Okay, let me ask about this. How old was Jacob when he found what he found?
He was what 81 or so when he passed on. Just comparing him to me, at 56 I've worked hard all my life, grew up on a farm. Still hang out there.
At my age, my knees are shot, arthritis in most of my joints, bad back, had more then my share of broken bones, and have a bad ticker. With modern medicine, I'm still around, but not doing a lot of the things I used to do. I pay dearly for several days when I do go out and do those things now. And I'm sure a lot of folks here know what I'm talking about.
Life expectancy back then was around 50 or so, so this guy was one off the charts, so to speak, making it that far. Granted his choice of employment would have made him better then average at physical condition.
But poor medical care, terrible diet, age factor, and he was out there making multiple trips back and forth to a location way off the beaten path, and mining gold? Pretty spry old guy I'll have to admit. I'm more and more leaning to him finding someone's stash and using it, rather then mining it himself, because of the effort involved and age factor.
We all get old, we all for the most part pay for that physically, even if we keep up the pace, we pay the price for it.
For him to have had that kind of ore, it had to be very rich as it was said to be, taking little time and effort to pull out a good pile, or someone else had done the hard work, and he was just there picking up the pieces.