Can you post a drawing of your triangle, along with dimensions, angle measurements and what was found at the corners? Clear photos? The fuzzy ones make it extremely difficult to visualize - looks like squinting, which for me is a deal killer when trying to identify shapes and their possible human origins. Latitudes can be interesting, but precision of shape and distances may be most important. If possible, you might accurately plot your discoveries on a USGS quad. A lot of arcane information may show up on the surveying grid, depending upon who engineered your discoveries and when.
The symbology itself is intriguing, but it's hard to say if the legendary symbols relate to specific aspects of their respective legends or are merely, "Hey, look!" signs. Like, say, the owl. Minerva, Athena, etc. Lots of stories and associations with those gals. May relate simply to "wisdom". May relate all the way back to Sophia. She was the 12th Archon. Maybe "12" enters into your picture. See what I mean about the symbology? It's an endless well of possibilities, depending on who is using it and why. The folks who may have done these things may be way smarter than us - or at least better educated in some ways. They lead, we try to follow.
Me, I would nail all this down on a good map. Then you can begin some "what if" planning inside your triangle. Like mdog mentioned, your triangle may be large. Heck, here's a huge triangle defined by extraordinary "treasure signs" at its corners and interior nodes. Geometry.
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