Spanish treasure signs? Carving entire mountains as signs? With an army of "volunteers"? I love the concept, but need a whole lot of convincing that's so far been absent - especially in explaining the logistics of such a project and why there are no tribal memories of such an event from the "help". Not to mention why such a large sign is needed in the first place.
ALL the looters of the world were the same. Forced labor working innocent natives to the death. Then murder them all to protect the secret. The Conquistadors were not Holy men. They used religion to enslave the populations. Get out of line and you are dead. This is history. From South America through Central America, Mexico and into North America. Tribal Memories? Have you ever read or heard Tribal stories? Geez...... Open your eyes.
Listen when I say someone had a bad education I meant it. IMHO everything we learned in schools, the facts that some folks smugly toss out, are pure BS. Total lies. Everything. History? BS piled higher..
So many of us, our children, our forefathers were/are just plain ignorant. No change that. IGNORANCE implies that Truth resides somewhere and it is our own fault we are stupid. After a pretty long life the only Truths to be learned are from Tribal Memories. Similar stories around the world. And certainly more Spiritual than all the religions forced on us.
The age we live in, right now, has more resources to at least get a glimmer of Truths that have been hidden. How would civilizations pass on Tribal knowledge before writing? Carved in stone. No, wait that carvd map or signs "must" be modern! Got a friend who knows a guy who said so! So prove him wrong!!
The only proof I have sorted out is all history, science, medicine, religion, cosmic, evolution, other worlds, ufos, aliens on earth.... are lies. How many tons of un-damissable-evidence do we need to se to determine.. you know it's all crap. So what! Well we need to uncover why.
Most people I know are just beaten down. Over and over the same lies. The biggest Lie..
THE AMERICAN DREAM... Work hard and long (unpaid hours) forgo vacations, oh get more education. Sure it costs $40k even at local for-profit college but it will pay off. Hang in there! Anyone still believe that?
I did. That was my business life. Puckered up and waiting for MY kiss. MY big move. Which finally did happen.. A Beautiful Mantle Clock machine engraved with my name, years of service as a Valued Employee. Along with my one year insurance paid, and a princely dollar amount to supplement my social security. But we had a nice party, with a nice sheet cake in the break room where everyone could enjoy some cake on their breaks. The music, the glamor, the smell... I was SO PROUD. Proud to devote my life to a business.
Wait it gets better.. a Security buddy of mine cleaned out my desk for me, packed it in a box and carried it to my car. While I turned in my office keys and IDs to HR. I am so proud...
I never really believed the 'merican dream would happen to me!
That was how I got into treasure hunting. Truth. No matter how crazy the mythical treasure, I believe it more than the 'merican dream. And that's fact Jack.