are they republicans??

Peyton Manning

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Dec 19, 2012
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List of Republicans Who Voted for Gun Control Bill


The Toomey-Manchin gun contorl amendment was thought to be the Senate’s best shot at passing any gun control this legislation.

It failed to reach the 60 votes needed, getting only 54 of the needed votes.

The defeat of this bill should more or less kill gun control for the immediate future in Congress.

Several senators from both parties defied their party’s stance.

Republicans voting FOR gun control:

Susan Collins (R-Maine)
Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)
John McCain (R-Ariz.)


I understand your questioning of these votes, but perhaps they were sending a message to answer a faction of their voter's at home. They knew that the measure would not have enough votes to pass, and voted to satisfy someones promise......Gary

I have been thinking lately that with the elections coming up, a democratic landslide either then or in 3 years could put democrats firmly in control of Congress, passing anything a democratic president might want, sweeping away or changing amendments, really cracking down on guns. This could be very intersesting...

Yes we saw the effects of that in 2008, and I think the voter's also realize what happened with the total control of all the branches within one party, and I could be wrong, but don't think the voter's will allow that to happen again, the Dems. were given their shot and failed drastically, and if their downward spiral continues it will be harder to maintain their dominance. that said I realize I am giving the voter's a lot of credit, and hope they don't blindly vote for personalities, we need competent people in office, who understand the Constitution, and reason that they were elected to office.....but I fear that will not be the case, and the present Administration hasn't finshed the job they started in bringing this Nation to third world stature, but they are well on their way. Let's hope some intelligent decisions are made in the next elections.....Gary

Republicans took control of at least 19 Democratic-controlled state legislatures Tuesday and gained more than 650 seats, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The last time Republicans saw such victories was in 1994, when they captured control of 20 state legislatures.

McCain is not a Republican, he is a traitor, a "wolf in sheeps clothing", and another one of obama minions..... I would not vote for McCain to be elected a dog catcher...

lol, no kidding at his age he's way to slow to catch dogs

All I know is it doesn't matter what the feds do, California "lawmakers" are even more ridiculous than the feds when it comes to gun control. Most of my guns (and accessories) are in safe places and will remain there no matter what "laws" these idiots come up with. I'm hoping that, after more level-headed people are in charge, most of the nonsense laws will be repealed.......kinda like prohibition. Many in this state have drawn a line in the sand, kinda like Obama but mean it, and we will not adhere to any gun control we feel goes against the constitution. It's one thing to break the law if it's a "legal" law but to adhere to a constitution that I once swore to uphold and protect is NOT breaking any laws in our book.

Susan Collins is a complete waste of space...her and john mccain probably are having sex with obama as we speak...Just not sure who is currently playing the role of the man in the relationship!

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