year,


Some lands subside under the waves and are lost; some new lands arise from the depths. Below is a picture of a newly-formed land mass, Niijima, located 600 miles east of Japan. If it keeps this shape, I wonder what the speculators will think in another 10,000 years when they compare it with the fragments of the comics that may survive the ages.



That's as good an answer as I have seen. I assume it's going into your book. Sorry to say, I remain unconvinced. There are counter arguments for every point, and they make good me.

Happy New Year,


Thanks, and as to whether that specific argument is going to be used, a form of it yes but some info I was not willing to post here so it won't be quite the same, and until I can get my files off my dead computer, the whole project is 'manana' - also have other projects to complete first. Sorry I could not convince you, wishing you all a very prosperous and Happy New Year,

G'd afternoon Cholla jumper: Coffee or Boozeaid? You posted -->Does not conform to pre-historic all.

And just what does the original prehistoric man look like ? of course we are disallowing the several magnificent boo boos of the Society, need I mention the Pilt== which cost many their credentials and careers because they went against the establishment and disagreed with the Establishments' findings..

Soo why 'not' giants in those days, I personally have seen one of the recent red haired Giant's skull and femur?? Approx. 12 ft estimate. . In essence why couldn't a giant ancestor have been avaiable to dine on the KFC of the day, T Rex Even the insects were huge.
You want a leg ORO? How about you uJoe?

Don Jose de La Mancha

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HI REb: yer too young for coffee, so will a coke satisfy??m Yes, so was Tayopa & Troy, but both have now been found, Atlantis tentatively also.

Don Jose d eLa Mancha


In 1595,Portuguese navigator,Pedro Fernandes de Quiros on board the SAN GERNONIMO lande on Temuen island in the Caroline chain.What he found was the NAN MADOL ruin complex of buildings and canals,constructed from 400,000 12'-27' basalt blocks transported from the north coast of Ponape.
The city is not what one would call beautiful,as its architecture appears utilitarian,like a fortress,but the main canal leads to a network of smaller canals,surrounded by house foundations and burial vaults.There are additional buildings under the ocean.Some of these ruins are 125' and up to 2580' long.
South Sea legend claims a flying fire breathing dragon excated the canals creating the islets,and his magician helper cast a spell that made the basalt blocks fly into place.
The technology of an advanced culture appears as magic to the lesser advanced culture.

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G'd afternoon ECS: Crow & Kanacker posted quite a bit on that not too long ago, but in a sister Treasure site, If I may may, I suggest Trasure works go to --> Treasure legends and scroll

Don Jose de La Mancha

At 62? You flatter me... (# 568)

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Info WAS "recorded"... as MYTHS & LEGENDS!
...and in some religious texts and stories around the world-be it the Sons of God to battles between fying machines in India,destruction of cities and continents,to stories of those taken above the Earth in flying machines.
Something was going on,on this planet long before accepted written history about known civilizations.
Nan Madol and Yonagumi,for example,were built by someone and for a purpose.
Who,why,and when are the questions.

...and in some religious texts and stories around the world-be it the Sons of God to battles between fying machines in India,destruction of cities and continents,to stories of those taken above the Earth in flying machines.
Something was going on,on this planet long before accepted written history about known civilizations.
Nan Madol and Yonagumi,for example,were built by someone and for a purpose.
Who,why,and when are the questions.

Check out Indus Valley in India, where GLASS "beads" have been found in the deserts by "Archies"; areas subject to HIGH HEAT, as in a Nuclear explosion or two. Nuclear War in ancient India...? YO MOMMA!

In the Hindu Vedic Texts there are "blueprints" of VIMANAS (flying machines)and accounts of battles with weapons that cause "nuclear" destruction.Something inspired these texts far beyond just mere myth.The glass beads can not be a coincidence or random natural event.
Alexaner the Great mentioned that when he invaded India,that "flying shields" attacked his army.Could these have been the VIMANAS of the Vedic texts?

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In the Hindu Vedic Texts there are "blueprints" of VIMANAS (flying machines)and accounts of battles with weapons that cause "nuclear" destruction.Something inspired these texts far beyond just mere myth.The glass beads can not be a coincidence or random natural event.
Alexaner the Great mentioned that when he invaded India,that "flying shields" attacked his army.Could these have been the VIMANAS of the Vedic texts?

SOME old paintings done in the "old days" have flying shields in the sky...

Didnt anyone see the show finding atlantis its in SW spain in the don a ana mud flats.

Didnt anyone see the show finding atlantis its in SW spain in the don a ana mud flats.


Could be, but no one is stating that it IS Atlantis. When they come up with definitive statements and evidence, you can (maybe) put your money on it. It's not the first time such statements have been made.

Joe Ribaudo

Didnt anyone see the show finding atlantis its in SW spain in the don a ana mud flats.

That site is far more likely to be the legendary city of Tartessus, which was located pretty much exactly where they made their discovery. Tartessus was the Tarshish of the Old Testament, famous for their silver production.

If that site is really Atlantis, then we would have to wonder where Tartessus would be. :dontknow:


That site is far more likely to be the legendary city of Tartessus, which was located pretty much exactly where they made their discovery. Tartessus was the Tarshish of the Old Testament, famous for their silver production.

If that site is really Atlantis, then we would have to wonder where Tartessus would be. :dontknow:



As usual........You are correct.:notworthy:

There are books on the story of Tartessus.

Take care,


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