AT Pro triggers a reading in the 80s what it shakes?

I don't know why you are questioning this. If you actually read the manual it would say that you can't tilt it upwards at the end of your stroke. I've only had my AT Pro 4 days and I know that.
When I'm scanning the ground in front of me, at the end of the stroke my Brand new (week old) AT pro will bell tone at the end of the swipe.

It was making me crazy to hear the "money sound" one time, and then not hear it again! I would carefully scan over the area and get nothing. But then, another 5-8 steps and the bell tone chime with a score of 84. But never again.

It finally dawned on me that it was always at the end of the scan stroke. I held it up in the air and scanned, sure enough, then I just twisted my wrist back and forth and it does it all the time.

What the heck? This cannot be normal it will make me insane if this is normal! Is something loose? broken? out of adjustment? Garrett tech support is so overwhelmed it's been a long time and still not call back.

Anyone else with this issue?

Really this is your reply?

I don't know where I wrote that I tilt the coil up at the end of the stroke. But I'm sure glad your 4 days made you the expert on the AT Pro, now maybe work on some social skills to go along with the digging skills!

Oh, and just for the record, Garrett replaced my defective coil to solve this problem.

Well there you go! Thanks for the update. Defective coil. Very rare occurrence, but that makes sense, being the machine is very new as indicated by the date code, I mean surely it could not be the brain box, and actually I cannot think QC could let that go but **** happens. Thanks for letting us know about this rare occurrence. But look at the turnaround, hey, ten day turnaround is awesome, just what you would expect from Garrett. Now you are in for a treat.

KJ&nugget......It really sux's to get a new detector with a defective coil.......I hope you can keep us posted on your findings and any problems...Best of luck from Northern Michigan USA....

Well today I spent about 3 hours at a park. I found about 5 bucks in coins and a ring. I have not made an assessment of the ring yet, but it's either a gold wedding band or something that looks like one. It rang the bell tone at 71-75 so I dug it up.

After a while the trash burned me out, so I switched to coin pro mode. I called 100% of the quarters, and about 90% of the pennies. Also when I get a solid non jumpy 51-53 it's a nickel every time ( so far) if the number jumps above and below that it's been a piece of aluminum. When its solid at 51-53 it's a nickel.

I ordered the 5X8 coil, I wish I had it today. I had coins within inches of junk it was hard to separate. The 5X8 I used before was much more accurate to pinpoint and was just as deep.

I had my sensitivity set to only about 1/2 and I was digging up dimes at 5-6 inches frequently. maybe deeper I did not actually measure, they were as deep as the blade on my shovel. With sensitivity too high its just noisy and difficult for me. One thing is for sure, in the coin pro mode you can call the target with regularity. I usually start out digging everything, but after an hour and a half I default to Pro coin mode and then pass lots of targets and start digging coins one after another.

This AT Pro is a great coin machine with practice, and I think it's much better with the 5X8 coil, probably should have come with it as standard IMO.

Another well known member that I follow is buying a 5X8 coil for his AT Pro....I hope you'll post your reviews after testing it....Sounds like you had a pretty good day using the stock coil....I retired a few years back and still have the problem of getting it all done at once.... Myself I found that I need to slow down and enjoy the thrill of the hunt......I'm very interested in the 5X8 coil but not yet sold on buying one till I hear more reviews from members like yourself...Take Care Buddy and keep us all posted....

I have had an AT Pro for quite some time now, so I am no newbie to the machine. My machine has started doing the "ding" at the end of the swing, and then started just going bananas with sounds like constantly no matter what. My coil is wrapped correctly, and pretty tight. I am going to re-wrap it tomorrow to see if I can get another turn out of the cord to make it even tighter. I noticed that wiggling the cord connector makes it go nuts, so its almost like its related to wiggling of the cord, which could mean there is some slack in the cord, even though it seems pretty well tight to me. I also disconnected the coil and reconnected it to make sure it was good and tight.

Note: As I said, I am an AT pro user for some time. The only other time my machine went bonkers like this, it lasted for a few days, and then the whole thing just died, no display, no nothing. It was warm/hot around the battery compartment. I sent it into Garrett who repaired it very quickly, so I assume that any updates or defects would have been addressed at that time. If after re-wrapping the cord tomorrow it still is going bonkers I will have to send it back in.

If you decide to get a new coil, get he 5x8 DD coil. I really thing it makes the ATPro a much better machine. MUCH better.

I took a detailed look at my unit today. Its definitely hosed. Same issue as before, just goes bonkers, totally erratic. I have it boxed up and sending back to Garrett tomorrow. Hopefully this is the last time for this issue, as my 2 year from purchase date is next month. Worst part, is being down without the detector during spring break here in Florida.

Got my unit back today from Garrett's service department. They did a complete overhaul: new coil, no control box, new headphones, fixed a few small things as well. Not sure what was wrong, it was behaving very odd and unusable. I will go back to the beach maybe tomorrow and see how it does! Hats off too Garrett for standing behind their products and being so quick and painless when trouble arises!

The person that learns to hear and understand AT Pro language with fluency, will never want for another detector.

I agree - they're hard to beat


I have a CZ to compliment mine as I wouldn't be without one of them either!

Although - I am interested in adding the T2 or the F75 or the XP Deus to the tool shed too but I'd need to find a good deal on a used one as I refuse to pay full blown retail :-)

Do you really think the direction of cord wrap matters?
I have mine wrapped behind the shaft at the first wrap and
all seems fine so far...
Hmm Should I Re-wrap it in front?


Do you really think the direction of cord wrap matters?
I have mine wrapped behind the shaft at the first wrap and
all seems fine so far...
Hmm Should I Re-wrap it in front?


If it works fine, I'd leave it. But if it starts to go off or chatter, try rewrapping it over the top first.



Duh me! I do have it wrapped correctly!
Just looked over at it and thought wrong .

Hey! Do you have the 5x8 in stock right now?
I need to get one!


Here is what I did with mine and now it is so quiet some times I think it's off. Run your cable, from the coil, straight up about ten inches and tape it to the shaft, now start to run the coil clockwise around the shaft, when I get close to the top I taped it again and presto that sucker doesn't make a single pop unless there is something under the coil. Someone made the suggestion to use a Velcro strap instead of tape, but the Velcro I purchased doesn't stay put so I went back to tape. Try it; it worked for me.

So are you guy's finding the cable being loose to cause this problem?

I keep checking mine to see if I have it too loose,but really don't have any idea of what "too loose" looks like,or how tight it should be? Another thing I see on Garrett's video's was they are leaving their coil loose,and it pivots when they lay the machine down,to the flat position? Is this the right tension on the bolt for the coil? Should the cable be tight all the way up the shaft,to the top section?:dontknow:

RKS, it should be loose enough to lay the coil flat against the rod, but not so loose that it is hanging down and touching on the top of the coil. You can secure it with Velcro straps or even electricians tape, but if you have it wrapped correctly, it should be fine without tape.

005 (2).webp
Here is what I did with mine and now it is so quiet some times I think it's off. Run your cable, from the coil, straight up about ten inches and tape it to the shaft, now start to run the coil clockwise around the shaft, when I get close to the top I taped it again and presto that sucker doesn't make a single pop unless there is something under the coil. Someone made the suggestion to use a Velcro strap instead of tape, but the Velcro I purchased doesn't stay put so I went back to tape. Try it; it worked for me.
Thanks,badpenny!:thumbsup: That did the trick!:icon_biggrin: I wonder why Garret,and the others tell you to wrap the cable around the lower section tight?006.webp

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Glad to help; it does quiet them down to the point where you think they're off.

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