Armed camp? or Friendly co-existance?


Bronze Member
May 6, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
Since I don't get out much, was wondering what the dynamic is with you guys and the hiking crowd is. There must be a thousand
hikers to every prospector at the staging/parking areas in the areas around ASRA in Ca. Do you just ignore each other, has there
been confrontation? Any political discussions, etc? Any trouble-makers hanging around the parking? thanks!

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As a citizen of the united states you have the power to detain a criminal until the authorities show up. This is called citizens arrest. Pull gun, order thief/ves to the ground. Place hands of criminal behind back and zip tie. Then zip tie feet. At this point you can wait for the authorities to show up. No one says anything about CALLING the authorities. I'm not a RAT LOL. Duct tape will keep them quiet.

As a citizen of the united states you have the power to detain a criminal until the authorities show up. This is called citizens arrest. Pull gun, order thief/ves to the ground. Place hands of criminal behind back and zip tie. Then zip tie feet. At this point you can wait for the authorities to show up. No one says anything about CALLING the authorities. I'm not a RAT LOL. Duct tape will keep them quiet.


Thieves and bureauratz have been my only problems,mostly on the trinity river where the fishermen are extremely thick. Kayakers stole some equipment offa our dredges on the sacramento but the trinity has been a BAD place for many buds as environutz abound with the mine mine mine mindset and much vandalism. On one of my claims here in Shasta County I hiked back to camp after a 10 hour dredge day and the whole camp was missing,tent,screen room,food,stoves.lanterns,even the full bloody toilet for gods sake --now them was some shatty thieves.John-

Oh the memorys...

Forest Rangers, BLM and Possum Cops won't tell you the truth, they like for tourists to feel comfortable in the woods. I was surprised when i accidentally ran across a Forestry/Medical study that contained actual numbers. In the five biggest National Parks in the West, an average of 250 people go missing in each park every year. Half are never seen again. Fatalities caused by mechanical injury, exposure, drownings and animal attack only account for a fraction of those. The majority are listed under "suspicious" circumstances. So you're well advised to check thuroughly into ANYPLACE you plan on visiting. No matter how populated or popular the place is. Don't trust the smiling guard at the entrance gate, he's not gonna give you the current body count. Check with locals and other campers. AND KEEP YOUR GUN HANDY.

I was in such a righteous paystreak I wolfed down breakfast and literlly ran to the dredge and forgot to set camp alarm and trail cam for prosecution evidence. GREAT days paystreak was spent replacing what was lost and have tried--notice I said tried-to not let gold fever make me forget my security devices activation prior to leaving camp-John

Forest Rangers, BLM and Possum Cops won't tell you the truth, they like for tourists to feel comfortable in the woods. I was surprised when i accidentally ran across a Forestry/Medical study that contained actual numbers. In the five biggest National Parks in the West, an average of 250 people go missing in each park every year. Half are never seen again. Fatalities caused by mechanical injury, exposure, drownings and animal attack only account for a fraction of those. The majority are listed under "suspicious" circumstances. So you're well advised to check thuroughly into ANYPLACE you plan on visiting. No matter how populated or popular the place is. Don't trust the smiling guard at the entrance gate, he's not gonna give you the current body count. Check with locals and other campers. AND KEEP YOUR GUN HANDY.
Yes, its not a Mountain Dew commercial out there! Two years ago a mom and her three kids stopped at Baker's Bridge on the Animas River north of Durango, CO. She decided to go for a swim, and jumped right into a fast moving river that had been snow a few hours earlier. The cold water locked up her muscles, and she sank like a stone and drowned right in front of her children. I am sure she watched those Mountain Dew commercials that show people leaping into mountain lakes and streams and smiling and having a good time.

This kind of thing happens constantly in Laplata County. In 2009 a father and son were hiking, and the son decided to go on a higher trail by himself. he never returned. They found him at the bottom of a 500 foot cliff. They think he walked right up to the edge to look over, and the wind took him right off! Never approach a cliff edge standing! Always approach on all fours on your stomach! I have seen wind gusts of 80-100mph up in the high country that come and go like explosions.

Just last summer was retreating down the Vallecito watershed ahead of a huge storm up higher. I cam across a young guy headed up with no pack or equipment at all, and just his dog. He had on shorts and a t-shirt, and flip-flops. I warned him several times he needed to turn around and head back down, but he just smiled like I was a flatlander. Even though I had on full mountain gear and wet wear, and was soaked head to foot! He kept going up, and I continued down. I hope he learned something if he survived.

Yes, its not a Mountain Dew commercial out there! Two years ago a mom and her three kids stopped at Baker's Bridge on the Animas River north of Durango, CO. She decided to go for a swim, and jumped right into a fast moving river that had been snow a few hours earlier. The cold water locked up her muscles, and she sank like a stone and drowned right in front of her children. I am sure she watched those Mountain Dew commercials that show people leaping into mountain lakes and streams and smiling and having a good time.

This kind of thing happens constantly in Laplata County. In 2009 a father and son were hiking, and the son decided to go on a higher trail by himself. he never returned. They found him at the bottom of a 500 foot cliff. They think he walked right up to the edge to look over, and the wind took him right off! Never approach a cliff edge standing! Always approach on all fours on your stomach! I have seen wind gusts of 80-100mph up in the high country that come and go like explosions.

Just last summer was retreating down the Vallecito watershed ahead of a huge storm up higher. I cam across a young guy headed up with no pack or equipment at all, and just his dog. He had on shorts and a t-shirt, and flip-flops. I warned him several times he needed to turn around and head back down, but he just smiled like I was a flatlander. Even though I had on full mountain gear and wet wear, and was soaked head to foot! He kept going up, and I continued down. I hope he learned something if he survived.

A lot of people just don't think before they do things. I bet a lot of the people who die in places like that have never been to the woods before.

As a citizen of the united states you have the power to detain a criminal until the authorities show up. This is called citizens arrest. Pull gun, order thief/ves to the ground. Place hands of criminal behind back and zip tie. Then zip tie feet. At this point you can wait for the authorities to show up. No one says anything about CALLING the authorities. I'm not a RAT LOL. Duct tape will keep them quiet.

Translate to Hoosier... you have the right to pound on them until the police get there.

Am I the only prospector that doesn't go Armed?? I have met some men of mean character and wandered in to places that I had no business of being in.. I even had a few encounters with bears and mountain lions.. and I uasually don't carry alot of gold as I bury it in the vicinity of my camp but Maybe i am just lucky that I never encounterd a situation where I felt I would need the use of a gun..I often employ the technique of gifts when in the woods and run across people who make me nervous as I often have tobbacoo and a few other habits men indulge in..This seems to work well and in the case the man is of extreme nature I uasually feel it and know that I should avoid contact.. I have never had anyone rob me though I have had the distinct feeling a few time that it crossed their mind.. Even if they did rob me I would rather them walk away with my gold then I walk away with their life!!

Whst kind of gifts did tou use on the lions and bears?
I have found confidence is the key to feeling comfortable in the mountains. My machete helps my confidence...

I think the best defense is another person. Having a partener can save your life. Worth more than all the guns and ammo and traps out there. Just my 2 dwt

Am I the only prospector that doesn't go Armed?? I have met some men of mean character and wandered in to places that I had no business of being in.. I even had a few encounters with bears and mountain lions.. and I uasually don't carry alot of gold as I bury it in the vicinity of my camp but Maybe i am just lucky that I never encounterd a situation where I felt I would need the use of a gun..I often employ the technique of gifts when in the woods and run across people who make me nervous as I often have tobbacoo and a few other habits men indulge in..This seems to work well and in the case the man is of extreme nature I uasually feel it and know that I should avoid contact.. I have never had anyone rob me though I have had the distinct feeling a few time that it crossed their mind.. Even if they did rob me I would rather them walk away with my gold then I walk away with their life!!

I never go armed. I figure that if somebody were to try robbing me its just gold you can always get more of it. I'm not too worried about lions and bears. Lions don't attack too often and most bears in my area are scared of people unless they've got cubs. The one thing I worry about is pot growers. A lot of the places I go to have hose lining the edges of the creek so they can water their plants. I haven't found any that still had water in them like its been a while since they've grown there. Always keeping an eye out for them though because I'm sure a lot of them wouldn't think twice about killing someone to keep their operation safe.

I suggest that you bring your own and leave theirs bee!! they do not intend to kill people as they do not want unwanted attention..But that doesn't mean they don't have other way for dissuading a person.. I uasually just mark that area off the map.. I have yet to meet any hardcore gansta pot farm most have been homegrown americans just trying to get an extra buck.. Hardly klllers!! They just protect how they choose to make a living and I blame then not..So I suspect the action taken is more up to the trespasser!! Most men are mean and catuous in the woods they have to be as so many danger lurk but I doubt that it is very very rare for a man to be in the woods with the intention of putting harm to another person..Probaly more likely someone intends you harm in that neighborhood you call home!! As for animals well I use common sense!! and I do have bear spray when camping in remote areas.. But I have yet to even pull it out and I have been in spitting distance of a bear...I trust my instincts and I am no fool in the woods..And I feel most animal attacks are due to ignorance and lack of common sense and just plain stupidity or panicking!!

Am I the only prospector that doesn't go Armed?? I have met some men of mean character and wandered in to places that I had no business of being in.. I even had a few encounters with bears and mountain lions.. and I uasually don't carry alot of gold as I bury it in the vicinity of my camp but Maybe i am just lucky that I never encounterd a situation where I felt I would need the use of a gun..I often employ the technique of gifts when in the woods and run across people who make me nervous as I often have tobbacoo and a few other habits men indulge in..This seems to work well and in the case the man is of extreme nature I uasually feel it and know that I should avoid contact.. I have never had anyone rob me though I have had the distinct feeling a few time that it crossed their mind.. Even if they did rob me I would rather them walk away with my gold then I walk away with their life!!

go armed with jesus, i prospect out in the desert many miles from my vehicle a cannot afford the weight of a weapon, i have to take my tools and water,
food. i see some one else, if i get a bad vibe i just go the other way, most of the time i see folks they never see me im up in the rocks.

Ive been robbed but im not going to worry about it if it happens again i will deal with it, i wouldnt want to kill a human either, i killed many animals on the farm in my day just to eat im kinda tired of
killing things.

I just trust in the Lord.

I suggest that you bring your own and leave theirs bee!! they do not intend to kill people as they do not want unwanted attention..But that doesn't mean they don't have other way for dissuading a person.. I uasually just mark that area off the map.. I have yet to meet any hardcore gansta pot farm most have been homegrown americans just trying to get an extra buck.. Hardly klllers!! They just protect how they choose to make a living and I blame then not..So I suspect the action taken is more up to the trespasser!! Most men are mean and catuous in the woods they have to be as so many danger lurk but I doubt that it is very very rare for a man to be in the woods with the intention of putting harm to another person..Probaly more likely someone intends you harm in that neighborhood you call home!! As for animals well I use common sense!! and I do have bear spray when camping in remote areas.. But I have yet to even pull it out and I have been in spitting distance of a bear...I trust my instincts and I am no fool in the woods..And I feel most animal attacks are due to ignorance and lack of common sense and just plain stupidity or panicking!!

Well they're growing on recreational land so it's not exactly trespassing on their land or anything. I'm not going to stop going to my favorite spots because of them.

Your choice? But it seems to me that weather it be rec land or not.. they be putting it to use possably before you?? And though land may have public status their are allot of men who put no stock in what the goverment deams public!! And no stock in society..So when you are out their I would put some thought into what you are actually willing to do for your spot.. I put allot of work into my doining and some is on public land and you better beleive I would take offense to a trespass in my spot as I have sweat into it and effort though I put more stock in man then money I would just remove myself from situation if I thought violence would occur..As I am a man of capable means and will always do well in my pursuit for gold no matter what!! Here or there makes little difference to me.. And beleive me when I say these men may not wish to hurt anyone but like all things if they are threatened well who is to say what they will do!! only a fool pokes a rattlesnake with a stick!!

Ive spent four summer seasons In Denali National Park Alaska no fires or firearms allowed Backcountry camping carrying everything you need on your back Ive been bluff charged by a Brown bear twice and to this day have no Idea how I managed to stand my ground other then knowing that if I ran I wouldn't be typing this.I have sat and watched wolves feed on a Caribou for three hours we left because the mosquitos were just rediculous... i dealt with not being armed. Outside of the park fishinging for salmon we always had a 12 gauge against a tree and I wore a .44 never needed it as the bears we saw were always more interested in the fish. I have had the unfortunate experience of witnessing someone being beaten almost to death all because the people doing the beating wanted to beat the sh!t out of someone....laughing and mocking the poor guy the whole time my girlfriend at the time was scared to death and we left the campground as fast as possible to get to town and try to get help. Imagine if that guy on the ground was you and your girl had to watch and then what happens to her? I promised myself at that time even though I have been in fist fights and brawls that I would never be that guy on the ground. I don't pick fights but my Dad raised no Punk. Gravelwasher and I were out a right around the turn of the new year and we ran across a guy that tried to tell us we were some where we werent supposed to be car to car we kept going stopped down the road a bit I had to lose some water....and decided to grab my pistol from my pack in his trunk, I was pissing in the bushes with my peacemaker tucked in my arm pit as my holster was still in gravels vehicle....I heard the dudes car coming back said "hey Jay he's coming back"......Im still pissing dude stops gets out in a hurry...." Hey I said you cant be here this area is all claimed....bla bla sumthin sumthin" I zipped up turned around and all of a sudden he was a lot nicer of a person....we informed him we knew where we were and that we were not tresspassing..there are numerous A$$holes in the woods period and most of them think its their woods when it isnt they are my woods too. I am no bully but, I am no punk and do not believe my fate is set...Jesus will not stop some jerks from smashing in my face and raping my girlfriend but, Sam Colt will gladly help me prevent it from happening.Furthermore IT IS VERY EASY TO LEGALLY GROW WEED IN CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!! SOME BAST@RD WHO HAS A BIG GROW OUT IN THE WOODS IS BLOWNG IT FOR FELLAS LIKE ME SO THEY CAN JUST PISS THE HELL OFF AND IF YOU SUPPORT SUCH ENDEVOURS YOU ARE CLULESS TO THE PROBLEMS IT CREATES AND SHOULD PUT SOME DEEPER THOUGHT INTO IT THEY ARE NOT JUST TRYING TO GET BY THEY ARE TRYING TO COME UP BIG TIME AT OUR DETRIMENT!!!!! FACT

Your choice? But it seems to me that weather it be rec land or not.. they be putting it to use possably before you?? And though land may have public status their are allot of men who put no stock in what the goverment deams public!! And no stock in society..So when you are out their I would put some thought into what you are actually willing to do for your spot.. I put allot of work into my doining and some is on public land and you better beleive I would take offense to a trespass in my spot as I have sweat into it and effort though I put more stock in man then money I would just remove myself from situation if I thought violence would occur..As I am a man of capable means and will always do well in my pursuit for gold no matter what!! Here or there makes little difference to me.. And beleive me when I say these men may not wish to hurt anyone but like all things if they are threatened well who is to say what they will do!! only a fool pokes a rattlesnake with a stick!!

If they think planting a few pot plants on public ground is giving them "deed" to it they are wrong and I don't care who they are or how they "think". Public ground is there for the public and not for the taking by criminals. Panning, hunting, or detecting I'm going to do what ever I feel like when I have a right to and when I feel like. Wouldn't take much of a threat from any one I've already recognized as a criminal element and I'd blow them out of their socks before I'd hand them a nickle under threat and I'd not lose a wink of sleep over it. Mind their own business and I'll mind mine. Try telling me my business because they are doing business and it's going to get ugly in a hurry.

I'd give um more than a scare, it'd be a firm whoopin'.
I agree with others, Terry, that crap was pointless and disgusting.
Sounds like you need somebody to stay back and keep watch. Have them hide in the tent until they hear them messing with the camp then give them a little scare xD

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