As gun bill filibuster grows, Obama says backers trying to use political stunts

Why are you shouting? Lol. I know what he/they're exploiting. The same thing you and others are exploiting with knives,rocks,bats,teaspoons etc! Exploiting is a recognized fact of life. The military do it all the time to gullible patriots. Politicians do it all the time to anyone. Everyone exploits when it's for their own benefit!

Ever see a stowaway on a 747 who's froze to death and falls from the wheel well as it's landing and hits some poor bugger in the street? Dead men can kill!

What? Guns are NEVER used for recreational purposes!!!!!!!!!


Do people in Washington, DC understand what the word Hypocrite means?

***for the record I was BORN in DC and WORK 2 blocks from the White House***

Not really friend...I'm British! But i'm used to the American stu........confusion! No harm done eh? :)

So Obama is "brainwashing those poor parents" into believing that "guns are bad" Sackett? Somehow i doubt it's going to be a huge task! (seek help).

Nice subtle name calling there. Here let me put it in terms that are unmistakable. I do not want or need any input (either for or against) OUR constitutional rights from any foreigner (especially a snobby <--see how name calling is supposed to be done> brit),who does not have voting rights in the government of the United States.

I don't care if this post gets deleted. I know the reputation of the US is far from great out side of the States. Im so sick and tired of everyone else telling us what we should and should not do. It is none of your business. We have a Constitution that doesn't give us our freedoms but ensures that they can not be taken away with out going through the proper channels. If you Brits are fine with having your guns taken away that's fine with me. I for one will not stand to be slowly disarmed then stripped of the rest!

You never "need" to hear from anyone. One can choose to exist with as much of a "closed" or "open" mind as they want. I choose being open minded.

I am open minded. Tell me how a background check would have prevented The Sandy Hook shooting, or the Colorado Theater shooting. Give me an example of how 15 or 10 round mags would have prevented or lessened the casualties of those two as well. Tell me how "Gun Free Zones" make places safer.

Last I knew criminals don't follow laws.

Filibuster does not seem to be growing. Support growing for bi partisan toomey bill - correct.

Nice subtle name calling there. Here let me put it in terms that are unmistakable. I do not want or need any input (either for or against) OUR constitutional rights from any foreigner (especially a snobby <--see how name calling is supposed to be done> brit),who does not have voting rights in the government of the United States.

I don't care if this post gets deleted. I know the reputation of the US is far from great out side of the States. Im so sick and tired of everyone else telling us what we should and should not do. It is none of your business. We have a Constitution that doesn't give us our freedoms but ensures that they can not be taken away with out going through the proper channels. If you Brits are fine with having your guns taken away that's fine with me. I for one will not stand to be slowly disarmed then stripped of the rest!

I am open minded. Tell me how a background check would have prevented The Sandy Hook shooting, or the Colorado Theater shooting. Give me an example of how 15 or 10 round mags would have prevented or lessened the casualties of those two as well. Tell me how "Gun Free Zones" make places safer.

Last I knew criminals don't follow laws.

Glad to see it's finally sunk in that i'm not a Swede! Usually the 2 "snobby" flags are a big hint. (Do you really believe calling me "snobby" is how name calling is supposed to be done? You have a lot to learn friend!Lol.)

You're a little mixed up arn't you mate? I'm neither for or against your constitutional rights. Couldn't care less about them to be truthful, and i don't tell anyone what to do or not do concerning your guns or anything else! I've said before, if you folks are content to have 10,000+ Americans shot to death each year just so you can have your guns...more power to you! :dontknow:

If you're so open minded QM, tell us YOUR solutions to future sandy hook, VA Tech, Aurora massacres? You're the would you respond?

I'll make this quick because I'm on my phone. England has a higher violent crime rate than us. If you don't care about our country then shut the hell up. I'm done feeding trolls.

Filibuster does not seem to be growing. Support growing for bi partisan toomey bill - correct.

Can we say "Blue Slip"......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

What you want or don't want is totally irrelevent here because you have no say in it! However, this must be your lucky day as you're not hearing from any Swede on this! :)

Glad to see it's finally sunk in that i'm not a Swede! Usually the 2 "snobby" flags are a big hint. (Do you really believe calling me "snobby" is how name calling is supposed to be done? You have a lot to learn friend!Lol.)

You're a little mixed up arn't you mate? I'm neither for or against your constitutional rights. Couldn't care less about them to be truthful, and i don't tell anyone what to do or not do concerning your guns or anything else! I've said before, if you folks are content to have 10,000+ Americans shot to death each year just so you can have your guns...more power to you! :dontknow:

If you're so open minded QM, tell us YOUR solutions to future sandy hook, VA Tech, Aurora massacres? You're the would you respond?

You have said a few times that you are not a swede. Like it means something. But is the first quote I posted from you? Wait let's look again"must be your lucky day as you're not hearing from any Swede on this!" Why yes there it is. So you say something,, and then act like you didn't say it.. that is a strange strategy, because look how easily I found it. You should have deleted it before the posts that say you are not a swede, over and over.

We all know you are not,, so is the reference you made just a kind of catch all statement when you run out of things to talk about??

blue slip blue slip blue slip!

Ok I lied. One more feeding post.
Glad to see it's finally sunk in that i'm not a Swede! Usually the 2 "snobby" flags are a big hint. (Do you really believe calling me "snobby" is how name calling is supposed to be done? You have a lot to learn friend!Lol.)

I guess Im just too nice to say what I really want to because I dont feel that all Brits should be lumped into a stereo type, but then again Im just a stu...American

I don't recall mentioning names plus, I didn't look at your flag, I looked at your location which does say Sweden. But its funny how you knew exactly who I was talking about...Now Im done.

You have said a few times that you are not a swede. Like it means something. But is the first quote I posted from you? Wait let's look again"must be your lucky day as you're not hearing from any Swede on this!" Why yes there it is. So you say something,, and then act like you didn't say it.. that is a strange strategy, because look how easily I found it. You should have deleted it before the posts that say you are not a swede, over and over.

We all know you are not,, so is the reference you made just a kind of catch all statement when you run out of things to talk about??

Do the Doctors know you're in their office again on their computer? The heck are you rambling on about? :icon_scratch:

The first quote says - "You're NOT hearing from any Swede".....generally taken to mean you're hearing from someone who isn't a Swede!

and then you say i should have deleted that one before the posts that say i'm not a Swede. WHY??
Both those posts state i'm not a Swede, so as usual your post as you say is "a little out there"!


Ok I lied. One more feeding post.

I guess Im just too nice to say what I really want to because I dont feel that all Brits should be lumped into a stereo type, but then again Im just a stu...American

I don't recall mentioning names plus, I didn't look at your flag, I looked at your location which does say Sweden. But its funny how you knew exactly who I was talking about...Now Im done.

Short term memory loss eh? Let me help:

"(especially a snobby <--see how name calling is supposed to be done> brit)"

Anyhow, as to your post on Englands violent crime rate - Sure it's higher than yours, but then again, as explained in detail a few times, England has different definitions for the term "violent crime". Another difference between us is that your violent crime tends to leave a hell of a lot more bodies lying around than ours!
We all use those spurious "polls" here like,
"Death by shooting-2012 - UK, 35 USA, 10,493" ....but none of them give a true picture. None of them poll 100% of the people, or they don't add/subtract certain related things included. "suicides" for instance.
Don't believe those polls mate.

Nothing funny about me knowing exactly who you were talking about. Been here 3 years or something and only ever seen 2 Swedes on here...neither have ever gotten involved in these threads, so it's not rocket science!
As for being "too nice to say what i really want to"? ....I've probably had more warnings, infractions and bans for saying what i really want to over the years than you've fired bullets, but i guess it takes a special kind of person to just say what they believe, come what may!
Being "too nice" is a bit of a cop out in my opinion, but i respect your view.

Nice meeting you....i think in 10 years online you're the first person from Nebraska i've seen. Always found it slightly odd how you never see people from certain states a matter, have a good day! :)

Senate overcomes filibuster with vote.

On Thursday, 50 Democrats, 16 Republicans and 2 independents opposed the conservative effort, while 29 Republicans and 2 Democrats supported it. Gun control supporters needed 60 votes to block the conservatives.

Do the Doctors know you're in their office again on their computer? The heck are you rambling on about? :icon_scratch:

The first quote says - "You're NOT hearing from any Swede".....generally taken to mean you're hearing from someone who isn't a Swede!

and then you say i should have deleted that one before the posts that say i'm not a Swede. WHY??
Both those posts state i'm not a Swede, so as usual your post as you say is "a little out there"!

I made a mistake,, I thought quarter master was talking about anothers post on here but that you answered it like it was yours.

So even though you decided to make fun of me and deride me I will offer my apologies.

Having said that. On your next mistake, when I catch you. What do you think your response will be? Your answer could make a difference in the way I point it out. Maybe8-)

You said elsewhere you're up for a little i sparred! Make ya mind up. lol.

Nice of you to admit the mistake though thanks. Had me staring at it for 30 mins trying to work out what i was missing though! :P

You never "need" to hear from anyone. One can choose to exist with as much of a "closed" or "open" mind as they want. I choose being open minded.

yeah, about as open minded as a can of beans! small can at that!

yeah, about as open minded as a can of beans! small can at that!

Sackett, how am I not open minded. Isn't that a "liberal trait" - being open minded?

Glad to see it's finally sunk in that i'm not a Swede! Usually the 2 "snobby" flags are a big hint. (Do you really believe calling me "snobby" is how name calling is supposed to be done? You have a lot to learn friend!Lol.)

You're a little mixed up arn't you mate? I'm neither for or against your constitutional rights. Couldn't care less about them to be truthful, and i don't tell anyone what to do or not do concerning your guns or anything else! I've said before, if you folks are content to have 10,000+ Americans shot to death each year just so you can have your guns...more power to you! :dontknow:

If you're so open minded QM, tell us YOUR solutions to future sandy hook, VA Tech, Aurora massacres? You're the would you respond?

Boy I'm glad that you gave me this opportunity...
Day 1 as President...
#1-I'd meet with my Attorney General and make it crystal clear that ALL Existing Gun Laws be enforced to the fullest extent! I'd explain to him/her that I'd expect to see tougher prison sentences (I know judges do sentencing, but prosecutors have a big say)
#2-Limit the plea deals on gun cases!
#3- Seek death penlty on all gun crimes where death occurrs!
Meet with all Sate Governors and explain my desire for the enforcement of the above 3 rules at the State and Local Govenment levels!

DAY 365
Look at the results of the above 3 rules and have a news conference showing how the gun violence has been reduced in one year! Show the number of exacuted criminals nation wide that WILL NEVER KILL AGAIN! (explain that unless they are frozen and fall out of an airplane,,,LOL)

Be re-elected in a land slide!!

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