Are You Discouraged? Frustrated?


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Do you ever get so discouraged with your beach hunting results that you just want to quit? Believe it or not, and I don't mean this in a cynical fashion in any way, but, if you do find yourself getting this discouraged then you probably should quit. Just go home and put the machine up for a few days, maybe a week or more. Sometimes it's easy for us to become too driven and all too inspired at the worst possible times. Under these circumstances the discouragement can often came far too quickly and far too severe as we allow ourselves to become worn out mentally a lot faster because our expectations have far exceeded the realities of the actual hunting environment.

I only bring this up because it seems that there is a lot of discouragement right now, hunters spending hours on the beach desperately in search of targets, any target, “Please just give me one little tone.” Well, believe it or not you're not alone as just about everyone on either cost of Florida is experiencing this same thing because it's that time of the year when “very slow” is the normal routine, so what's the rush? Why those big expectations and penned up aspirations? If you're going to go anyway then go just to enjoy the beach and the sights because that's likely all you're going to discover to enjoy anyway right now.

Right now everything is all about “mindset” and those who will succeed will certainly go into their hunt with the right mindset, the advanced knowledge that they're not going to find much worth finding. However, they are certainly going to enjoy their time on the beach, the sights, the sounds, and the energy of it all. Before they even realize it they're two hours into their enjoyable hunt VS those other hunters who are already frustrated and ready to quit. This doesn’t mean that these happy hunters are going about their hunt with any less precision, it only means that they are doing it in an enjoyable fashion with the proper frame of mind. And if a few goodies are found would you like to place any bets on who is going to be the lucky recipient of those discoveries?

Everyday I go to the beach I am going there to find one thing, gold! And everyday I go to the beach I am going their fully dedicated to that search. But, everyday I go to the beach I also go there that the odds are always stacked against me, “always”. I don't care how well you know a beach or how busy the beach has been or how good all of your hunting skills are, the odds will always be against you in the end, the most skilled of hunters only able to shave those enormous odds against them a shade or two lower. So regardless when you go to the beach always go there to enjoy the beach atmosphere first. Being frustrated and discouraged is no fun and it WILL only serve to impact your metal detecting efforts negatively. Enjoy the beach, embrace a happy and positive attitude, and you'll experience greater enjoyment and success. :thumbsup:

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That certainly sounds accurate big scoop! I've been there as well as many others and you hit the nail on the head. I noticed in the past the more I expected to find, the less I found. The times when I did well with good targets was when I was in the zone focusing on the horizon in a trance like state. Sounds weird I know but when in that zone and calm the goodies came.

Thanks for the post and good luck!

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I remember that it takes one quality find to turn around a dismal day.

You're last two paragraphs are right on. I'm only two years into detecting but the rush of going out to my local beaches and just spending time looking is always there. Never frustrating or discouraging I enjoy each and every hunt...I've found so much more than I ever thought possible but never expected it....I've shared stories with friends and family about 'treasure hunting' which has encouraged many to start up the hobby. So for me it's the hunt and the time I give myself to do it...always time well spent!


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after detecting for only a year and one trip to a beach I am as fired up as ever.
I really didn't expect to find much my first time out.
Every year about this time many nice Ladies are planning their beach vacations. They will lose jewelry. Eventually I will find some.

And if I never find anything? hey dude it's a day on the beach!! no losers

I split my time between inland coin/relic hunting,and surf/beach hunting.This has been very good for me in preventing "beach burnout". If you are surf/beach hunting for 45 minutes or 6 hours the clean-up is still the same... rinse the machine,scoop,booties,finds bag,sun hat.Vacuum the car,wash the bathing suit,chafe guard,tee shirt,towels, etc,etc. The clean-up from inland coin hunting is so much easier! I feel lucky to live in an area where I can do both. Happy hunting.

Sorry.....I never get like that. I think once you catch the bug, you cant quit. I know I will have stretches with no significant finds, thing is......I have had those finds......and once you do......there is no cure.

Sorry.....I never get like that. I think once you catch the bug, you cant quit. I know I will have stretches with no significant finds, thing is......I have had those finds......and once you do......there is no cure.
Same for me.

There is no cure once you have the bug. It's like a gambling addiction.. some days you're lucky with a big hit and other days it's nothing but crumbs in clad and junk jewelry. That's what keeps me loving this hobby, is that the beach and the ground is like a slot machine and the next pull could either be a piece of nothing or a life changing find in my scoop in that second. Love this hobby!!..or addiction.

Sorry.....I never get like that. I think once you catch the bug, you cant quit. I know I will have stretches with no significant finds, thing is......I have had those finds......and once you do......there is no cure.

I second that!

I get physically tired but always the first one out the door to detect, lot of people have to realize that gold sinks incredibly fast in the sand,

Having dug my share of junk, I know that if you stop waving the wand you will not find the good stuff. I have found rings on beaches that have been hunted heavy duty by others. Many times i see other detectorists sitting in their chairs enjoying the beach, having given up on the search. If you enjoy the search, the effort is a joy regardless of what you find. Plus, the exercise of digging is a good workout. Think about it... you are at a great beach others pay big money to experience. The worst case if you decide to put down the metal detector and enjoy the beach... where is the negative in that?

For me its like this haha.
Sometimes When iam on the beach and i have a hard time finding anything,even clad i get frustrated,almost angry,want to quit,want to go home and whatever but i often take a 5 minute breather and just push on. This usally sets in after 1-2 hours of like 1 iron taget a hour detecting.
When i have a bad day like that and i keep going even when it seems hopeless it is such a boost when u have walked for a long time not finding anything and suddenly finds a ring or something even if its trash jewelry.
U wake up from that slow,sluggish,want to throw the detector out the water feeling to Fresh energy and the feeling of the luck has turned and wonder what i can find next.
Then again sometimes u never get that find and u go home bummed out but that feeling quickly dissepears for me after a cup of coffee and some nice food anyway and i just think next time,next time i will find something great and it all repeats.

And even sometimes i have the thought that ahh i have not found anything for a few hunts its no use to go out today, i Try to think well in the couch im not finding anything so might just go out and see if mother earth is nice today.
In the end i always want to go out detect, if i could i would be out everyday,10 hours a day because iam addicted and i can't deny that haha

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I've known guys who metal detect to reduce stress, then stress themselves out over their hunting. :icon_scratch:

Yeah, I have been hunting so much since I started about 4 months ago. I have been on a dry streak as well and am taking a week off. I let my buddy use my detector and it's kind of cool because he is having such a great time finding any target and sending me pics of all the bottle caps, pull tabs, and coins he has found. Needless to say, I can't wait to get back out there but I think taking a few days off was good for me and now my buddy is hooked and has already placed his order for the ATP. :)

I will 2nd the gambling connection. I was at least going to the casino once a month, since I started detecting I haven't been back! Maybe for those with a gambling problem a metal detector is the answer and may keep them from losing the house!

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Some days peanuts, some days shells. Let's face it no matter what one finds, it will not change their life style. Go for the pure enjoyment of being able to get out into an environment you enjoy and finding the unexpected as you pursue your hobby. Perhaps you have met some one or found something to return, making it a great day. And then there is always a good cup of coffee for the ride home.

There are many stories of treasure hunters making life changing finds. All it takes is to be in the right place at the right time. The odds are like winning the lottery though but the whole thrill of it, is knowing that there is treasure everywhere. Most will be smaller valued but there is still many jackpots waiting to be dug up. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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There are many stories of treasure hunters making life changing finds. All it takes is to be in the right place at the right time. The odds are like winning the lottery though but the whole thrill of it, is knowing that there is treasure everywhere. Most will be smaller valued but there is still many jackpots waiting to be dug up. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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True, but depending on what country you live in the battle to keep it may not be worth it, even if a battle is a legal possibility. So sad but so true in a lot of places these days. It should never be allowed to be like that anywhere, and yet......

All you need to remember is Mel Fisher's motto: "Today's the day!"

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