ask me your 1715 fleet questions,,,,,see if i can answer em

In one of the survivors accounts, someone mentioned seeing a ship wreck in the mouth of a river. Since Sebastian inlet was not opened then (unless a storm dug it out) where do you think this might have been? In the actual Sebastian River (miles west of today's Seb Inlet? The old Indian River inlet above Pepper Park? Or somewhere else? Thanks

yes --according to records and a 1728 dutch map -- 3 vessels of the Echeverz fleet broke away from the 8 others before the storm over took them * (source of info --Ubilla's pilot major account of the fleets losses when in Havana , Cuba after the wrecks occurred *) -- also Salmon sept 20th 1715 account to the king of span stated * of the 11 veessels * 9 are lost and 2 of the gallones ( de terre firme ) are missing -- note this would be 2 vessels of Echevez's fleet * --the tabbacco hauler Nao San Miguel and the French prize vessel El Cievro --as salmon had reports --the Conception sinking near the cape area and there were 8 vessels in the main 1715 fleet wreck site --all 5 of Ubilla's fleet --plus both royal treasure vessels and the dutch prize vessel from Echeverz's fleet add the conception that is the 9 KNOWN TO BE SUNK --LEAVING 2 (THE TABBACCO HAULING NAO SAN MIGUEL AND THE EL CIERVO) from Echeverz's fleet .MISSING .. IN SALMONS REPORT it was said ...there is little doubt that the 2 missing vessel broke up because wreckage of a large vessel or vessels was found on the north coast of st Augustine (note the 1728 dutrch map shows a spot marked !715 fleet sinking site near st Augustine area)--note 1728 map shows the area as being close to a river opening below st Augustine*

this accounts for the 11 vessels of the 1715 fleet --now the 1715 items found in Nassau sound / Amelia island area are from a vip and royal treasure recovery vessel /(barcalonga) sent from Havana cuba after the fleet wrecked to recover royal goods and vips before they got lost to raiders --it later sank in Nassau sound between Talbot and Amelia Island * source spotswood letter ps oct 24 ,1715

likey the wreck by the river is the pepper park area

frankly since salmon was "on the scene" and in charge in the 1715 fleet recovery as #2 in charge under Ubilla (who died) I would think he would know EXACTLY how many vessels he had to "account for" 11 -- as hes says in his sept 20 1715 report 9 are know to be lost and 2 gallones are missing -- 9 plus 2 = 11 (5 in Ubilla's fleet and 6 in Echeverz's fleet)--with 3 vessels of Echeverz's fleet breaking away ( the tobbaco hauling San Miguel , El Ciervo and Conception) that left 8 ----all 5 of Ubilla's fleet --both of Echeverz';s treasure vessels and the dutch prize vessel that wrecked as a group

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who was the guy that lived at 101 A street in Capehart AFB in 1961? your going to have to be good on this 1715 as it gets.....[/QUOTE

still looking for the correct answer!

Regarding "washed up on shore", found this map showing "turtle hills" never saw that before. Screen Shot 2019-10-25 at 7.01.00 AM.webpHere is a close up and link for the complete map. Florida, 1834 AD

What are turtle hills, along a beach named turtle trail? Indian Ruins? (I know they are no longer there)

likely it was large hump shaped sand dunes that looked like a turtle's shell ...when seen from sea

Could've been a series of large Indian burial mounds.

I've read some accounts that when A1A was built there were a LOT of burial mounds bulldozed and used for fill dirt.

that's also highly possible indain mounds

Bingo...WINNER! ...and we were next door neighbors. We lived in the same duplex, our garages connected. I remember stacks of plates....coins....and a cannon he had in the garage. I was 11 and wish I had been a little older and smarter!

Must have been a special place to grow up, exciting enough to live on an Air base never mind having a successful treasure hunter and diver living next door. I take it that what gave you the interest, you must have a life time’s research done, 11, any good finds?

Yep... having a treasure hunter as a friend or a family member when your a kid will plant the seeds of "interest".

And in some cases... it grows to an obsession. :)

Speaking personally anyway.

Must have been a special place to grow up, exciting enough to live on an Air base never mind having a successful treasure hunter and diver living next door. I take it that what gave you the interest, you must have a life time’s research done, 11, any good finds?

It sure was.....we got to see the first two apes go up, Ham and Enos and the first 8 astronauts, and we were on the tarmac at Patrick when the picked up John Glenn and brought him back, had an impromptu mom made a sign that said "welcome to earth Col. Glenn".....out of a broom handle and some paper. She handed it to me and we were on the three networks and Life magazine with that pic. My dad was in the program and would be in the blockhouse for each launch with General shriver....very interesting times!

Dan would come home after diving and my mom would set up a card table and he would show us what they got that day...

We had bonfires on the beach all the time and one day when I was digging the pit...hit something...big...ran up and got the family and Dan, we dug it out...was a big part of a ships mast....Dan was happy.....I have a pic of that day also. We were soon transferred overseas and I did not get back into the salt until high school in 1968 and was certified in California By Mike Erico of Naui on base back when certification was a six week affair with classroom twice a week, pool work on Saturdays, and three open water dives. They instructors were all 1st 2nd lieutenants that worked for my I got the navy seal workouts and used and abused was a good thing....

Ended going to school in northern ca...and on my last semester my dad let me drive his bug from Sacramento to key west....never made it back to school, got bitten by the salt bug real bad in the Keys, started my own company collecting marine life and commercial fishing, Tampa Bay Saltwater.

My treasure was what the ocean provided and we became the first live rock farmers in the state of Florida, with permits in the Keys sanctuary off of Tavernier, and a five acre lease of the gulf of mexico off Tampa.

I have been buddies with many of the treasure divers as we all launched out boats together...this was pre-sanctuary days in the Keys, things were real different. My bud Joe Hines who had the lease in the Bahamas from memory rock north lives just a couple miles from me...and Ron Hampton who was a Range safety officer at the cape at the same time we were there.....lives close by also. He got the bug when Dan started showing the gold...and he had clearance to go anywhere at the cape, and spent time on the beaches you cant go on anymore.

I see you are from Ireland, I was just there couple of weeks ago....went from south Africa to Dublin on a flight...was 98 in Johannesburg and freezing rain in Dublin as we got off the plane...was a couple days just before the hurricane that almost got us got you guys...

I have made some interesting finds but best not to let those out these days....

My best treasure the four million pounds of rock I have growing here! some videos of it at


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Thanks for sharing that, you never know who your standing next to in life, brilliant! Ireland worth seeing in the summer, from shipwrecks to 5000 years old Neolithic tombs, great scenery, and don’t forget the Guinness!!


Any more on whether ships washed across the barrier island at 'cabin' wreck and at 'sandy point"?

If they did would they be covered by the leases. If not they would belong to the state of FL and you would probably get prosecuted for recovering artifacts.

Ivan where are the five missing ships of the 1715 fleet located?

Regarding "washed up on shore", found this map showing "turtle hills" never saw that before. View attachment 1765192Here is a close up and link for the complete map. Florida, 1834 AD

What are turtle hills, along a beach named turtle trail? Indian Ruins? (I know they are no longer there)

Doesn't look like they were in the Sebastian area.
Looks to be well south of RS Sebastian on the map and opposite a wide inlet, on the mainland.
Maybe even south of Lake Okeechobee.

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