Are you a TRUE believer in the treasure of Forest Fenn? Put yourself to the test.

I have not spent much time at all on this subject, but it mirrors many other treasure stories.

Take, for instance, The Lost Dutchman Mine. Many very intelligent folks have tried wrapping their heads around it. They spent time, money, and boot leather trying to figure out the clues. The best example of the "FF Syndrome" is Karl von Mueller. After spending a while searching for it, he said it didn't exist. He did the same thing many people with big egos do "If I couldn't find it, then it must not exist."

All anybody can do is think for themselves. You look at all the clues and the man himself. Decide for yourself, THEN ACT (or don't)!


Gollum: We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!
Smeagol: No. Not master!
Gollum: Yes, precious, false! They will cheat you, hurt you, LIE.
Smeagol: Master is our friend!
Gollum: You don't have any friends; nobody likes you!
Smeagol: I'm not listening... I'm not listening...
Gollum: You're a liar and a thief.
Smeagol: No!
Gollum: *Murderer*.
Smeagol: Go away!

Mine too!
What are you saving people from? Fenn or themselves?

If your claims are that Fenn is this evil man? Lets hear it in detail,Other than "I'm qualified to make this assessment." Discuss it in detail and teach! Don't shame people. Help them!

Asking your questions to myself doesn't prove there is or isn't a treasure. It just gives you an answer to manipulate to your direction of thinking.

Helping? or manipulating? (poor wording but you get my point. maybe?)

This post is not intended to be insulting in any way. My idea of helping is just different. Doesn't mean either is right or wrong. If I'm out to destroy a man because of what I THINK, I better have some Good detailed ways to back that up. Your hurting people in both directions no matter what. Are you positive and 100% correct? I'm not willing to take that chance on opinion alone. Not without some STRONG, detailed evidence.

Right now, any of us could be any one. We only say or allow what we want people to know about us or not know about us in these forums. So, taking any ones word about anything, would be insane for any of us to do!!!!!!

I'm still not sure whether it exists or not.From what I'm looking at, on my own(and don't claim to be anyone), there is a stronger possibility that it does, over it doesn't exist. I want to see detailed proof of claims! Not just blanket statements from both sides. I can ask myself all the questions I want, that's not proof, just asks why I would be searching.:occasion14:

You could have a thousand people come through who could care less about FF, and say they would take the $10 bucks a day. How many of us that posted are actually truly searching for it? The majority that seriously believe aren't going to answer your questions! They don't want mocked,put down, belittled,etc....In the forums, by you or anyone else. They may feel this thread is a trap for that. Just saying!:occasion14:

Crispin!!!!!!! This is all your fault! I barely knew who FF was before these threads! Now, I'm obsessed with finding info and answers, why someone believes,why someone doesn't, if it exists who would be the best type person to find it,and if FF hid it the true reason why? My post isn't against you! Just true thoughts on the subject! It's all good! We don't all have to agree on things, that is what makes it fun and makes us learn! I'll admit you and many others have taught me! But I wanted to learn! And now I think some of you need to answer questions to support your claims, on both sides! So, I'm challenging all claims to learn what it is that you know that we don't that makes you sure. You may be right! I have to prove that to myself! Just like many other people do, for either direction. Of course I wouldn't be searching for a treasure on dreams of riches alone! There would have to be some fact that made sense to me to search and win the game. The money would not be my motivation.


I have made previous statements impeaching the character of FF. This thread is not about that. This thread is about Option one or Option two. One will choose between those options using any facts, theories, or opinions available to one. I believe an honest choice will help reveal to one a correlation in regards to if one believes the treasure exists and can be found.

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Just saying!

Who is going to answer honestly unless they have the same beliefs as you or question the treasure?!!!!!! So, the majority of your answers are going to back what you think! Maybe others feel this will be a trap!!!!

Too many variables to these questions to get an honest answer or survey! your quote above is just one example.

I'll stop, I'm just trying to be straight forward. I also want the answers. That's why I look into it and try to understand all directions. Doesn't mean I'm right either. Just thoughts.:occasion14:

I like helping people too! Don't see how your theory helps anyone! Look at post #9. Look at post #11........ You can't claim to want to help people in one post then make fun of them in another, and expect true results of your "test". Testing what?

I'm lost, my friend!:laughing7: Maybe could learn from each other!:laughing7:

I'll take my posts out in order not to sway your "test". I just wanted you to see some views, I'm just trying to help you!:thumbsup:

leave your posts! All part of the process. Censorship leads to the path of the devil...

I'll choose the possibility that a treasure can appear.
While not claiming any insight into the game/clues originator, a treasure appearing would save face should he care about such things .
Regardless of how long it was placed before being exposed.
Meaning, if there was none,but one was planted to create one, one would exist.

Should one such treasure appear; are critics then pacified?
An appearance can be staged at multiple times in a search with those searching unaware of time of origin, if done so with extreme caution of detail in it's placing..
So by voting an offered choice I still don't know all the possible variables and so vote as blindly as if I put faith in the original story solely on it's offered merit.

Good,bad,true,false,perception of options, are degree's. All involved in some stories.


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Doesn't matter if most people don't believe. If most people don't believe in alien life but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

it only took one hoosier who believed in the spanish treasure and it so happened he found it

FF already gave somebody title to his gold.

Just saying!

Who is going to answer honestly unless they have the same beliefs as you or question the treasure?!!!!!! So, the majority of your answers are going to back what you think! Maybe others feel this will be a trap!!!!

Too many variables to these questions to get an honest answer or survey! your quote above is just one example.

I'll stop, I'm just trying to be straight forward. I also want the answers. That's why I look into it and try to understand all directions. Doesn't mean I'm right either. Just thoughts.:occasion14:

I like helping people too! Don't see how your theory helps anyone! Look at post #9. Look at post #11........ You can't claim to want to help people in one post then make fun of them in another, and expect true results of your "test". Testing what?

I'm lost, my friend!:laughing7: Maybe could learn from each other!:laughing7:

I'll take my posts out in order not to sway your "test". I just wanted you to see some views, I'm just trying to help you!:thumbsup:

I see nothing Wrong with your Posts .

This is a treasure Hunting Forum.

As Treasure Hunter said
If you believe it exists keep searching....

the only people who are Out of line at TreasureNet, are those who Call us Treasure Hunters Fools
or Keep nay saying the same thing Over & over & over

as for my opinion is it Real ?

not where I live.


as soon as someone Finds it, I'll answer .


Here's my take on it for what it's worth.....I went with option #1 btw.

The facts as we know them 10 of thousands of people have wracked their brains trying to decipher the clues in the's been 5 years plus since this was made public.....this leads us to 3 plausible options.

1:- FF was so vague/devious with his clues of where the treasure was buried that the odds of anyone finding it is next to impossible.

2:-Someone did in fact find the treasure and chose not to come forward for obvious reasons.

3:-The treasure was never buried in the first place so it will never be found.

Anyone of the above options are possible so we're probably spinning our wheels trying to figure this puzzle out.

Regards + HH



Here's my take on it for what it's worth.....I went with option #1 btw.

The facts as we know them 10 of thousands of people have wracked their brains trying to decipher the clues in the's been 5 years plus since this was made public.....this leads us to 3 plausible options.

1:- FF was so vague/devious with his clues of where the treasure was buried that the odds of anyone finding it is next to impossible.

2:-Someone did in fact find the treasure and chose not to come forward for obvious reasons.

3:-The treasure was never buried in the first place so it will never be found.

Anyone of the above options are possible so we're probably spinning our wheels trying to figure this puzzle out.

Regards + HH


I don't disagree! And probably shouldn't have posted my opinion in the thread. Wasn't trying to sway thread. Don't agree with test, and a few other things, if you want it to work the way it was said to be intended.

There is a possibility both ways. And if someone wants to spend their time looking? Who cares! It's what they want to do! Now, if Forrest Fenn is a fraud? I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with someone, trying to teach what I knew that made me think that,And I better have some good sound evidence. I voiced my opinion more in A PM to Crispin. So, I won't go into anymore about it in his thread, about his thread. :occasion14:

I can only speak for myself, But after looking at all info and if I decided to go looking, it wouldn't matter if 1 or 1million have looked for it. It would be for the challenge or the adventure. I would not chase it spending my life savings on the chance. Just like people do with lotto,casino,drugs,etc....So, there is a lot to all this, in my mind. and more than just riches to some people. It's a hobby!

Also, all the times I've been told in life I can't do this or that because..........! I would have never accomplished or wouldn't have done anything. We have to justify our own reality with our own beliefs.:icon_scratch: The choice might not make sense to anyone else, and doesn't have to. I'm a half skeptic, but I won't be swayed by what someone else says alone. OHHH who really cares anyhow!!! Just something to talk about! :laughing7:

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I'm a skeptic also....I spent most of my career sifting through facts and figures for a living and I was pretty good at it.

I know when it comes to metal detecting most people told me the green spaces in my area were cleaned out by others before I started.

They must have missed a few because the rings in my avatar were found at these pounded sites among lots of other

For those that believe the treasure is out there heh....go for it.

Regards + HH



I'm a skeptic also....I spent most of my career sifting through facts and figures for a living and I was pretty good at it.

I know when it comes to metal detecting most people told me the green spaces in my area were cleaned out by others before I started.

They must have missed a few because the rings in my avatar were found at these pounded sites among lots of other

For those that believe the treasure is out there heh....go for it.

Regards + HH


Post has nothing to do with thread:
Count me amongst the cynics...Bill, you are no skeptic. This poem was meant for you. The rest of us aspire....
The House by the Side of the Road
New England poet Sam Walter Foss (1858-1911) evokes the age old image of
a humble house where the weary traveler finds a welcome - a house such as
Baucis and Philemon's - to remind us that we are here to help one another
along life's journey. Friends are "help-mates" to each other.

There are hermit souls that live withdrawn
In the peace of their self-content;
There are souls, like stars, that swell apart,
In a fellowless firmament;
There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths
Where highways never ran;
But let me live by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.

Let me live in a house by the side of the road,
Where the race of men go by;
The men who are good and the men who are bad,
As good and as bad as I.
I would not sit in the scorner's seat,
Or hurl the cynic's ban;
Let me live in a house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.

I see from my house by the side of the road,
By the side of the highway of life,
The men who press with the ardor of hope,
The men who are faint with the strife.
But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears
Both parts of an infinite plan;
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.

Let me live in my house by the side of the road
Where the race of men go by;
They are good, they are bad, they are weak,
They are strong,
Wise, foolish - so am I.
Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat
Or hurl the cynic's ban? -
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.

Sam Walter Foss

Lesson learned!!!!!
There once was a treasure really hidden, a gold horse. Clues were posted on a radio station for a year. The vagueness of the clues made it impossible to find. There was a limit on this hunt of one year. It wasn't found in the year so it was dug up and donated to a charity.

Now we have Fenn creating a situation where there is a poem which is so vague that it can place the treasure in a million places spread out from NM to Canada along the Rockey Mountains. The difference here is the tale was created to form a legend for Fenn. I doubt anything has been put out there, but if something is found, I would venture a guess it was placed shortly before being fond by 'a selected individual'.

Just a thought, Frank
_Ospray claw 700.webp

interesting post and I didn't know about the time limit. I wrote an article about this topic (removed by mod)and wouldn't it be crazy if it was donated to charity. It seems like that kind of donation would make the newspapers or something though. I like to believe that it is still out there somewhere but the fact that nobody has ever found it is kind of amazing. There are so many possible hiding spots out there though, that it could still be buried in probably some obvious place :)
Lesson learned!!!!!
There once was a treasure really hidden, a gold horse. Clues were posted on a radio station for a year. The vagueness of the clues made it impossible to find. There was a limit on this hunt of one year. It wasn't found in the year so it was dug up and donated to a charity.

Now we have Fenn creating a situation where there is a poem which is so vague that it can place the treasure in a million places spread out from NM to Canada along the Rockey Mountains. The difference here is the tale was created to form a legend for Fenn. I doubt anything has been put out there, but if something is found, I would venture a guess it was placed shortly before being fond by 'a selected individual'.

Just a thought, Frank
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Bill, I think I remember FF saying in one of his numerous interviews about this , that the treasure box was hidden not buried ,
can anybody confirm or deny this - from other statements of FF ?

The treasure of FF is out there, make no mistake.

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Gimme the ten bucks, please.

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