It takes some long hours to learn to "hear" a target's depth by sound, and anyone can be fooled, but it's better than being "told" by a number. Learn to master the sounds (sound volume, loudness) and learn the pp abilities of the machine. All the good ones I have ever used have pp detune, or retune. Learn pp to get the best info on target size and depth. I occasionally pull big deep copper and brass crap, it sounds good, it's deep, and it pp's like maybe a silver half dollar at six or eight inches, but it footprints a bit bigger, but I know its deep, its not too loud, so I hope it's a silver dollar, or a spill, but 99.999 percent of the time it ends up being an even bigger hunk of highly conductive copper or brass. So be it. It could have been a great find, so it gets dug. It is rare to find a silver half or dollar at normal depths, say up to and including 6" and it is not expected to find big copper or brass junk at ten inches, (unless you are working old homesites) but it happens everywhere eventually. It dont matter, they sound about the same, good and deep, not too loud, so it's all coming out. A rough way to look at is that a ten inch deep silver dollar will sound and footprint about the same as a six inch deep silver dime or about the same as a quart jar full of silver at 24 inches deep, this all roughly speaking, but you get the idea. No machine can offer any type of accuracy with depth numbers, target size and depth is too flippant. I like coinstriking's comment, the atpro would do nicely with an overload feature, but you can easily figure out big shallow stuff by the loudness and figuring out the exact size with a few seconds of pp work. If it's loud, it only takes a few seconds to tell if it is big and shallow, you can hear and "see" the target size with pp, and then, you can decide if you want to dig out that aluminum can, or just move along and leave it where it lays. This all takes some long hours to learn. But BAM! someday it will all set in.