Armchair Quarterbacking LDM Legend.. even Experts are guessing

I respect your posts Mr.G, but what you say about death traps, is not concrete, and cannot be positively proven.
Rocks,bolders dislodge for many reasons,ground movements, rain, other weather issues.Lets face head on the early
miners who wanted to hide whatever did not have modern equipment like bulldozers to move rocks weighing tons.
Just not possible when you apply logic.

What happened to your pics Mike?

In the center of the picture, you will see a VERY large boulder balanced on a smaller rock. The smaller rock is actually part of the bedrock under the boulder. It was shaped for this specific purpose. Look carefully to the right (our right) of the large boulder. There are three rocks piled on each other. Behind the large boulder is the entrance to a very rich gold mine. The bottom of the three rocks on the right side is about six feet long and obstructs the entrance of the gold mine. The way it works is that when a person moves that bottom rock, it dislodges the two above it (that are keeping the large boulder balanced). The boulder falls on the backside of the piece of bedrock. If this doesn't crush the intruder, it will trap them. Because the boulder falls behind the chunk of bedrock, it can't be pushed/rolled out of the way. If the intruder does not have people on the outside with tools enough to get that boulder moved, they are done for.

None of your pics are coming through... no biggie. I'll just use my imagination and picture the RoadRunner and Coyote. :thumbsup:

Bet you never thought I'd be taking your back, huh? HAHAHA But its true, for every negative, there needs to be a positive. Yin and Yang. Light and Dark. Sun and Moon.

I guess I'll take that as a compliment, even though I'm not looking for approval. I tend to bring classic logical arguments and verifiable facts to these discussions - not hearsay taken on faith. The wild card is human nature, which seems to be hard-wired into all of us in predictable ways. One thing I've noticed with most folks is a tendency to look at the generations of people that preceded us as somehow simpler and more naive than us, and therefore more truthful. That's a mistake, IMO, as man has always been greedy, cunning and deceitful - especially when he enjoyed any sort of advantage over his brothers. This goes for the realms of politics, religion and economics on larger scales, and also day to day life for the rest of us gullible schmoes. It always has and as far as we know, likely always will be this way. This is why it's a fatal mistake to accept hearsay as truth based on faith in the messenger - just put yourself in the shoes of anyone possessing an extremely valuable secret. Why would you share it? Things are seldom as they seem.


I can tell you more than most about Spanish Death Traps. Forget what you saw in Indiana Jones Movies. Craploads more people have been killed by dehydration and no/two/four legged critters than have ever even been near a Spanish Death Trap. I can tell you that they do 100% exist, but they are exceedingly rare.

My old friend Mike Pickett had pictures on his now defunct website ( of an authentic Spanish Death Trap in Sonora, Mexico. He sent me the RAW Pics and the entire story:

The treasure hunters found a bunch of petroglyphs that showed coiled snakes which (in the context of Spanish Symbolism) mean DANGER. Near the top of a ridge line, they found an odd monument that looked an awful lot like a human silhouette.

View attachment 1128409

Searching the area that the silhouette appeared to be looking, they found a well covered ................. something. With an opening on the inside.

View attachment 1128411

After they cleaned the place out, this is what it looked like:

View attachment 1128413

In the center of the picture, you will see a VERY large boulder balanced on a smaller rock. The smaller rock is actually part of the bedrock under the boulder. It was shaped for this specific purpose. Look carefully to the right (our right) of the large boulder. There are three rocks piled on each other. Behind the large boulder is the entrance to a very rich gold mine. The bottom of the three rocks on the right side is about six feet long and obstructs the entrance of the gold mine. The way it works is that when a person moves that bottom rock, it dislodges the two above it (that are keeping the large boulder balanced). The boulder falls on the backside of the piece of bedrock. If this doesn't crush the intruder, it will trap them. Because the boulder falls behind the chunk of bedrock, it can't be pushed/rolled out of the way. If the intruder does not have people on the outside with tools enough to get that boulder moved, they are done for.


Mike Pickett was kind enough to autograph his treasure Diary. And used to view his site often. Seeing some photos of massive GOTCHA rocks made an impact on me. The engineering is incredible. Multi ton rocks, perfectly balanced on bedrock. Normal weather would never topple them.

They built these traps the same way they built their castles. By hand. Any rock can be shaped or moved with enough manpower. That is no mystery. I have recently moved and still looking for Mike's Treasure Notebook.

Those interested hunters on T-Net must read or buy the book. There are a couple others I have with photos of mountain tops reshaped, by hand to be visible and identifiable for hundreds of miles. Of course they used slave labor. However many it took. Entire cities were built the same way. Hammers and chisels and time.

I respect your posts Mr.G, but what you say about death traps, is not concrete, and cannot be positively proven.
Rocks,bolders dislodge for many reasons,ground movements, rain, other weather issues.Lets face head on the early
miners who wanted to hide whatever did not have modern equipment like bulldozers to move rocks weighing tons.
Just not possible when you apply logic.

What can I say except your are wrong. All ancient civilizations and massive monuments were built by hand. And that's a fact Jack. Go to a library and educate yourself?

The quotes below are from:

Out West Magazine, Volume 8 1898, Archeological Institute of America

"Hidden away in the hillside near the dam there is a lost gold mine that has been a matter of local interest for many years. The dump is there, and is aggravatingly prominent, but the shaft or tunnel is still undiscovered.

Nor would it do anyone any good to discover it. The buyer of a "gold brick" is a mature and sensible person compared to the man who bunts for "lost mines of the Spanish priests." The priests had no mines. Neither had anyone else until the Yankee came.—ED.
Prehistoric Fancy-work."

I quoted the text as written in 1898. If you are asking me to guess I would guess it was the crude dam that fed the irrigation canals. It can not be any of the current dams.

Hope the pics come through now. I moved them to and linked them here.


Like BB says, you are wrong. Death Traps are a real thing, just not as many of them as Movies and Magazine Articles would have you believe.

Anybody that says topping hills and cutting signs into mountain tops isn't possible, only has to look as far as Nazca, Peru.

All it takes in manpower and the will of the builder.


Mike, the hill tops that claim to have been "cut off" in Peru are merely areas of old sea floor where erosion has caused valleys and ravines around flat areas. That is why when some people claim the material from the "hill top" is missing, they are assuming things that are not valid, and are thinking about the situation in ways that promote their perspective, not geologic realities. The flat topped hills that now exist there are due to erosion around flat areas, there was never any "peak" of hills to be removed in the first place. You can see the same erosional processes at work all over NM where you have flat topped plateaus where erosion left them standing on their own. Of course, you may be referring to something else, so please clarify if I am taking your statements in the wrong way.

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Hope the pics come through now. I moved them to and linked them here.


Like BB says, you are wrong. Death Traps are a real thing, just not as many of them as Movies and Magazine Articles would have you believe.

Anybody that says topping hills and cutting signs into mountain tops isn't possible, only has to look as far as Nazca, Peru.

All it takes in manpower and the will of the builder.

Of course you are correct. Manpower, a means to support that man power, and the will and finances of the builder. Unfortunately, as society progresses in time, theses secret, massive, hand powered projects become simply unrealistic.

Mike, the hill tops that claim to have been "cut off" in Peru are merely areas of old sea floor where erosion has caused valleys and ravines around flat areas. That is why when some people claim the material from the "hill top" is missing, they are assuming things that are not valid, and are thinking about the situation in ways that promote their perspective, not geologic realities. The flat topped hills that now exist there are due to erosion around flat areas, there was never any "peak" of hills to be removed in the first place. You can see the same erosional processes at work all over NM where you have flat topped plateaus where erosion left them standing on their own. Of course, you may be referring to something else, no please clarify if I am taking your statements in the wrong way.

Yeah, maybe not the best example of constructed geo art. The Nazca terrain is natural and the figures were created by removing hand-sized rocks from the surface, exposing the different colored dirt below. Helluva nice job in any case. Mike's point is well-taken, though, in that there are plenty of examples of huge man-labor intensive earth-altering projects to be seen in many parts of the world.

But ... in North America? Hmm. The mound builders of the Midwest river valleys created some awesome 3D animal effigies - Serpent Mound being a terrific example. A few Nazca-like minor intaglios appear in the California desert. Both of these are way pre-columbian and part of local contemporary cultures. The Utah crowd insists on pointing out geological anomalies in the West and claiming the "ancients carved them". If so, they should look like more than just big odd rocks, even if old. I'll concede Korczac Ziolkowski's Black Hills project - which is awesome - but it's modern, and he and his followers used dynamite and bulldozers, not a small army of hungry ants.

Spanish treasure signs? Carving entire mountains as signs? With an army of "volunteers"? I love the concept, but need a whole lot of convincing that's so far been absent - especially in explaining the logistics of such a project and why there are no tribal memories of such an event from the "help". Not to mention why such a large sign is needed in the first place.



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Yeah, maybe not the best example of constructed geo art. The Nazca terrain is natural and the figures were created by removing hand-sized rocks from the surface, exposing the different colored dirt below. Helluva nice job in any case. Mike's point is well-taken, though, in that there are plenty of examples of huge man-labor intensive earth-altering projects to be seen in many parts of the world.

But ... in North America? Hmm. The mound builders of the Midwest river valleys created some awesome 3D animal effigies - Serpent Mound being a terrific example. A few Nazca-like minor intaglios appear in the California desert. Both of these are way pre-columbian and part of local contemporary cultures. The Utah crowd insists on pointing out geological anomalies in the West and claiming the "ancients carved them". If so, they should look like more than just big odd rocks, even if old. I'll concede Korczac Ziolkowski's Black Hills project - which is awesome - but it's modern, and he and his followers used dynamite and bulldozers, not a small army of hungry ants.

Spanish treasure signs? Carving entire mountains as signs? With an army of "volunteers"? I love the concept, but need a whole lot of convincing that's so far been absent - especially in explaining the logistics of such a project and why there are no tribal memories of such an event from the "help". Not to mention why such a large sign is needed in the first place.

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A well written post.

Mike Pickett was kind enough to autograph his treasure Diary. And used to view his site often. Seeing some photos of massive GOTCHA rocks made an impact on me. The engineering is incredible. Multi ton rocks, perfectly balanced on bedrock. Normal weather would never topple them.

They built these traps the same way they built their castles. By hand. Any rock can be shaped or moved with enough manpower. That is no mystery. I have recently moved and still looking for Mike's Treasure Notebook.

Those interested hunters on T-Net must read or buy the book. There are a couple others I have with photos of mountain tops reshaped, by hand to be visible and identifiable for hundreds of miles. Of course they used slave labor. However many it took. Entire cities were built the same way. Hammers and chisels and time.


I've talked with Mike to and he's a good man. To bad his website is no longer. You seem to be the only one else on here that believes what I've been yelling since early 2000 that the total landscape has been modified by men. I didn't know what it was called until I spoke with a gentleman in Florida.

Southern Arizona is no exception they shaped the ridge lines, ravines, mountain tops, plants, rocks you name it. That's why it's called Infinity in all directions. There is a place in Peru that has a massive rocks carved to look like many different shapes and Archaeologists couldn't explain it so they came up with the silly name Similacra to explain it that way they could shut down any more debate on the issue. What they were looking at was Abstracts carved by Pazzaro's Free Masons same bunch they brought over here. I had my first real argument with that Archaeologist and found out how closed minded their crowd really was.

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I've talked with Mike to and he's a good man. To bad his website is no longer. You seem to be the only one else on here that believes what I've been yelling since early 2000 that the total landscape has been modified by men. I didn't know what it was called until I spoke with a gentleman in Florida.

Southern Arizona is no exception they shaped the ridge lines, ravines, mountain tops, plants, rocks you name it. That's why it's called Infinity in all directions. There is a place in Peru that has a massive rocks carved to look like many different shapes and Archaeologists couldn't explain it so they came up with the silly name Similacra to explain it that way they could shut down any more debate on the issue. What they were looking at was Abstracts carved by Pazzaro's Free Masons same bunch they brought over here. I had my first real argument with that Archaeologist and found out how closed minded their crowd really was.

I think that if you had done a better job at presenting the information you would have sparked quite a bit of interest. This is criticism of your approach, not a personal attack.

Spanish treasure signs? Carving entire mountains as signs? With an army of "volunteers"? I love the concept, but need a whole lot of convincing that's so far been absent - especially in explaining the logistics of such a project and why there are no tribal memories of such an event from the "help". Not to mention why such a large sign is needed in the first place.

ALL the looters of the world were the same. Forced labor working innocent natives to the death. Then murder them all to protect the secret. The Conquistadors were not Holy men. They used religion to enslave the populations. Get out of line and you are dead. This is history. From South America through Central America, Mexico and into North America. Tribal Memories? Have you ever read or heard Tribal stories? Geez...... Open your eyes.

Listen when I say someone had a bad education I meant it. IMHO everything we learned in schools, the facts that some folks smugly toss out, are pure BS. Total lies. Everything. History? BS piled higher..

So many of us, our children, our forefathers were/are just plain ignorant. No change that. IGNORANCE implies that Truth resides somewhere and it is our own fault we are stupid. After a pretty long life the only Truths to be learned are from Tribal Memories. Similar stories around the world. And certainly more Spiritual than all the religions forced on us.

The age we live in, right now, has more resources to at least get a glimmer of Truths that have been hidden. How would civilizations pass on Tribal knowledge before writing? Carved in stone. No, wait that carvd map or signs "must" be modern! Got a friend who knows a guy who said so! So prove him wrong!!

The only proof I have sorted out is all history, science, medicine, religion, cosmic, evolution, other worlds, ufos, aliens on earth.... are lies. How many tons of un-damissable-evidence do we need to se to determine.. you know it's all crap. So what! Well we need to uncover why.

Most people I know are just beaten down. Over and over the same lies. The biggest Lie..
THE AMERICAN DREAM... Work hard and long (unpaid hours) forgo vacations, oh get more education. Sure it costs $40k even at local for-profit college but it will pay off. Hang in there! Anyone still believe that?

I did. That was my business life. Puckered up and waiting for MY kiss. MY big move. Which finally did happen.. A Beautiful Mantle Clock machine engraved with my name, years of service as a Valued Employee. Along with my one year insurance paid, and a princely dollar amount to supplement my social security. But we had a nice party, with a nice sheet cake in the break room where everyone could enjoy some cake on their breaks. The music, the glamor, the smell... I was SO PROUD. Proud to devote my life to a business. :)

Wait it gets better.. a Security buddy of mine cleaned out my desk for me, packed it in a box and carried it to my car. While I turned in my office keys and IDs to HR. I am so proud...
I never really believed the 'merican dream would happen to me! :)

That was how I got into treasure hunting. Truth. No matter how crazy the mythical treasure, I believe it more than the 'merican dream. And that's fact Jack.

I think that if you had done a better job at presenting the information you would have sparked quite a bit of interest. This is criticism of your approach, not a personal attack.

My presentation was as good as it gets with out showing to much. Sadly that's what happens on Public Forums. In the beginning all I was looking for was some recognition from Academia other professionals, Archaeologists. All I got was ridicule with lectures about Similacra's and of course the old standby, "I already know about all this because I discovered it" from one Archaeologist!

I have so much more that would prove beyond a doubt what I an BB are claiming is indeed true. But full presentations on a this forum is impossible.

Your only going to get bits and pieces.

The rest like Infinity itself is all left too your own Imagination.


My presentation was as good as it gets with out showing to much. Sadly that's what happens on Public Forums. In the beginning all I was looking for was some recognition from Academia other professionals, Archaeologists. All I got was ridicule with lectures about Similacra's and of course the old standby, "I already know about all this because I discovered it" from one Archaeologist!

I have so much more that would prove beyond a doubt what I an BB are claiming is indeed true. But full presentations on a this forum is impossible.

Your only going to get bits and pieces.

The rest like Infinity itself is all left too your own Imagination.

If you are correct it's a much larger story and telling it on TNet is only going to result in critical review which, is obviously frustrating you. It shouldn't. This is a great place to propose ideas as long as you have thick skin.

Go big or go home is what someone once said. So, go BIG. On not.

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